
Jesus is Victor  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:54
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Ultimate Triumph is guaranteed when Christ returns, so don't surrender

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I don’t know about you, but last Wednesday was tough for me. I did NOT expect such a strong turnout from pro-abortion voters. By the end of the day I even saw a Twitter war involving a BBQ restaurant that rented out its meeting room to VTB for a results watch party.
The victory by the “vote no” machine emboldened many individuals to ridicule those who had voted to protect preborn lives. VTB voters were accused of mistrusting and hating women! My head is still reeling over how “Value” can be twisted into hate. The “trust women” versus “value life” chasm broke my heart. Are there really that many people who regard a human embryo or fetus as a mass to be discarded?
My time in the Word of God began to soften my dismay over the election. My time in 2 Timothy on Wednesday reminded me that selfish and ungodly people would increase in the last days. August 2 did not catch God by surprise. The more I contemplated the text for this sermon, the more I realized how we can have faith in the ultimate outcome. While battles may be lost, victory of the War is guaranteed!
That victory of good over evil doesn’t happen in the voting booth, statehouse, or courthouse by either party or any Political Action Committee or Lobbyist. Victory occurs only when a Rider of a White Horse appears from Heaven!

The Majestic Return (Revelation 19:11-21)

A Victorious March (19:11-16)

Carson & Beale record an allusion in almost every verse in this section to an OT reference. E.g. v.12 a name that no one knows could refer to the YHWH that was never pronounced by Jewish readers.
Some read v.13 as a reference to the blood he spilled at Calvary. While it is absolutely truth that His blood, and only His blood, redeem us from sin, the context of eyes of fire, sword from his mouth, and ruling with an iron rod tell me that the blood on His robe is from those he destroys.
Notice that Jesus is arrayed in white riding on a white horse; and his armies (v.14) are arrayed in white linen, riding on white horses. But there is no mention of His armies dipped in blood. I believe it is because He fights the battle for us.
As Moses told the Israelites:
Exodus 14:13 ESV:2016
13 And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.
As the next generation heard through Joshua:
Joshua 6:2 ESV:2016
2 And the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and mighty men of valor.
Later Gideon had to wean his army to 300 so they would realize it is God who gives the victory:
Judges 7:2 ESV:2016
2 The Lord said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’
By the time Saul arrives to do battle, God has already caused the Philistines to turn on each other!
1 Samuel 14:20 ESV:2016
20 Then Saul and all the people who were with him rallied and went into the battle. And behold, every Philistine’s sword was against his fellow, and there was very great confusion.
I could go on with examples from both testaments of how God brings victory on behalf of those who follow Him.
Transition: The victory that Jesus secures creates a gruesome event labeled the great Supper of God. Just as God supplied a feast for the saints in the first part of this chapter, He now provides a feast for the birds of prey.

A Vast Meal (19:17-21)

1. Vv.18 and 21 describe one of the most detestable scenes I can imagine.
2. V.20 describes the ultimate victory over the anti-Christ and False Prophet.
Transition: The demise of the anti-Christ and False Prophet sets up the beginning of chapter 20.\

An Extreme Reversal (Revelation 20:1-15)

Doom for the Deceiving Dragon (1-3, 7-10)

1. Satan is bound during the Millennium
a. The few who survive the wrath poured out at the end of the Great Tribulation will enter the Millennium, not as rulers, but as the ruled.
b. These ruled humans will still be born with a sin nature. They will continue to procreate and die until the end of this future kingdom.
2. Satan is defeated after the Millennium
At the end of the Millennial reign, Satan will be allowed a short escape in order to build one final rebellion.
While it may be hard for us to imagine anyone aligning with Satan after 1,000 years of Jesus ruling from Jerusalem, remember Adam and Eve believed the deceit when all they had ever experienced was God’s good creation.

The First Resurrection of saintly souls (4-6)

Middle of Chapter 19 describes those who were raptured or died before the Tribulation escorting Jesus on white horses.
Notice the word also in the middle of v.4. These verses describe those who were martyred or remained faithful during the Tribulation joining the escort army and being included in position of ruling and reigning.

The Second Death of waiting sinners (11-15)

Those who have been slain during the Tribulation for their opposition to God and those who died during the Millennium without acknowledging Jesus as their Savior are now raised for judgment.
This is a judgment that appears before a Great White Throne. Both the famous and the obscure appear before this Throne to give an account.
Each person is held accountable for his own rebellion, selfishness and corruption and is concluded worthy of punishment.
Those who die during the Tribulation and Millennium will be judged (v.12). Those buried at sea will be judged (v.13a), those who died before the Tribulation are given up in order to give account (v.13b).
Here I must correct a common bit of Tabloid religion. Notice the end of v.13. God doesn’t send “good” or “innocent” people to hell. Sinners are condemned to hell based upon according to what they had done. Sinners who never said “yes” to the grace of God are those sent to the lake of fire.
Transition: When all is said and done, you will be judged by one of 2 books. Those whose names are found in the Book of Life (12b) are granted eternal rest. Those who are not found in the Book of Life are judged for every act of disobedience to the will of God.

Are You Prepared for a Reversal?


We have become so exposed to reversals, that they even have a nickname in social circles. A flip-flop is not just footwear for the beach. We have seen candidates flip then politians flop. We have seen policies mocked when one party is in the administration, adopted by the other party when their guy became leader. We have seen athletes traded to a rival team. We have seen Dred Scott, Jim Crow and Roe decisions reversed. We have seen the 1996 DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) signed into law by a Democratic president specify that “marriage” and “spouse” are terms exclusive to opposite sex partners. This summer RFMA (Respect for Marriage Act) is a 180 reversal by members of the same party. Food that used to be considered healthy are now deemed to be unhealthy. I could go on, but that would not be fruitful.
Transition: The Bible also describes many reversals

Great Reversals

Joseph – from pit to prince
David - from shepherd to superior
Daniel – from lion feed to honored
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego – from burning to brilliance
Peter – from fisherman to fisher of men
Paul – from antagonist to Apostle

The Greatest Reversal.

God brings the dead to life! Some are resuscitated and others are resurrected. What is the difference?

Resuscitated to die again

o Widow’s son
o Jairus’ daughter
o Lazarus
o Eutychus

Resurrected to eternal life

o Jesus - firstfruits
o Martyrs – those who endure to their end
o Saints – each of us who place our hope in Christ


I mentioned in my introduction that Bible reading in 2 Timothy helped calm my anxiety since Wednesday. My reading in 2 Timothy yesterday shapes my application and conclusion for this message.
2 Timothy 4:3–5 ESV:2016
3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
When Jesus returns an epic reversal will take place! Until then we can do 4 things:
1. Remain calm
2. Suffer without bitterness
3. Aggressively evangelize
4. Keep serving in the church and for the community!
We exchange death for life and defeatfor victory when our sin is traded for the righteousness of Christ! Because His life, victory and righteousness are ours, we can trade our sorrows for faith! We study end time not just to know what will happen then, but to empower our confident obedience now.
Song of Response . “Trading My Sorrows
Benediction: 2 Timothy 4:18 (ESV) — The Lord will rescue me [us] from every evil deed and bring me [us] safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
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