Marriage -
A Covenant Marriage Is Sacred
• In the Bible a covenant was the most serious, the most sacred, and the most solemn agreement that could be made between human beings. It is a sacred act for a man and a woman to enter into a covenant relationship before God, family, and friends. God holds us accountable for the vows we make to each other on our wedding day. Promises made at the wedding altar allow entrance into a sacred covenant the terms of which are witnessed by God Himself. Christian marriage is a triangle—it takes three for two to become one.
2. Don’t Allow Anything to Interfere with Your Communication
• If you are overloaded with responsibilities, examine your commitments and determine where your priorities should be.
• Make time to communicate. Instead of filling your time with phone calls, television, shopping trips, sports, friends, and other activities, spend time talking with your spouse.
• Don’t allow anger or bitterness to keep you from communicating. If you shut out your partner, you do yourself and your marriage a great disservice.