Join the Movement

Join the Movement  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Philippians 3:10–16 (MEV)
Expound on current situation.  Talk about change. How change happens whether we notice it or not.  Explain with the age concept.
Summary: Here is the change that not only that I want to see, but more importantly that I believe that God expects: We can and must keep moving ahead in our relationship with and service for Jesus. Here are several moves of a Christ follower. This can come in a variety
Philippians 3:10–16 MEV
to know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if somehow I might make it to the resurrection of the dead. Not that I have already attained or have already been perfected, but I follow after it so that I may lay hold of that for which I was seized by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not count myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let those of us who are mature be thus minded. And if you think differently in any way, God will reveal even this to you. Nevertheless, according to what we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.
Do you have God-sized dreams? Have you allowed Him to expand your thinking and increase your expectations? I sure hope so. If not, take some time this summerto dream some God-sized dreams. Then determine what your next actions steps are and go for it!
The message today deals with pressing on, moving forward. There is no time like the present to connect with God’s purposes and dream big with God! With the transition comes a time for all of us to dream God size dreams.  He wants to share them with us.  More importantly, He wants us to know Him like never before and become the people He planned for us to be. Here is the main idea I’d like to talk about today:
Prop: We can and must keep moving ahead in our relationship with and service for Jesus.
Interrogative: How can we maintain the necessary progress in our walk with Christ?
TS: We can press on to know and serve Jesus more by following some simple guidelines from the text.
I. Move Closer to Jesus (10-11). Expound that this is where everything starts
Philippians 3:10–11 NLT
I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!
II. Move Closer to God’s Purpose for your life (12)
Philippians 3:12 MEV
Not that I have already attained or have already been perfected, but I follow after it so that I may lay hold of that for which I was seized by Christ Jesus.
-God had called Paul to be an apostle to the Gentiles.
Acts 26:16–19 MEV
But rise and stand on your feet. For I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and a witness both of what you have seen and of what I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver you from your people and from the Gentiles to whom I now send you, to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ “Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,
-What has God called you to do? Maybe you didn’t receive a vision from heaven like Paul did, but what has God given you, and how are you using it? When God got a hold of you, what did He have in mind for you? Forgiveness? Yes, but more. A better life? Yes, but more. For you to become a responsible citizen? Yes, but so much more. Maybe you haven’t found your purpose in life that defines you yet. In one sense my advice is relax – but not too much. Don’t get uptight about having to see the big picture. Just start where you are right now and do what you sense God is calling you to do. Get to know Jesus. Read your Bible. Talk to the Lord through prayer. Listen to Him. Ask Him to lead you and teach you to hear His voice. Love God. Love people. Take care of your family. Be a good neighbor.
III. Move beyond the Past (13)
Philippians 3:13 MEV
Brothers, I do not count myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
(There is a sense in which we can learn from our failures and celebrate our successes, but Paul is saying, “What are you going to do with today and tomorrow?)
A. Do not rest on the satisfaction of past accomplishments
-George MacDonald wrote, “Nothing is more ruinous to progress than supposed success.” It seems so easy for us to want to relax after we have some success in our lives.
-I heard of a coach who had been warning theteam about getting overconfident in our own abilities. Just the week before, we had beaten a team soundly, and were pretty proud of ourselves. Then, we went face a much smaller school, and they beat the tar out of us.
-If anyone could have patted themselves on the back for a job well done and retired to Easy Street, the apostle Paul certainly could have. However, something was compelling him to do more than asked and go farther than expected. What kept Paul from just taking a deep breath and saying, “Wow! We’ve done pretty well. Now let’s just sit back and enjoy the fruit of our labor”? I think it all ties in with having that living relationship with the risen Christ. If we love Jesus and listen to what He is telling us through the HS, then we will never become satisfied with coming this far. God will help us see that we must keep pressing on until the day He calls us home.
-We must resist the urge to settle. This world is not our home. We still have a mission to accomplish. There is much work to do in God’s kingdom. Work as if everything depended on you. Pray as if everything depends on God- and indeed it does.
-If Paul had to say, “I have not arrived,” and put the past behind him, how much more do we need to do the same?
B. Do not let the failures of the past haunt your present or future
-This is equally as damaging as resting on past achievements. If we allow them to, the mistakes and failures of the past can affect how we view ourselves in relation to the present and the future. Unless we allow the Lord to transform our mind through His word and by His Spirit, then we will allow past failures to become today’s reality and tomorrow’s expectation. We must ask the Lord to change our thinking and help us to see through eyes of faith. Even though Paul had made some serious mistakes in his past, he was able to say things like this: “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
TS: So we can put the past behind us and move ahead to what God is doing now.
IV. Move Toward the Goal (14)
Philippians 3:14 MEV
I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
-Talk about press. Expound with a story or example. Basketball
Rather than sitting still, or slipping backwards, Paul showed that he was only interested in forward progress. Who wants to go backwards in life?
-Paul uses phrases that show how much he wanted to keep moving forward. He is using the word picture of a runner, who is straining forward, leaning hard toward his goal, giving all the effort that he has. Now the verb Paul uses for “press on,” is actually a hunting term, with the idea of catching what you are hunting after. However, since Paul is using the illustration of a runner in a race, then the verb takes on the idea of running hard to win a prize.
-The thing to remember here is that we must keep growing, moving, and gaining ground. There may be times when it is a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Whatever it takes! Just don’t settle for where you are right now.
V. Move with Motivation to Win (14)
-Now this all sounds pretty good, and most of us would agree that we need to keep moving ahead, and not allow our growth to be stymied. But how do we do it? How do we keep our motivation to keep on going – especially when things do not go well for us, and we get discouraged? Reference full court press again. How it improves not only the game but the players motivation.
