Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Play, I really did.
Appreciate all the ones reached out and, and we're praying for us rumors of My Demise were greatly over the exaggerated, but I am doing well and so blessed to be back here.
This morning, we are in the the letter of 2nd, Peter, Knight and courage you to turn there.
As as we look at our passage today and is your tourney.
I want to share with you a quote from Spurgeon.
It's one of my favorite quotes that that he has and figured goes like this defend the Bible.
I would assume defend a lion.
Unchain and it will defend itself.
Isn't that an amazing quotes today was looking at at God's word?
And and no doubt, you can look around.
We can see in the society and world that we live in in this day and age that God's word is under attack unlike ever before.
As I Was preparing for this, you know, it's fun, you know, you read things on and all throughout the week.
And as you prepare last night, as I was just sitting there reading different articles.
I came across this article so I had to print it out.
It's not even in my notes there but it was produced at July 6th 2022, just a few weeks ago, it's put out by Gallup.
And It caught my attention in light of today's message that the heading on it was fewer in the US now.
See the Bible is the literal word of God.
I could have told you that but the article stunned me is I read the statistics overall adult Americans at this point even only 20%, even consider the Bible to be God's word.
That's 20% of them of adults.
As I read the article though, in my I was crushed.
Because that's overall as, as adults in America.
But as you look at the, the Evangelical Protestant church,
Say Christian.
only 58% say that the Bible is the inspired word of God, but not everything in it is to be taken, literally
if you're going to take the Bible literally than only 25% of Christian, those within the church, one in four people, hold that, this book, The Bible,
Is the literal word of God.
and then we looked around our nation, we look around our churches and we wonder why
things are as bad as they are.
When only one in for believers, and I would even question that honestly.
Even hold that.
The Bible is the literal word of God and it's to be taken literally That's concerning.
It seems as we look around.
And and I'm not even going to go into the world.
I'm just going to address the church today Peters addressing the church.
So I'll address the church.
The greater Authority today is, is man's opinion.
What seems to be going one way or another in the culture, in which we live?
My heart broke this last week cuz I was dealing with with one who calls himself a brother and Christ, who would not hold to the word of God and went the opposite way in sin.
A my heart, right?
Because that's not the opinion of him.
It's not the opinion of the world, in which we live there, for the Bible must be wrong.
Rather than going to the scriptures.
The church.
We hear things like what God spoke to me.
I was given a message from the Lord, and if those things line up with God's word, if you have, truly taken, time to look at God's work, pray and and see what he is saying in his work and he speaks that way.
I am I I get that.
But all symbols things come from within and where, where it's based on emotion is based on the circumstances that crush us 40, put pressure on those from around this.
It's only feel this way and we go and say, well this must be God making me feel this way.
The concerning concerning place to be.
And pretty soon.
Our emotions, our opinion.
The culture becomes the standard rather than The Bible.
Church, you have a pastor.
Who holds to this book, The Bible God's word as the literal word of God.
And I believe everything in it.
From Genesis to maps.
Okay, maybe not the maps.
I'll give you the maps.
All right?
But Genesis to revelation, This is God's word.
This Bible It's A Book Like No Other.
There's no other book like it, it, it was written in the span of time over.
Thirteen to fifteen hundred years, these passages were written.
That is a long time.
I can't comprehend that long.
Writing a book.
But God's word spans over thirteen to fifteen hundred years of writing, it was written in three different languages, Hebrew.
Aramaic, Greek.
Three different languages.
I struggle with one.
And it's consistent.
As it gives and a narrative in and gives poetry, it gives it gives argument of various texts throughout.
I mean, have you ever read the Bible cover to cover it fascinating.
All different types of literature, they're given for us.
We even have an entire hymnal.
What an amazing book written by over 40 different people.
With, with all sorts of backgrounds, I mean we are talkin Kings, prophets, Farmers fisherman.
Different backgrounds, different cultures.
Yet, as we look at God's word.
We see one.
One consistent message throughout.
It does not contradict itself.
And if you look at the page is a scripture, you see revealed to us what God wanted us to understand, from the very beginning.
God, promises of Redeemer.
Because we are introduced to thin man, sin is separation from God, and God promises a redeemer.
We see that throughout the eight pages of the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Redeemer comes.
Jesus Christ himself, God fulfilled, his promise
Jesus Christ.
We see as a redeemer sheds, his blood for the sin of man.
He dies, he's buried.
He rises again to life and then he comes to heaven, but he leaves a promise that he will once again, return.
Jesus Christ is coming back.
And when he does, he will rule.
He was faithful to the first promise, you will be faithful again, and we see that in the pages of scripture.
< .5
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