Gods gift acc to 2 Peter 1 and 12 to 15
As we come to the end of one year, and the anticipation, God willing, of embarking upon another, many of us will be, if not making new years resolutions, at least turning our thoughts to the new years challenges and opportunities and asking what things ought we to remember and what things ought we to bear in mind as we leave this portion of our journey behind and look ahead to the next.
One part of scripture I have long been used to turn to is the 2nd epistle of Peter. I suppose this is because it is about these things, remembering the lessons of the past and getting ready for the challenges of the future. We know that this is so; listen to the way Paul describes the reason for his writing:
Chapter 1:12-15, 19 & Chapter 3:2, 11-18.
5 times in 5 verses he says he wants to remind them of these things. So, what are the things we need to remember? Basically, he wants them to remember
1. What they have received,
2. How they have received it,
3. For what they have received it,
4. How to make the most benefit of it, and not miss enjoying it.
We won’t get through all of these today, but let us begin by asking what it is that they have received.
It is all about the gift of God. We have been thinking much about gifts and giving lately, what does the apostle say we have received from God?
First, we have received faith.
That is what distinguishes us. To those who have obtained faith.
Let us look at this phrase. First he describes us as having a faith which we have obtained. Kittel, Gerhard, Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey William Bromiley. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, says,
In 2 Pet. 1:1 the common idea of attainment is present, but with the usual sense of allotment in the background. Attainment to faith is not a human achievement but is by divine allotment (cf. Acts 13:48; 17:31; Rom. 12:3; Jude 3). God does not merely grant the possibility of faith; he effects it (cf. Eph. 2:8). As a divine gift, faith is the epitome of grace; hence attaining to faith is by God’s gracious decision, yet closely linked with his righteousness.
Here is a gift which comes to us freely, without our deserving. It is God’s sovereign, gracious, decision to give to the unseeking, undeserving, unworthy, something so wonderful, -- not only the other gifts of his love, but the heart to desire and the hand to receive it. If you had deserved it, if you thought you had it coming to you, or owed to you, then it would be a reward, or a payment, but it is a gift.
Notice first: the preciousness of this gift. We may mourn that we have just little faith, but -- -- Peter says, that the faith you have is of the same nature as the faith of himself, and the rest of the apostles of our Lord. In Latin it is coaequalem = co-equal. It is the faith of Abraham, and Moses, David and Daniel, Peter and John and Paul. – same as US.
But what is this faith. It has been described in many ways. It is to believe God. More specifically it is to believe God concerning Christ. It is the mind resting content to receive the authority of Christ, it is the heart finding rest as it rests itself on the sufficiency of the arm of Christ for strength, it is the conscience finding peace as a man rests his hand upon the head of his sacrificial substitute, it is the soul quenching its thirst as it drinks, satisfying its hunger as it eats, as it recognizes Christ as the fullness of God given to empty sinners. Faith is the key, given by God to a sinner, by which he opens up all the treasure-store of God.
! 2nd Notice also what accompanies this gift.
What is in this treasure-house. We might compare it with a gift we might receive for Christmas that says, “batteries included.”
This gift comes with power.
Not human power. God does not say, Dig down deep inside yourself, that’s where the power comes from. No! He says, I give you the power.
While all that is true, that is not in fact what the text says, it says that his power has done it, which is an even greater thing, when you think of it. The point is not, I give you the power, though that is true and wonderful, but rather, “By My power I give you everything you need.”
Our salvation has not only been the contrivance of his infinite wisdom, but his infinite power has been in operation, and is in operation to give us everything we need.
We think of his power: the power of his own life. He is the great I AM. He needs nothing, & causes all things to be. He gives to all, and borrows nothing. By his power, without effort he brought the universe into existence. By his power he preserved the world when man sinned, and worked in and through sinful men to bring Christ into the world. By his power, God was incarnate in Christ, and accomplished a great redemption through Him, and raised him up to life and to heaven and glory. That is the power at work within us.
Let’s think of that power in action for a few minutes.
