The Beginning of the Gospel

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Number one.

Begin, a new study and that is preaching Through The Book of Mark, The Gospel According to Mark and looking at just one verse this morning. Mark chapter 1 verse number 1.

Mark rice and says the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God, The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The son of God was pretty good are great in my father Lord, what a blessing. It has been already lured just to be reminded of your character and your nature and your love has weed. I've sung about those things. And all those things have caused just to remember Lord the goodness that you have show to us. Not just in the past. But Here and Now But also reminds us. Of the blessings that you shall bestow upon us in the future. We look forward to that day. Father phrase. We go through this time of preaching. Lord, I pray that you bless the preaching of your word. I pray that your word would have full rein in our hearts and our lives that we would hear it, but then we would apply it to our heart and life. That we would leave here differently. Then the way we came into this place. Father, we love you. We give you all the glory. That is due unto your name. We thank you, Lord, for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we ask all of all of these things in Christ name, amen.

There is not a story more compelling. Nor is there a message that is more essential than the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is not a r. Let me just say this way, it truly is. The Greatest Story Ever Told because it centers on the greatest person who ever walked on the face of this Earth, the Lord Jesus Christ. And God in his infinite grace. Has chosen to share the history of Christ with us. he did so by perfectly recording for us, four gospels written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John The ridings known collectively, as the four gospels, provide a factual record for us of Jesus life. His dad. His resurrection. And it all starts with a gospel of Mark, as it is the oldest of the Gospels. It was the first written. Gospel. Until we see first of all, the pronouncement is given to us in, Mark 1:1. The pronouncement the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God, that is the pronouncement, the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Now, the word gospel to a very familiar word is frequently used to designate the first four books of the New Testament. But that is not how the biblical writers use the term. Nor is it how Mark uses it here in the opening verse of this historical account? You seen the new testament. The gospel is never a reference to a book, rather. It is all way. It always refers to the message of salvation. And this is Mark's intended, meaning here. it's very interesting to note that marks first century audience, Would have understood the word gospel to mean, the good news are Glad Tidings of salvation.

But it was typically used that was tipped that phrase, the good news of Salvation are, the Glad Tidings of Salvation was typically used in the secular sense. Speaking of a Roman Emperor, specifically Caesar Augustus, The Mark is riding to specifically the Believers in Rome, those who lived in Rome. And so, those who saw the word gospel, there saw that. It had also this specific meaning. Speaking of a Roman, a specifically Caesar Augustus, Caesar, Augustus was one of Rome's, most successful leader. His Reign was a rain of prosperity. His Reign was a reign of peace and so the inscription speaks of the good news to describe the reign of Caesar Augustus. The great-nephew of Julius Caesar a ruler, whom the Romans regarded, as their Divine deliver, and so the word gospel, functioned as a technical term in secular society, to refer, to the arrival, to the Ascension, in Triumph of an emperor to the throne Until the 1st Century readers of Mark's account would have understood the gospel to be a royal announcement. One, that would declare that a powerful Monarch had arrived one who would usher in a new order of Salvation and a peace and blessing. So we see under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, March Jose word in order to effectively communicate to those in Rome that he was presenting the good news of a Divine King. So Mark opens his account by noting that this is the beginning of his Royal declaration. Is that a new King has come and one that is far glorious than any other Earthly King. And so in this way, Mark's record of the of the life of the Lord, Jesus Christ opens with language that was signal to his original readers. That the most glorious King has come and it is not Caesar. in fact, this Divine Monarch sets himself against all other Earthly Rivals, including Caesar, Marcus saying that Christ is the theme, not only in Mark's history but all of history, Who says in the beginning of the Gospel, in the beginning of the good news of salvation. Who is it? What is his name? Well, Mark waste, no time in declaring who he is. He is Jesus Christ, the son of God. The name Jesus is the human name. It is. His human name is the Greek word, Greek form of the name. Joshua are the Hebrew word Yeshua which means Yahweh is salvation. Remember in the Book of Matthew When the angel explain to Joseph, you shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins. So we see the name Jesus. And then we see the term Christ. The term Christ is not a name. Is a title. The term price is not the last name of Jesus. It is the title. It means the anointed one. He is the Messiah, the chosen one of God. Jesus Christ, then we see the name. Son of God, the speaks of Jesus lineage it speaks up his right to rule. It speaks of this fact that he Jesus is one in nature with God. He is one in essence with God. He is Cole Eternal equal with God. The Father so for those Roman pagans who wrongly regarded, Caesar as a god, I'll hear Mark introduces them to the True Divine King, the Lord Jesus Christ.

