False Teachers and False Teaching (np)
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Phineas P. Quimby
Essek W. Kenyon (Grandfather of WOF)
Kennith Hagin (Father of the WOF)
Positive Confession: Joel Osteen, etc
A favourite here, even, is Joyce Meyer
Little gods. Creflo Dollar, etc
Joseph Prince. Sin - Repentance is Not from negative to positive
Miles Monroe, Benny Hinn: God can do whatever He wants to do. Ps 115.3. Ps 135.6 Not as they teach: God needs permission from us!!!
Jesse Duplantis. God asked Him for his opinion. God can’t kill people.
Health, wealth, speak into existence, gods you are. ALL WRONG.
Spiritual Death of Jesus (SDJ Doctrine)
Spiritual Death of Jesus (SDJ Doctrine)
He went to hell, was tormented, spiritually died, and ceased to be God, Jesus had to be reborn, Jesus had to be saved.
Joyce Meyer, Bill Johnson, Joel Osteen, all teach this.
Ps 22:1, 19, 24. Physical suffering. Righteous anger of God upon Him. Dying spiritually means He is no longer God? Spiritual anguish. Father into your hands I commit my spirit. Col 1:19-20, 1 Peter 3:18. Rom 5:9, Eph 1:7. It was the physical death of Christ that atoned for our sins.
Every cult disparages the cross of Christ. Including Roman Catholicism with the sacrifice of the mass. Pulling Jesus into a wafer and killing Him on their altar as the real presence of Jesus.