!! It is a power that works in righteousness to achieve righteousness.
It is faith that comes from God, the Father: given to us on account of the righteousness of God, who acts in faithfulness to his covenant, and of the righteousness of our Savior Jesus, who does all things asked of Him by the Father, that God might be just and the justifier of them that believe in Him. So, then, it is a power that works in righteousness and produces faith in our hearts by the Holy Spirit; faith that lays hold of Jesus Christ, and receives all in him.
What else is in this treasure store: In general he describes this as providing for us “all things that pertain to life and godliness.”
What is meant by life? It is all that belongs to our becoming new persons, alive with the life of God in our souls, alive with the principle of life, the germ of life, the energy of eternal life, resident inside of us and making us sensitive to God, responsive to God, so that we know God, whom to know is life eternal. Put another way, we have received the Holy Spirit. Every Christian has received the Holy Spirit. Every born again person, every biblical Christian has received the Spirit.
Not only all things that pertain to life, but also godliness.
And this we may explain in this fashion. Life is given by the Holy Spirit dwelling within, godliness is the result of this Holy Spirit-given Life. Looked at physically, you are a living person because you have life. Through your body you express that life within through eating, breathing, moving, etc. Similarly, you have spiritual life because the Spirit dwells within, you express that indwelling Spirit through godliness.
Now, what does God give to us so that we can live and be godly?
First, he gives us knowledge of Himself.
This is the greatest thing. To know God. More than knowing about him, or believing that there is a God up there somewhere, it is to really know him. To know him as a real person knows another real person, only closer.
It is to receive his promises. We could say so much about these promises. The word of God, the revelation of God’s desire and intent and covenant and pledge to give us what we need, to give us pardon freely, mercy, satisfaction, direction, protection, eternal bliss all by giving us His very self. Not only an assertion that these things may be had in Him, but a pledge that they shall be had by all who will accept of them.
This is the way he calls us to glory and virtue. This is the way he calls us out of this bondage to corruption and lust, lust and corruption, this is the way we rise spiritually from our tombs of the curse of the law, and rise to the light of hope, the hope of dwelling with Him when he is honored by all creation. God sets these things before us in His word, and through that word, works in us all these things until he brings us into the actual possession of the things promised.
1. Examination: Do I have faith?
Here is a good indication. Has God, by his promises, called you in two respects? Has His divine power called you out of the world, with its corruption through the desire for the things of this life? Has His divine power called you to glory and virtue? Does you heart long to stay here, do you want to be left alone? Or do you delight in the knowledge of Christ, and do you want to know him better?
True saving faith is a precious grace, and that not only as it is very uncommon, very scarce, even in the visible church, a very small number of true believers among a great multitude of visible professors (Mt. 22:14), but true faith is very excellent and of very great use and advantage to those who have it. The just lives by faith, a truly divine spiritual life; faith procures all the necessary supports and comforts of this excellent life; faith goes to Christ, and buys the wine and milk (Isa. 55:1) which are the proper nourishment of the new creature; faith buys and brings home the tried gold, the heavenly treasure that enriches; faith takes and puts on the white raiment, the royal robes that clothe and adorn, Rev. 3:18. Observe, 2. Faith is alike precious in the private Christian and in the apostle; it produces the same precious effects in the one and in the other. Faith unites the weak believer to Christ as really as it does the strong one, and purifies the heart of one as truly as of another; and every sincere believer is by his faith justified in the sight of God, and that from all sins, Acts 13:39. Faith, in whomsoever it exists, takes hold of the same precious Saviour, and applies the same precious promises.
If not, you are in a dangerous place.
But come, faith comes by hearing, so do not despair if you have no faith. Go to Him for it, hear the promises again, look at the promiser, and keep looking until you are looking unto the promiser.
2. Encouragement: If you do have faith.
Let not anything move you from this happy condition. You have obtained it, with its great and precious, and soul delivering and life transforming promises. Cherish it, seek to increase and establish it, grow in it. And then you will want to add to it.
cf. confer, compare