The Way Faith Comes
Sunday Morning March 18th, 2007
Romans 10
Peter was led of the Holy Spirit to visit Cornelius and through his preaching, bring the Gentiles to salvation. But it was the apostle Paul to whom the building of the Gentile Church would fall. Paul organized missionary teams and visited the chief Roman cities speaking to both Jew and Gentile. The evidence seems to indicate that he had very little success among his own people. In fact, one of his sorest trials came as the result of Jewish believers undermining his efforts among the Gentiles. Paul was frustrated that so many of his people would not accept Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. They had come to believe their Chosen Status and their faithfulness to the Law of Moses sufficient to please God.
Like Paul, we are continually distressed that people today do not recognize their need for Jesus. Secular Humanism has so pervaded our society that the majority has come to accept its teachings as fact. In direct contradiction of the Bible, humanism teaches that humans are basically good and can get better with effort. God has declared that none is righteous, no not one! The Gospel is not an offer made by God to an equal, but to hopelessly condemned sinners!
Those that believe in survival of the fittest do not understand that salvation is essential to survival. If the lost were starving for lack of food or water, then we would be able to gain their undivided attention. But we live in a land of plenty and most believe they might have whatever they want through individual effort. That is very much being happy on death row because the food is good!
Though Paul was greatly concerned for his Jewish brethren he had not entirely lost hope. He knew that what is impossible for man is quite manageable for God. Fortunately, it is not our responsibility to convict sinners. We are called only to proclaim the truth and then to live it as best possible. The most successful Christian witness is he that trusts the Holy Spirit to grow the seeds that are planted.
According to Paul, faith is the foundation of belief and belief results in salvation: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
I. The Way Faith Comes
- In no other way than by hearing
A. Not through inheritance
1. Pious parents do not always produce pious children
2. Sin is an inherited problem that must be dealt with on an individual basis
B. Feeling and emotion do not yield faith
1. How can one feel saved?
2. Salvation is known not felt
3. Salvation is inward change – first
C. Faith comes by hearing:
1. That God treats all people the same
2. That one promise is sufficient for all
3. That Jesus is Lord
II. Faith May Actually Be Obstructed
A. Through lack of attention
1. Many listen but do not hear
- They like the tune but don’t care for the lyrics
2. Like those that mistake the weeds
and thistles for wheat
B. Lack of intention
1. Unable to get motivated
2. Egg collectors with holes in their sacks
Should people really understand the truth they would be tearing down our doors to get in. As it is, they prefer an intellectual exercise to the truth. How will people hear? Why will people hear?