What Revelation is Really About

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The End Times, the Mark of the Beast, the Antichrist, charts and maps...is this what the book of Revelation is REALLY about? Or is the most confusing book in Scripture about something else? Join us as we show how to understand this interesting book and show how practical it is for our daily lives.


As part of our “I Wonder...” series…you have all submitted amazing questions, and we have covered a lot.
But there is one theme that has emerged the most. Listen to some of these questions:
## I wonder if we are in the end times or when we will be. -4
## What will happen to our human bodies at the time of the rapture?
## How will we know the anti-Christ is real?
## What needs done for Jesus return? Jordan Steiner
Why does God not intervene/or do mighty acts or miracles in a big way to let people see He is God?
What is the role of angels in our lives? And demons on earth??
Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib??? When will Jesus return?
The end times. Has it begun…what are the signs? -
When do you think the church will be raptured? Pre, during, or post tribulation?
I wonder when the rapture will happen? I wonder when Jesus is going to come for us. Come Lord Jesus soon. When will Christ return? How should we keep watch?
Do we get to keep our same identity…name…looks…etc.…does it really matter?
What is Jesus waiting on to come down from heaven?
Why don't all nations know Jesus?
What will happen after the end times? Duke
Do all animals who die go to heaven?
I would like a series done on the end times, or Revelation.
When can we have a study on Revelation?
Can you go over the book of revelation?
and the answer is “yes...” and starting today.
so we are beginning a series—chapter by chapter, verse by verse on this interesting and difficult book.
b/c so many—about 20-25% were related to this.
so it is my hope this book will help answer those questions
and another reason I thought about doing the book of Revelation is—because when you think of Swiss Days—what do you think of? the end of the world…Revelation—or at least the end of summer…sadly.
so turn to Revelation 1:1.
before I read it—I want you to understand the history of interpretation here.
Here are some ways Revelation has been interpreted -
Preterist View—see the prefix—pre—if you hold to this view in reading Revelation, you believe that a lot of what Revelation describes has already been fulfilled, mainly in the 1st century, so it was particularly relevant to the first reader who was living under the Roman Empire. “soon take place”
Historicist View: view Revelation as describing different ages in the church throughout church history—from John’s day to our day and when Jesus returns. Most of these views have focused on European and American and western church history—even calling the pope the antichrist.
Futurist view: that most of what Revelation describes will happen in the future—it has not been fulfilled.
a. Dispensational futurist—chapters 6-19—you believe that the church and Christians will be raptured before a literal 7 year Great Tribulation, and after this tribulation God will fulfill his promises to bless Israel during a 1,000 year period that does not directly pertain to the church. (I used to be in this camp. Left Behind Series in this camp)
b. Historical Premillennialist—you often believe that the church will not be raptured and will pass through a tribulation period. And will share in Christ’s Millennial reign.
4. Idealist view: you interpret Revelation more symbolically. Revelation depicts the ongoing conflict between God and Satan throughout the church age. Those in this camp are hesitant to identify symbols in Revelation with specific events.
5. Mixed View (or eclectic view): NIV Study Bible: “Preterists are probably correct that the whole book, not simply chs. 1-3, addresses the circumstances and concerns of John’s first-century readers. Idealists rightly affirm that Revelation has ongoing relevance throughout history and that John’s symbolic visions may have multiple fulfillments. Futurists correctly stress that Jesus will return to judge evil, save God’s people, and establish God’s everlasting kingdom.”
All have their strengths—the mixed view is best.
with that in mind let’s read.
the last book of the Bible starting at chapter 1:1.
Revelation 1:1–8 NIV
1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. 4 John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. 7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
So…how can we understand this crazy book...
Know the type of writing (genre) (vs. 1, 3, 4)
what some call “genre”—know the type of literature, the type of writing, the style it is.
and we do this automatically in life. If you send a text to a friend, your friend will read it differently than if you sent them a news article. we read a fiction book like Lord of the Rings differently than we would a tweet.
what are some genres we see here?
apocalyptic (vs. 1)
Revelation 1:1 NIV
1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,
the revelation—the Greek word behind it is where we get our word apocalypse. and all that word means is an unveiling. It is revealing what is hidden.
the purpose of this book is for God to reveal through His Son Jesus Christ by his angel to John to us—what must soon take place. what is hidden to us—but is known by God.
it is meant to reveal what is hidden—so it is not meant to confuse—but to show us something we could not see on our own. that God must show us. John wrote to 1st century Christians to reveal something from God, something they would understand! something He wants us to understand.
along with this apocalyptic also uses strange symbols, crazy visions and dreams, weird stuff. just like Ezekiel and Daniel and Zechariah in the OT are this.
Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation Hearing Revelation as Apocalyptic Prophecy

