Abel's Offering
By Faith
Faith Defines
Faith Exemplified
The Pattern of the Examples
Starting with Abel
Cain vs. Abel
The First of Many
Historical Conclusions
“Abel’s offering was living, Cain’s was lifeless. His was prior in age and quality, Cain’s was inferior. His was superior in strength and fatness, Cain’s was weaker.”
“The brothers having decided to sacrifice to God, Cain brought the fruits of the cultivated ground and of trees, while Abel brought milk and the firstlings of his flocks. This latter offering gave the greater pleasure to God, who is honored by those things which grow spontaneously and in accordance with nature, and not by those things which are forcibly produced by the ingenuity of covetous man”
“Cain brought of the fruits of the earth, that is to say, less valuable things,”
“The fruits of my works were better than yours and took precedence over yours; so it was my sacrifice that was accepted as well-pleasing.”