Don't Be Weary

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Being weary in doing good things.


Don’t Be Weary

Galatians 6:7-9 (NKJV) - “7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

God Is Not Mocked

We live in a world where humankind is deceived into thinking we know more than God...
Humankind is trying to make a fool of God by tearing down the righteousness of God and replacing it with unrighteous and immoral laws that satisfy the flesh. But God will not be mocked!


Many times the word uses natural illustrations to give us an understanding of the intended lesson we are to learn. Jesus used parables about sowing in Matthew 5, Mark 4, and Luke 8 known as the Parable of The Sower or Parable of The Soils.
It was an illustration of the word of God being sown into the hearts of people.
When we sow or plant something we expect to see something grow, but if we don't sow correctly the outcome won't be what we want.
The same principle applies to sowing into our relationship with Christ.
This life is sowing time. We are sowing into the harvest that's coming when Christ returns.
The flesh is in constant conflict with our spirit. When we sow to our flesh:
We will have a “what’s in it for me attitude.”
We will do selfish things for selfish reasons.
We won't care who we hurt.
We will achieve our goals by any means necessary.
We will reap corruption. We will perish. We will reap destruction and misery in hell.
When we sow to the spirit:
We will be more conscious of the well-being of other people.
We will be unselfish, placing others' needs above our own.
We will achieve our goals in God's timing and God's provision.
The more we sow in the spirit, the more bountiful our harvest will be.
We will reap an eternal life of joy while glorifying God.


Jesus has hired us to take care of His vineyard. He won't be looking over our shoulders to make sure we do what we're supposed to do. He has given us a choice. Either we do what He says or we don't. Some of us may decide to sow like we see fit because we think our way is right. And some of us will do it the way He says.
When He comes back, we have to give an account of our work. He will find that some of us sowed into our desires, our senses, and our selfish ambitions, while some of us sowed the seed we received from Him into other people's lives and stuck around to make sure they took root.
The ones who did it their own way will hear "Depart from me." And the ones who did Christ's way will hear; "Welcome..."

What Is Well-Doing?

Well-doing can be described as doing what Jesus would do. Whenever we reflect His image around our church family and away from them, we will be in the process of well-doing? Here a few examples.
Being a good example as leaders in the way of punctuality and worship.
Doing the right thing even when it's not popular.
Going against the norm to protect the disadvantaged.
Going against the norm and refusing to be a part of or refuse what others are saying is right and you know its wrong.
Psalm 37:3 says trust in the Lord and do good.
Matthew 5:16 - Jesus said let your light shine.
1 Corinthians 10:31 - whatever we do all to the glory of God.
1 Peter 3:17 - Sometimes it's God's will to suffer for doing good. The suffering is better than what we will reap for doing evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:5 - Don't repay evil for evil but always seek to do good to and for everyone.

Don't Be Weary

We are housed in a fleshly body and sometimes we get just plain tired. It's a natural thing to flee from what makes us uncomfortable, and at times doing Kingdom work can be uncomfortable.
Like dealing with people who don't like us.
Dealing with people we know are trying to hurt us in one way or another.
Dealing with the heat of a summer day or the cold of the winter to go out in the vineyard and represent Christ.
The list goes on and on, but don't be weary!
The devil is a master of deception and he has tactics and devices.
He will attack our physical/natural ability to cause us to forget our spiritual ability.
He doesn't want us doing what believers do. He doesn't want us laying hands on the sick so they can recover. He doesn't want us casting out demons. He doesn't want us doing anything good for the Kingdom of God.
He knows if he can attack us physically and mentally, we will be distracted from what God has already placed in us when we first believed.
We don't intimidate him in our own way that seems right. The only power he respects is the way of the Holy Ghost, the power that works in us.


Keep in mind that Satan tried to tempt Jesus several times.
In the wilderness...
And all the way to the cross he was nailed to...
Luke 23:34-40 tells about how the rulers mocked Him by saying He saved others, let Him save Himself. And one of the thieves yelled at Him saying if you be Christ, save Yourself and us."
But He would always reflect back on the will of His Father, and our Father which is to be used to glorify God!
Let's celebrate God for His Son Jesus who empowers us to not be weary in doing well!
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