And this is not only affirmed in the opening statement. At Mark's gospel. But it's also seen in Mark 1:11 when God the Father and self-affirmed. Jesus did see at Jesus baptism. God, the Father affirm that Jesus is the son of God. The demons themselves and Mark 1:24 the demons declare him declare Christ. And they say to him, you are the Holy One of God. And then in Mark chapter 15, the Roman Centurion, the Roman soldier. Admitted, Jesus was truly the Son of God as he stood at the foot of the cross.

Now listen, there are some basic presuppositions that we must take as we read the gospels, or for any book for that matter.

Number one, notice do schools are historical fact. They are not, they're not mythological accounts. What they record really did happen. These are historical facts, wolf accounts. I think gospels are more concerned about Christ death than they are about Christ.

I say that because more than one for that, each of the Gospel deals with a final week of his life. So they're more concerned about the fact that you understand that Christ died for sinners. More than the fact. That he lived upon this Earth.

as we come to a new book, I am reminded of a story that I red. Many years ago, one of the world's renowned Scholars of the classics. His name is Doctor Evie review. He completed a, the ancient translations of from the great ancient literature, literature into Modern English. At this time, he was 60 years old. He had been in agnostic, all of his life. The publisher soon approached him again and ask him to translate the gospel. When were you son heard that he was going to translate the gospel of his son said this it will be interesting to see what spot what my father will make of the four gospel and then he said this, it will eat you. It will be even more interesting to see what the four gospels make of my father. He's not have to wonder very long within a year's time. Doctor EV review the lifelong agnostic responded to the gospel that he was translating and became himself a committed Christian. His story is a marvelous testimony of the transforming power of God's word.

And beloved experiences like this. Have been repeated, time, and time and time again. The same way. Doctor you came to faith in Christ is the same way you and I came to faith in Christ by the hearing or reading of God's holy word. Peter tells us that we were begotten by his word. We were born again by the word of God.

So as I begin to preach through another book of the Bible, it would do us well to keep this story in mind. Especially these thought-provoking questions. What will The Book of Mark make of me?

How will The Book of Mark impact and influence me? We come to the New Testament. I get in the first four books. Are known as the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the synoptic Gospels.

They're called synoptic gospels because they include many of the same stories. They're written in similar sequence. And have very similar wording. Someone may ask Will, why then do we have three gospel? Well, because if for no other reason, Deuteronomy chapter. 24. 19 and verse 15 says that truth. Must be confirmed in the mouth of two or three Witnesses. God has given us and giving us those synoptic gospels, he's giving us those that confirmation that what he has said, is the truth until we have the three inspired witnesses to tell us the full Earthly story of the Lord Jesus Christ. In each of the Gospels. It's very interesting that you see that they presented Jesus from a particular perspective. With a specific audience in mind. I, for instance, the gospel of Matthew is written specifically to Jews the gospel of Matthew was written specifically to Jews telling them that Jesus is the Messiah King who fulfills the Old Testament prophecies so Matthew presents. Jesus, as the king of the Jews, Luke is written to Greeks. He's telling them that Jesus is the perfect. Son of man who came to save a minister to all people, through the power of the Holy Spirit into Luke presents Jesus, as the son of man. John is written to the world. Tell him that Jesus is fully human, and fully Divine, Son of God in whom. We must believe if we are going to receive eternal life. And so John presents Jesus, as the son of God, Evan, Mark, here is written specifically to Romans, he's telling them that Jesus is the suffering servant, who is actively ministering on behalf of Those whom, he has died and he gives his life as a ransom for many, and so, Mark presents Jesus as the suffering servant.

If you have ever read the gospel of Mark, you know that the gospel of Mark is a very fast-moving book. It is a hard-hitting book. It is by far the shortest of the four Gospels. Even if you are a slow reader, you can read the book of Mark in about two and a half hours. But one reason it is by far the shortest of the four gospels is because it is known for what is left out of this account of Mark's account. For example, in the Book of Mark, there is no geology of Jesus with the Jews. Really would want to know in The Book of Mark. There is no miraculous birth narrative. There is no mention of Bethlehem. There's no mention of the Shepherds or angels in the Book of Mark. There is no mention of the childhood of Jesus as he grew up in Nazareth. There's no mention of him going to the temple in The Book of Mark. It is not have The Sermon on the Mount. It is not have many of the parable. So we could say in summary Mark, recorded recorded in rapid-fire succession specific events from the life, and Ministry of Jesus to prove to a Roman audience that he is the Christ. The son of God, who serve, who suffered died and rose again, as a suffering servant of the Lord. Now, the day and time in which Mark wrote, this gospel is very significant. The context in which Mark wrote was to say the least, very dramatic. He was in Rome and he wrote it. Right. After the death of the Apostle, Peter and they wrote it during the middle of

