Aunt Kay - Memorial

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Good Morning. On behalf of the Wilbur family and friends of Kay Wilbur, welcome to this celebration of her wonderful life.
My name is Bruce Thompson, Kay’s nephew, by her sister Mildred. My 2 brothers and 2 sisters and myself always looked up to our elder cousins from Nor Cal and Aunt Kay and Uncle Gordon.
We have very fond memories of visiting the Wilburs in Pleasanton growing up. One summer all 5 of us spent a week there at the house on Greenwood. Can you imagine having 5 kids left at your house for a week without their parents. The interesting thing is that I never remember Aunt Kay ever getting mad or raising her voice in anger. She was always an example of class and patience. I truly never heard her say or repeat anything about anyone that was not kind or good.
One of the things we all remember about Aunt Kay was her willingness to have a conversation. She seemed to always have time to talk and was sincerely interested in our lives.
Our family down in LA lived next door to our GrandMa and GrandPa, Kays parents. This gave us a unique perspective as we could relate to our Grand Ma and GrandPA as parents and created for Aunt Kay opportunities to recollect childhood memories relating to her own parents.
An interesting fact I have just learned is that Aunt Kay was a big fan of Westerns (movies). Her dad our Grand Pa was also a big western fan as well. I guess the acorn doesn't fall to far from the tree.
Aunt Kay lived a very healthy long life, as a matter a fact she would have been 95 this last Wed, the 27th. Of course one of the difficult things that Aunt Kay had to endure was the passing of her husband Gordon, and her 2 sisters, Evelyn and Millie, and her brother Buddy. In a conversation a year or two ago she told me that fewer and fewer people knew the people she had known especially in her younger years.
When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, over 40 years ago, Aunt Kay dropped everything to come down to LA to care for my mother in her last weeks of life. She was always very selfless, never complaining, and willing to help. Her servant attitude was a huge lesson to our family in a very difficult time.
After my mother passed away Aunt Kay filled the role of surrogate mom to all of us. My sister Brenda shared that when she gave birth to her twins, Ben and Abby, Aunt Kay came to help her with the babies. My sister Susan also received help from Aunt Kay when she was married and when she had her own daughter Violet. I am certain countless others could share similar stories.
A few years ago my wife and I came up for Janet and Glens 30th wedding anniversary a great time was had by all. Following the party we all got together at their home in Fairfield and I had great time visiting with Aunt Kay. I think I was able get her to myself for a couple of hours. As a Pastor, I am always curious and interested to talk about spiritual things. Aunt Kay was especially open to talk.
I learned that in their younger years Kay and Gordon were Sunday School teachers. She had also been very involved along with her sisters with Church activities growing up in Massachusetts. Aunt Kay certainly had a strong understated faith.
One of things she made clear that night was that she believed in the resurrection of the dead. This of course is the hope of all believers. That this life is not the end.
In the oldest Book in the Bible, The Book of Job, Job comments;
Job 19:26 NASB95
26 “Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God;
In the Gospel of John when Jesus learned His friend Lazarus was very sick He delayed two days going to see him. Finally, word was sent that Lazarus had died and Jesus went to the home of Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha.
Upon arrival, Lazarus’ sister Martha approached;
John 11:21–26 (NASB95)
21 Martha then said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.
Kind of a pointed comment when you think of it.
22 “Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”
23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
24 Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”
25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,
26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Jesus then asked, Do you believe this?”
Well, I believe that Aunt Kay believed this and I fully expect to see her again. I hope you have this hope in you as well.
Will you pray with me.
Heavenly Father, We thank you for the Life of our Mother Aunt and friend Kay Wilbur. We ask for your Holy Spirit to come to us and comfort us as remember her. We ask that the memory of her would inspire us to live more selflessly and patiently as we deal with others.
Finally, Lord we ask that for those who distant from you that you would reveal Yourself more fully to them. For those that are hurting you would comfort and any who need healing you would touch.
In Jesus name .
And now please join me in the Lords Prayer,
Matthew 6:9–13 NASB95
9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread. 12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’
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