We could think of it as a news report on what is happening on earth as reported from heaven. Angels and demons that are active on the earth are in full view. We see past, current, and future events in cosmic technicolor, communicated to us in the form of images and impressions, metaphors and symbols.

so if we are going to understand Revelation, we have to understand that there are a lot of symbols to make sense of—that some things we interpret literally—but also we have to interpret its symbolism too.
and we have to be careful—are these symbols pointing to literal things—like the #666 Mark of the Beast—....or are they teaching us greater spiritual truths...
or both? we have to do the hard and humble work of figuring this out together.
prophecy (vs. 3)
Revelation 1:3 NIV
3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
a. As prophecy it contains elements of:
i. Forth-telling
ii. And foretelling
iii. But it also has some fore-telling—events about the future. Vs. 1—things that must soon take palce” Revelation fulfills what has been prophecied in the OT
Forth-telling means it like other prophecies in Scripture—contains truth that is to be applied NOW. Charges to repent, look at God, persevere. Just like the OT Prophets.
and what this means, it is to be applied NOW! this affects us right now. it’s practical.
epistle/letter (vs. 4)
Revelation 1:4 NIV
4 John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,
this is a letter! written by the apostle John. one of Jesus’s 12 disciples.
Jesus had 12 disciples, and then 3 he poured into more—Peter, James, and John...
and then the 1—his beloved disciple—John. who is an old man now, in exile, suffering for the cause of Christ.
and it is written to churches—how many? 7 ...
7 real churches (in modern day Turkey)
churches that struggled...
were facing pressures...
needed encouragement and help to keep going in the difficult Roman Empire
they were facing persecution for their faith
pressure to conform to the world
false teaching...
so much...
and God gives this dramatic vision
and the fact that it is 7 real churches, but also the #7—remember i mentioned symbolism. the 7 in Revelation often symbolizes completeness. 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls of God’s judgment. there were 7 days of creation.
these 7 churches are windows into our church—mean to impact us now.
2. Know what Revelation is really about:
What is Revelation all about? While it is about things that must soon take place and the end…these 8 verses give us some clues that helps us NOW!
and I am going to share them by asking questions:
#1 Blessing: What does it mean to be Blessed? How would you define blessing and the good life?
when do you feel blessed?
does it have to be materially, financially to be blessed, physically good health to be blessed?
or when our dog goes to the bathroom outside or our kid for the first time in the potty—that is truly a blessing! but is that the ultimate blessing?
Country singer Darius Rucker had a song called “Alright””
Because I got a roof over my head The woman I love laying in my bed And it's alright, alright I got shoes under my feet Forever in the eyes staring back at me And it's alright, alright Yeah, I got all I need And it's alright by me
can you be blessed when you are poor?
when you are sick?
what about when life doesn’t turn out—you don’t get the job or don’t get into the school of your dreams...
when tragedy and suffering happen, or persecution?
Revelation is counter-cultural in its blessing...
Revelation will have a different view from God on what blessing is...
Revelation 1:3 NIV
3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
read its aloud—this letter was meant to be read aloud in churches—groups of Christians following Jesus TOGETHER! read it aloud...
(they didn’t have books back then)…read it…and the goal is not to try and nail down every single thing for the reader back then—but let the images overwhelm you; let’s God’s power encourage you…through these dramatic visions
hear it...
and take it to heart (or you could translate it) “Keep it...”

There is no magical blessing in simply hearing what is revealed in Revelation. There’s no blessing for those who hear it but choose to ignore it, reject it, rebel against it, or simply treat it as fodder for their curiosity. The blessing is for those whose lives are impacted and shaped by what is in it. It changes their priorities. It builds up their courage. It impacts how they spend their money. It leads them to worship in spirit and in truth. It sends them to their knees in prayer. It emboldens their witness. It takes away their fear of death. It fills their imagination and fuels their anticipation of where history is headed, and it shapes their understanding of how their suffering will resolve in the new heaven and the new earth.

