Seeing God
Seeing God
Matthew 5:8
a. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ places all its emphasis upon the heart. When Jesus taught, all along He is dealing with the heart. He rebuked the Pharisees because they were only concerned with the outside. They were concerned about external commands of religion; yet they chose to forget the weightier matters of the Law. That is, the love of God and the love of one’s neighbor. So, the heart is at the center of His teaching. “Blessed are the pure in heart.”
I. The Basis of Pure Heart:
a. What “pure” mean? It doesn’t have to do so much with cleanliness, although that is inferred. It has to do with “unity” or “singleness of heart or mind.” It literally means, “Blessed is that which is unmixed.” When He says, “Blessed are the pure in heart,” He’s saying, “Blessed are those who do not have divided hearts, who are not double-minded.” It means “singleness of heart.” (Matthew 6:24; James 4:4,8)
b. The Bible says in Acts 13:22 that David was “a man after [God’s] own heart.” When God was wanting to replace Saul as king over Israel and God came to measure David, God did not measure him by his physical appearance or ability. God measured his heart. (1 Samuel 16:7) Do you have a singleness of heart?
II. The Location of a Pure Heart:
a. Jesus was not talking about a muscle that pumps the blood, but the core of the individual, the seat of our emotions, the inner person. “Your heart” speaks of total commitment. (Proverbs 4:23; Jeremiah 17:9-10; Mark 7:20-23) You have a heart condition that resists all medication. All the spiritual disciplines in the world will not cure the disease of your heart. The heart is sick. It resists treatment.
b. Religion won’t touch it. You need regeneration. You can learn the Bible, quit drinking and drugs, and you’ll go to hell sober quoting Scripture. “You MUST be born again.” The problem is not on the outside; the problem is on the inside. How does God heal you? He gives you a new heart. (Jeremiah 17:14)
III. The Blessing of a Pure Heart:
a. You will see God. Sin blinds you. (2 Corinthians 4:4) But just get your heart pure; get your spiritual heart right, and your spiritual eyes will see the invisible God everywhere. (Hebrews 11:27) You’ll see Him in circumstances. You’ll see Him in nature. You’ll see Him in the face of your child or grandchild. You’ll see Him in the Scriptures. And, God will become living reality to you. (Luke 11:34)
b. (Psalm 27:13) That’s what we need—for God to be real; to see His goodness. And, what God wants in you more than anything else, is for you to be that woman, that man, after God’s Own heart. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they [and they alone] shall see God!”