Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
The name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit.
Amen, I said this at the last service, Don't have it right now, but I really love that we have election Arie because it means that the scriptures are being read and John are not sort of at the whim of any one person.
And every time we gather together, we hear from the Old Testament, we we hear a song we hear from an epistle and then we hear The Gospel, Four play.
We we hear two parts of the whole Council of God.
Election Aries, a beautiful thing.
But then, there are two days like today, where Hebrews 11 this incredible chapter on faith.
Get score of short shrift.
We only get the first half of Hebrews 11 in this Sunday's reading.
Maybe not even the whole first half.
And then next Sunday, we're onto Hebrews 12 So this whole chapter, probably deserves a half-hour sermon on, on every single paragraph.
Don't worry, this won't be a half-hour.
I know whether to be a riot or something.
but what I'm trying to do here, is his take Where to get kind of the central theme of this incredible chapter in and distill it down in the the phrase that repeats throughout.
This chapter is by Faith by Faith by Faith by faith as good as Heirs of the Reformation.
Hopefully, hopefully we all know that we are saved.
Sola fidei by faith alone.
Not work.
We're doing this again.
Other we go Sola fidei that the full phrase if you want.
It is just a cardio, Sola, fidei justification by faith alone because of this We talked about faith, we promote faith, we use the language your face when we talk to each other.
but for all those days, when you try to pin someone down on what exactly face is, That can be tricky.
For some.
Faith is something like intellectual assent.
This is sometimes called cradle faith.
We bear witness to this type of face every time we stand and we confess the Creed together.
In this case faith is giving intellectual assent to the doctrines of faith that cannot be proven what are testified to by The Universal Church and Holy Scripture.
The difficulty, with this type of Faith this kind of faith is that we have all met people.
We have all known people who may stand up On Sunday and confess the Creed but that safe doesn't seem to have any real impact on their life.
They go out from church on Sunday morning and live their life from Sunday afternoon to Saturday evening.
Exactly the same as they would if they didn't confess the Cradle doctrines of the church.
On the other end of the spectrum from cradle, faith is what we might call experiential experiential.
Faith is Faith, lived out.
This is a face, that is alive and vibrant.
It affects a person's everyday life and it would be impossible to explain how that person lives their life without accounting, for this experience of lived Faith.
This is Faith in practice Faith.
Lived out publicly The difficulty with this kind of Faith, however, is that it is not uniquely Christian.
Every religion in the world has a stories of faith dory's of people who believe the impossible and the impossible became possible.
Stories of people who did incredible things, all because they believed something to be true about God about the world.
Furthermore, even if we Locate this experience will face in a distinctly Christian context.
We've all again, met people who might be on fire for Jesus.
But when you ask them what it is that they actually believe about Jesus.
Things, get a little sketchy.
What would it mean?
What does it mean to be on fire, for Jesus?
If what you believe about Jesus Is quite obviously heresy.
The first kind of faith.
Faith is objective.
It points to the Creed's would point to the scriptures, which point to the realities to which scripture Testify.
The objective question is, do you believe do you?
I say, give intellectual assent to these statements composed by the church and testified to in Holy Scripture.
If you say yes, That's faith.
The second kind of faith is.
Subjective experience will face is subjective.
The eye is Central here.
Do I believe does it impact my daily life?
Am I different because of my face?
Let me see if I can explain this difference between subjective and objective.
By an example, I want you to imagine a Redbox If the Box were real that were sitting right up here at the front of the church and I thought about having a but I just can't bring myself to do that if the Box were sitting up here at the front of the church.
We could say the box is objectively, red.
There's lots of problems philosophically with that saying, if it will just allow it for now, the box is red.
That's the objective sign.
The subjective question is, do I receive it as read?
If I might be color blind.
The lights might be so bright in here that it would be obstructing your view.
Maybe there's no lights at all.
It's night time and you can't even see that there's a box upfront.
Maybe there's dirt in your eyes, maybe the song was.
So moving your crying and you can't really see straight.
Any number of reasons the Box might be read but you might not be able to perceive it as read that that's the distinction between objective and subjective.
The box is red objective.
I may not be able to perceive it subjective.
When we speak about faith.
Therefore, and I think this really is a driving theme throughout Hebrews chapter 11.
What we are after?
Is for the subjective and objective dimensions of Faith to be aligned.
The box is red.
And I perceive it to be red.
We have to know what it is.
We believe.
But also that belief must be impacting our everyday life.
Disciples of Jesus Christ, which is what I am here to continue to form you into must have knowledge or understanding.
And that knowledge or understanding must affect the way that we live our lives.
Are we from Hebrews begins like this?
Now, Faith is the assurance.
Of things, hoped for faith is your insurance of things hoped for the conviction of Things Not Seen.
I like those two words.
Assurance and conviction, they necessitate a certain amount of knowledge of something.
You can't you must be assured about something.
You must be convinced of something but they also imply some sort of corresponding action.
What would it mean to be assured of something or convinced of something without The appropriate corresponding response, take Noah, for example.
The author of Hebrews says in verse 7 by faith, Noah being warned by God, concerning events as yet on the scene in reverent, fear constructed in Ark for the saving of his household by this week and M the world and became an air of the righteousness that comes by faith is about judgment.
That is to come.
That's the objective side.
This is what he knows by comparison.
We might Think about the line and our Creed, he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
We know that judgment is coming.
Noah heard that judgment is coming and then what What does Noah do when he hears that judgment is coming?
< .5
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