What Revelation is Really About
The End Times, the Mark of the Beast, the Antichrist, charts and maps...is this what the book of Revelation is REALLY about? Or is the most confusing book in Scripture about something else? Join us as we show how to understand this interesting book and show how practical it is for our daily lives.
We could think of it as a news report on what is happening on earth as reported from heaven. Angels and demons that are active on the earth are in full view. We see past, current, and future events in cosmic technicolor, communicated to us in the form of images and impressions, metaphors and symbols.
There is no magical blessing in simply hearing what is revealed in Revelation. There’s no blessing for those who hear it but choose to ignore it, reject it, rebel against it, or simply treat it as fodder for their curiosity. The blessing is for those whose lives are impacted and shaped by what is in it. It changes their priorities. It builds up their courage. It impacts how they spend their money. It leads them to worship in spirit and in truth. It sends them to their knees in prayer. It emboldens their witness. It takes away their fear of death. It fills their imagination and fuels their anticipation of where history is headed, and it shapes their understanding of how their suffering will resolve in the new heaven and the new earth.
Oppressive governments are under his control. False teachers are under his control. Evil is under his control. The suffering of his saints is under his control. The destruction of the devil is under his control. Time is under his control. The earth and stars are under his control. Everything is under his control because he is not just mighty; he is the Almighty.
Imagine what it would mean for us if none of what we’ve been shown in these first eight verses were true. What if God did not choose to reveal or uncover these things for us? What if he did not act to reveal to us where history is headed? The sorrow and persecution that so many endure for him would seem meaningless and truly unbearable. Imagine if we had no resource for grace or peace. Without Jesus as the faithful witness, how would we know what is true in a world of so many lies? Without Jesus as the firstborn from the dead, how would we have any hope of life beyond our number of years on this earth? Without Jesus as the ruler of kings on earth, what would keep us from despair over the corruption, oppression, and misery that is so pervasive in our world? If Jesus did not love us by freeing us from our sins, we would still be ruled by them in the here and now, and we would be destined for destruction because of them in the hereafter. If he had not made us a kingdom and priests to his God and Father, our lives would have no dignity or purpose.