Check Your Reflection
Read: James 1:22-25
I heard of a man, an old fellow, who lived so far back out in the woods. He’d never ever even seen a mirror. And he finally found one. He was a grown man. And he looked at it, and he said, “Well, glory be. There’s a picture of my old pappy.” And he was so proud of it. He took it up and put it in the attic. His wife saw him up there in the attic. And she, being quite nosey, went up there afterward, and she found it, and looked at it. And she said, “So that’s the old hag he’s been running around with.”
1. Looking
What a deal there is of going to meetings and getting blessed, and then going away and living just the same, until sometimes we, who are constantly engaged in trying to bring people nearer the heart of God, go away so discouraged that our hearts are almost broken.
The verbs looking and forgets picture something that naturally or repeatedly occurs. Goes away pictures casualness and immediacy—at once he is gone and forgets. It would be silly to leave dirt on your face or your hair in a mess after seeing yourself in a mirror. It is just as silly to look into God’s Word and make no changes in your life. Whether we read God’s Word for ourselves or hear it read, our listening must have an attitude of seriousness and submission that will lead to obedience.