Making Jesus Lord

Pastor Les Ray
Discipleship 101  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  25:58
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Making Jesus Lord Discipleship 101 July 27, 2022 Making Jesus Lord  A Prerequisite For All Disciples Is Lordship  (Phil 3:8 NIV) What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ Making Jesus Lord  Lordship Of Christ = Putting Christ First In Every Part Of Our Lives  In Any Area Of Life That We Don’t Have Jesus Christ As Lord We Become Useless For The Kingdom Of God Making Jesus Lord  “Jesus Christ is not valued at all until He is valued above all.”  "If Christ Isn't Lord Over All-- He's Not Lord At All”  We Can’t Be Effective Disciples Without The Lordship Of Jesus In Every Area Of Our Lives Making Jesus Lord What Is A Lord?  "For Unto Is Born A Savior, He Is Christ The Lord" Making Jesus Lord  Jesus Is Called Both Savior And Lord  He Is Savior = He Delivers Us  He Is Our Lord: The Anointed Messiah Of God  He Is The Ruler Over His People Making Jesus Lord  He Cannot Be Our Savior Unless He Is Also Our Lord  (Acts 2:36 NIV) "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." Making Jesus Lord  For Us To Enjoy The Benefits Of A Savior We Must First Confess Jesus As Lord  (Rom 10:9 NIV) That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Making Jesus Lord  What Does It Mean To Call Him Lord?  It Means: He Has All Power – Dominion – Authority -- The Right To Be Master In Our Lives  We Are Confessing: He Is Equal With God We Are Declaring: He Is Worthy Of Power – Worship – Trust – Obedience -- Prayer Making Jesus Lord  (Ephesians 4:5 NIV) “There Is Only One Lord”  There Is No Need For More Than One Lord -- His Work Is Perfect No One Else In All Of Creation Compares To Him Making Jesus Lord  LORD = Adonai = “Supreme Lord,”  ADONAI = An Incommunicable Name Of God, And The Substitute For Jehovah, A Name The Jews Would Not Pronounce. Making Jesus Lord The Lordship Of Jesus Is Declared :  Lord Over The Angels  Lord Over Satan  Lord Over The Nations  Lord Over All Creation Making Jesus Lord Lordship Is Daily  The Call To Lordship For Christ’s Disciples Cancels Any Other Engagement  This Decision Of Lordship Is A Daily Commitment  Every Day When We Wake Up We Should Decide That This Is Going To Be A Day To Serve The Lord Making Jesus Lord  Lordship Is A Daily Decision To Be Available  It Is Not A Conditional Choice  It Is An Every Day -- Life-long Decision Making Jesus Lord  Don’t Just Acknowledge Jesus As Lord With Your Lips Acknowledge Him As The Lord With Your Life Making Jesus Lord  We Cannot Negotiate The Terms Of His Lordship Or Of Salvation  Jesus Is Lord -- It is Not Negotiable
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