Let Us Set Our Faces Like Flint
Sunday Morning April 8th, 2007
Isaiah 50:4-9
Of Whom is Isaiah speaking? Of himself or of someone else? Some would say that he speaks only about himself. Others believe he describes all those that are faithful to God’s calling. For a child of God, the answer I believe is obvious. The prophet is speaking of the Messiah. This description fits no other person that has ever lived!
1. He is gifted with a learned tongue and ear (vs. 4) that He might always hear and say the right thing. From an early age, Jesus astounded men with His untimely knowledge. The prophets were told what to say – this Man speaks what He has learned from God.
2. He permitted Himself to be abused. He could easily have avoided death on the cross. To have done otherwise would have left us in our sins.
3. He set His face like a flint (vs. 7). Jesus journey to the cross was voluntary and deliberate.
I. His Resolve Was Fully Tested
A. By the offers of Satan and the world
B. By the persuasions of His close friends and family
C. By the unworthiness of those He died for
D. By the ease with which He could have avoided the cross -there would have been no recrimination from God
E. By the taunts of those that scoffed and mocked
F. By the terrible agony of crucifixion
II. We Are Called To Set Our Faces Like Flint
A. God’s purpose our first priority
B. Our entire lives a combination of active/passive obedience
C. Our lives characterized by faith
How might your life best be described? Are you lost in the pursuit of the material riches available to those willing to work steadfastly? Do you hope to gain all this world has to offer? I hope you have set your sights higher. Otherwise we might as well accept the title as chief member of the animal kingdom.