A Marriage Made in Heaven
A Marriage Made in Heaven
The image of sonship stressed Yahweh’s election and the image of marriage stressed the free choice of Israel to enter into a covenant relationship
“Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.” - Ravi Zacharias
In essence God said, “You have told Me in a million ways you do not want My love, My mercy; now I will call you by the name that expresses what you apparently have desired all along—to not be loved or bear the responsibilities of being My cherished people. Therefore I will call you ‘not loved.’
Our natural inclination is to respond to our listeners who are facing hard times and reach out to them with the mercy of God. In so doing, we may neglect the people whose self-satisfaction may be keeping them from God’s best for their lives. Often we say to ourselves, “People already know how bad they are; they need to hear how great is God’s grace.” We can no longer get away with that simplistic approach to the gospel. You and I are teaching and preaching at a time that matches the spiritual conditions in Israel more than we may want to acknowledge.
People feel that if they believe in Christ, pray their prayers, and participate in church activities that they have become “good Christians” and have fulfilled their obligations. Many are not growing in their faith, leading others to Christ, or involved in ministry to heal the sores of suffering in our society. The frightening thing is that we can resist so long that we no longer desire to respond to what God is calling us to be and to do. It causes pain in the divine heart of God.