What is Revelation about—blessing? How do you define blessing?
the 2nd thing is Really About — ...
#2 Identity - what is your identity?
You and I perhaps more than ever before are a search to figure out who we really are…and show the world.
we are desperate for it...
this sense of self...
and sense of worth...
and we look to it in so many things…to give us that sense of worth and identity in this world.
and the reason I know we care about this so much—is that you and I are constantly projecting to the world—in public, and on social media — what we want the world to know about our identity. (we are our own public relations managers)
and we look to things like success to define us—ultimately at our core…If I really make something of my life.If so and so likes me then I know I am not a bum.
or romance or certain relationships—to define us. then I will know I am not a lowlife loser...
or money—and climbing the ladder—if I have money I know I am really someone...
Revelation 1:5 (halfway through) and following:
Revelation 1:5–6 (NIV)
5 ... To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,
6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
in this verse—it is Jesus who defines our identity (not us or the world)(not even our own hearts define us as Disney would want us to believe—it’s Jesus)
he loves us—do you believe that? there is no more stabilizing thing in the world—than God’s love. Do you believe it?
do you believe that His love has freed you from your sins by his blood? (from God’s wrath, guilt, shame, sin’s power)
he made us—notice our identity isn’t always in being an individual—but being a part of a community and family
to be a kingdom…we are rulers and reigners (under God) to extend his kingdom by His means…preaching the Gospel, making disciples
and priests...
this same language is how God described the Israelites
Exodus 19:6 NIV
6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”
1 Peter 2:9 NIV
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
this is huge...
most of the time in the OT—only certain people could be kings—anointed by God
and priests—by anointed by God.
and one person could never be both a priest and a king—except one guy was named Melchizedek in the OT.
they served a ruling function as kings and served to mediate God’s presence as priests in the presence of God.
when Jesus came—he was the ultimate priest and ultimate king…as he came bringing the kingdom, being our great high priest…who died in our place...
and now if we are in Jesus, the king-priest—we reign and rule, under Jesus—we are part of a new kingdom, and we mediate God’s presence as priests…between God and man. as priests we have full access God because of Jesus, the Great High Priest. as priests we bear witness to Jesus and spread his Gospel. as priests we offer our whole lives as a sacrifice to God.
Jesus makes us into a new kingdom under his rule...
and we have a mission to go as priests to mediate God’s presence to the world through love, deeds, and sharing the Gospel.
so the question is this—what is your identity? are you searching frantically? are you unsettled for this?
or do you believe that Jesus really loves you…and he made you to be in his kingdom, experiencing his presence, spreading it...
what is your identity?
last thing—what is Revelation really about:
Jesus---what do you believe about Jesus? (vs. 5-8)
look at verses 5-8…I am convinced that we don’t really believe these things about Jesus:
Revelation 1:5–8 (NIV)
5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, (where do you look for truth? do you trust that Jesus Christ has the answers—he is faithful, true, trustworthy in all things)
the firstborn from the dead, (meaning he is the first one to rise never to die again—and all those in Christ will experience that, too)
and the ruler of the kings of the earth. (do you get caught up in earthly politics and the things of this world—when there is really one ruler?) (back then the emperor was horrible--James Hamilton writes: “Imagine living in a world ruled by a man who would leave his brother to die, seduce his own niece, kill people for making jokes about him, and then demand to be addressed as ‘Lord and God.’ ” The Christians to whom John wrote Revelation lived in that very world, with Domitian’s and subsequent emperors’ malicious attention directed at them.
Phillips, R. D. (2017). Revelation (R. D. Phillips, P. G. Ryken, & D. M. Doriani, Eds.; p. 25). P&R Publishing.
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,
6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen. (do you believe Jesus is coming back? even those who hate Jesus—will experience Jesus coming back—and will mourn b/c of it)
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
the alpha was the 1st letter of Greek alphabet—omega last...
this verse is saying Jesus is over everything...
over everything in history
in control reigning..
the almighty one

Oppressive governments are under his control. False teachers are under his control. Evil is under his control. The suffering of his saints is under his control. The destruction of the devil is under his control. Time is under his control. The earth and stars are under his control. Everything is under his control because he is not just mighty; he is the Almighty.

Imagine what it would mean for us if none of what we’ve been shown in these first eight verses were true. What if God did not choose to reveal or uncover these things for us? What if he did not act to reveal to us where history is headed? The sorrow and persecution that so many endure for him would seem meaningless and truly unbearable. Imagine if we had no resource for grace or peace. Without Jesus as the faithful witness, how would we know what is true in a world of so many lies? Without Jesus as the firstborn from the dead, how would we have any hope of life beyond our number of years on this earth? Without Jesus as the ruler of kings on earth, what would keep us from despair over the corruption, oppression, and misery that is so pervasive in our world? If Jesus did not love us by freeing us from our sins, we would still be ruled by them in the here and now, and we would be destined for destruction because of them in the hereafter. If he had not made us a kingdom and priests to his God and Father, our lives would have no dignity or purpose.

that’s what Revelation is all about...
what is your life all about.
let’s pray
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