-Well, Paul talks about pressing on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of him. He wants to grab onto Christ, getting to know Him personally and intimately. But the thing that keeps Paul motivated to get a hold of Christ is the fact that Christ has gotten a hold of him. KJV uses the word, apprehended. This is like the word arrested, seized, or grasped. When Jesus met Paul on the road to Damascus, He got a hold on him and did not let go.
-That should make us think about our relationship with Jesus. Does He have a hold on us? Are we in His grasp? Have you encountered the risen Christ? Have you experienced His presence and power in your life in a way that has changed you forever? This is so important to our motivation! If we have not completely surrendered ourselves to Christ by faith and allowed Him to get a hold of us, then we probably aren’t going to bother pressing on to get a hold on Him and all that He has for us to be and do for Him. It is also important that we continue to have encounters with Jesus. This is not a one time thing.
-We must keep pressing on to know Him daily and keep running the race for the prize. In the Greek Olympian games, the winners of the foot races were honored by highly respected officials called agonothetes. After the event, the name of the victor was announced, along with his father’s name and country. Then the winner would come up and receive a palm branch from the agonothete. This seems to be the imagery Paul is using when he speaks of the upward call of God. Paul is running to win the prize that God, the Agonothete will give him when He calls him up and announces his name, the prize that is found in knowing Jesus. Paul isn’t running for a lousy palm branch. He is running for the prize of knowing Jesus as closely as possible – ultimately face to face.
-So, how can we find this kind of motivation to keep pressing on, running the race to win? First, by getting a hold of Jesus. If Jesus is not making any significant difference in your life, then I think it is safe to say that you don’t really have a hold of Him. Seek Him, call upon Him. You will find Him when you seek Him out with your whole heart. Second, we must recognize how valuable the prize is. What motivates people? Money? Recognition? Pleasure? These things are all empty without knowing Jesus. Once Jesus gets a hold of us and we get a hold of Him, then we will find further motivation to get to know Him more. We also find motivation by knowing we will see Him and be with Him.
-TS: Finally, Paul tells his friends that even if they do not yet see that knowing Jesus is the ultimate prize, and that He is worthy of all of our devotion and affection, that the Lord will keep working on them to make it clear to them. I am so glad that Paul leaves them with hope – even if they fall short of where they should be. God is still working on us, but He does expect us to live up to what we do know and have received, which is our final point.
VI. Move responsibly (15-16)
Philippians 3:15–16 NLT
Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.
-It is of vital importance that our walk matches our talk! Otherwise, our words are full of hot air and will not amount to anything.
-Have we received God’s forgiveness? Then let’s live a forgiven life, and walk in forgiveness. Have we received God’s love? Then let’s pass it on and love one another. Have we received God’s peace? Then let’s live in peace and unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
-God doesn’t ask us to do anything that He has not equipped us to do. However, when He equips us with more grace and truth, He expects us to use what He has given us.
-We must be careful not to fall into the error of forgetting the basics. The basics of the Christian life are to love God and man (Love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself).
-Paul may be making another reference here to the need for unity among the believers in Philippi. God will help them grow and reveal Himself to them, but they must be obedient to what God has already shown them.
-Martin Luther commented on these verses and said, “The nature of a Christian does not lie in what he has become but in what he is becoming.” So, don’t settle back and take the easy way out. Live out the things God has already revealed to you, and as you do, He will keep working in and through you, taking you to new levels of faith and effectiveness for Him.
Mature … live up to what we have already. Christians who have made progress in terms of spiritual growth and stability must not become unconcerned or allow a lack of dedication to be part of their lives. Mature followers of Christ are those who continue to grow in their relationship with God—through good times and bad—continually living up to what they have “already attained” and beyond. Becoming more mature and making this kind of progress in your Christian life requires the following:
(1) You must put into practice the Biblical knowledge you already have and the truth you already understand. You are responsible to apply to your life what God has already shown you. Christians often ask God to give them “more” spiritually; but why should God give us more when often we are not living up to and applying the Biblical principles we already know? (See 1Co 2:6; 3:1–3; Heb 5:12–6:1.)
(2) You must press on to higher levels and a deeper relationship in your spiritual life as you walk with God. This means breaking the up-and-down cycle of spiritual victory followed by defeat that will restrain or completely stop your Christian maturity. Circumstances will change and your feelings will go up and down, but you can still make constant and steady spiritual progress by growing closer to God and applying his Word through it all.
Conclusion: In closing, we must keep pressing on in our relationship with Jesus. We must keep seeking to know Him more and more. We do this by putting the past behind us, and making constant forward progress. We move forward by pursuing His purpose and calling for our lives. We stay motivated by getting a hold of Jesus and not letting go. We must make it our goal to know Him better each day. Finally, we can keep pressing on by living up to what we have already received, making sure our actions line up with the truth we have received. Don’t settle for second best, but as Paul wrote back in 1:10, that you may be able to discern what is best, and live that way.
-Are you moving ahead in your relationship with Jesus? Are you pressing on and growing in the Lord? It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been a Christian, we must continue to grow and mature and be more effective for Christ. There might be things from your past that are keeping you from moving ahead with the Lord. You can be free from the past! No matter what you may have done, or what has been done to you, you can be free from the past, if you will let the Lord do for you what you cannot do for yourself. Maybe you need to set aside some time to spend just seeking Jesus. This will help you know Him more and will give you more motivation to keep pressing on in all areas of your walk with Him. Are you living up to the truth that you know? If not, what is stopping you? Let’s ask God to help us be all He wants us to be, as we seek to know and serve Him more
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