Romans Week 2 July 24, 2022
Paul, A Man Called By God
There is nothing so debilitating as life without purpose. Conversely, there is nothing so energizing as life filled with purpose. A life purpose will bring focus and drive to anyone, be they Christian or non-Christian
if a mundane purpose can empower an ordinary person, think what a divine purpose could do in the life of one who is linked to the eternal purposes of God
Should you expect a specific calling from God in your life?
3 Callings in the New Testament
A call to Salvation
A call to God’s Kingdom related purposes and plans
A Call Specifically to Ministry
We should all (as believers) listen for God’s leading to where He has called us.
Theology serves missions.
The Three Identities of Paul
3 Categories of Apostles in the NT
Category 1: Jesus
Category 2: The Original 12 Disciples
Category 3: Other people who lived during the time of the apostles but were not present with Jesus.
Are there still apostles today?
Paul the one who was set apart for the Gospel
the good news has its roots in the Old Testament, its fruit in the New.
The Gospel Paul is bringing.
Paul’s gospel is the gospel regarding God’s Son, born of a physical mother, making him fully human; conceived by the Spirit of holiness, making him fully divine and sinless; and raised by a father who was a descendant of David, qualifying him as well as part of the royal lineage in Israel. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.