Nero's horrible persecution that he Lacy's against the Christians. So you wrote it somewhere around 6780 just prior to 70 AD the fall of Jerusalem. So it was during this time of misery that Mark wrote this gospel. So this makes one of the purposes of March riding was to encourage the Gentile Church in Rome. He wanted them to see Christ as the suffering servant and Mark is seeming to say to them. Hey, if you're not the only one who has suffered Christ himself has suffered. So we see the pronouncement, notice the author. Notice the author. Virtually everyone agrees that the author. With Mark.

We know Mark appears several times in the book of Acts. His name is given as John who is called Mark. when you look at Mark's life, especially in his early life, you see that Mark had a privileged gracious beginning Mark was a native of Jerusalem. And one of the first congregation in the early church met in his mother's house, they met in his home. We see this in Acts chapter 12 in verse 12. so, when He had considered this. He came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark where many were gathered together praying? So his home was a gathering place for the early church. I think about that that means that young Mark here grew up knowing and seeing firsthand some of the original Apostles of Jesus Christ. Think about this marks, home is the Home in which Peter came when the angel delivered him out of prison. I saw Mark had a privileged gracious beginning. He was able to talk to and meeting to hear from the Apostles of Jesus Christ, those who heard first-hand and Sulphur stand of things of Christ. All because of this gracious beginning. Mark had a promising Godly location. The cause of his promise. As a Christian leader, he was chosen to go with Paul and Barnabas as they set out on their first missionary journey. My what a privilege that must have been just to be asked to go along notice this intact 12:25.

It says in Barnabas and Saul return from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their Ministry, and they also took with him. John, whose surname with Mark? And then 13:5, it says, when they arrived in salamis, the preach, the word of God, in the synagogues are the Jews. They also had John or Mark as their assistant. Now, that everything is going well, right? So it seemed but for some unknown reason, Mark left, Paul. He left Barnabas he departed them he fled you could say Acts chapter 13 verse 13. Tells us that when Paul and his party set sail from Pappas, they came to virga and pamphylia and John departing from them return to Jerusalem. Wow, he he left. At whatever Mark specific. The reason for leaving was Paul did not think it was an adequate reason at all. Paul, did not think it was. Inexcusable reason at all, more than likely a mark left, because he was not ready to face such opposition as what they say. Appalled, consider this. Nothing less than a desertion that Mark. He went AWOL he was absent without leave.

A few years later. Paul, and Barnabas. Once again, set out from Antioch and they're going to return and visit the Brethren and every city and proclaim, the word of the Lord, but Barnabas wanted to give Mark a second chance. But Paul on the other hand would not have none of it. You wouldn't hear it. Notices in Acts 15 and verse 37. Now, Barnabas was determined to take with them John called Mark. He was determined, he was set on Mark returning with Paul and Barnabas possibly one of the reasons why Barnabas was so determined to give Mark a second chance is because in Colossians 4:2 10, it tells us that Barnabas and Mark we're cousins. But I believe there's also another reason that will get you in just a moment that he was determined to give Mark a second chance. Paul not so much. Paul says, in verse 38, the poll insisted that they should not take with them. The one who had departed from them in and pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work. And so, this decision here has absolutely cause a very sharp disagreement between Paul and Bart bartimus, which eventually LED them, both departing. Parting ways. Notice this and verse 39. Then the contention became so sharp. That they parted from one another and so Barnabas took Mark and sell the Cypress. But Paul chose Silas and departed. Hey listen. Beloved, Paul had zero tolerance for men who were lazy for men who are cowardly or uncommitted. Especially did not want any fellow workers who are going to bail out when the going got tough.

Well, we noticed thirdly Mark was the recipient of a powerful restoration. He was a recipient of a powerful restoration, do he had betrayed polish rust on the first missionary, journey, Paul, or rather, Mark later became a valued member of Paul's Ministry. As a matter of fact, in Colossians 4:2 10, Paul instructed, his readers to welcome Mark as one of his fellow workers for the kingdom and he had proven himself. Faithful, Paul said during my imprisonment, some years later, near the end of Paul's life, Paul wrote to Timothy and said to pick up, Mark, on your way here. Bring him with you for. He is useful to me for service until we see here, Mark was restored. He was being used once again mightily for the Lord. Is likely that Mark was restored to Ministry usefulness at least in part through the encouragement of his cousin and brother in Christ Barnabas the name, Barnabas mean son of encouragement.

but also, through the mentorship of the Apostle, Peter There's no doubt that Peter first met Mark when Peter was a church leader in Jerusalem and Peter was very familiar with the house of Mark as they would worship there and pray there. Overtime, the friendship between Peter and Mark, grew very strong, so strong that the Apostle became a spiritual Father Figure to Mark, referring to Mark as my son. We see that the first Peter 5:12, it says by sylvanus are faithful brother. As I consider him, I have written to you, briefly, exhorting, and testify that this is the true grace of God in which you stand, she who is in Babylon. You speaking of the church here that is in the world elect together with you greet. You. And so does Mark my son in this because Of how Peter ministered in help to restore in Mentor, mark. Because if anyone understood the process of restoration after a major failure, it was Peter who was graciously restored by Christ after the 9 Christ three times. Hazel Peters, influence undoubtedly helped Mark overcome the weaknesses of his youth so that he could Faithfully accomplish what God had called him to do. It was Mark's close relationship with the Apostle Peter, which motivated him and enabled him to write a very intimate portrait of Christ. The Gospel of Mark. and again, Paul, who rejected Mark the first time in the in the past because of his failure,

And his time of greatest need, who does he call for? mark, Tell Timothy, bring Mark with you because he is helpful to me and my Ministry. So Mark has moved from uselessness to usefulness. Mark who was the missionary drop out has become Mark, the writer of the action gospel, the gospel of Mark. What are profound encouragement? We find in the life of Marc.

A man that has a past failure. One that is quite humiliating, as he thinks about it and meditate upon the fact that he left those godly man who trusted him. I didn't think about even him being rejected by someone that he loved. And feeling that rejection. But even those things do not prevent our present or future usability. You can come back from disgrace. A man, not only that you can become immensely useful for Christ. What are recovery? Mark has made heroes from a failed follower of Christ to a devoted disciple and a premier biographer and in the future and honored martyr What about you? This morning. After a promising, start some of us. To have stumbled. Maybe now even now our confidence is gone. Well for us, Mark's Triumph. Is an immense encouragement. Emits encouragement that God is the great restore. Notice, lastly, as we close notice, the theme of Mark, the theme of Mark and that is Jesus, is the suffering servant savior.

Jesus. Who has all of 40 in heaven? He has all power. Humbles himself. And becomes the suffering servant. And again, Mark your emphasize, the servanthood of Christ as he ministered among men. Possessing, complete Authority, and power over Mankind and creation. He described Mark, describe the humanity of Christ as he walked upon this Earth.

And I would say that the theme verse for the key verse in the Book of Mark as seen in Mark 10:45. Mark 10 verse 45 says, for even the son of man, did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many that it's very, very important that we pay close attention to Christ words here. It is Christ who called himself, the son of, man. This title was a self-proclaimed title that is it did not exist before he came. It means that he is human. But it goes much further than that. By saying that he was the son of man. He meant that he was and is the unique representation of the human race. In other words, Christ is not merely a human being. He is the human be he is the true man. he lived out his Earthly life perfectly, he lived out his Earthly life the way Adam was intended to live out his Earthly life but fail Christ. Here is the human being. He is a true man who lived out his wife sinless. Liam perfectly. It was a perfect example. Such a humble service. The Lord Jesus Christ. And when you compare other world leaders to Christ, You know that unlike other world leaders, Christ did not come to be served. He came to serve Not merely to be Lord and Master but also to be a slave of his father and Aunt to do, his will and just serve Sinners house by the sacrifice of himself.

in the most profound illustration of Christ, humble service, and obedience to the father is his

Philippians 2:5 through 8 tells us let this mind be in you which was also in Christ. Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, made himself of no reputation. Taking the form of a bondservant in coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Again, the scripture says that he Christ gave his life, a ransom for many. The word, Ransom speaks of the price paid for the release of a Slave. Remember, we saw last week that before Christ? We were slaves to see and we were slaves to Satan. But Jesus, Paid It All.

He paid it all by laying down his life for our la. He said his wife's blood.

And here we see that in Redemption. Jesus wasn't bidding. Jesus was buying. And he got everything that he paid for. Praise the Lord for that. He gave his life, a ransom for many. I've been having made the greatest sacrifice Jesus received in the greatest honour you see this in Philippians chapter 2 verses 9 through 11 for this reason. I also got highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name, which is above every name. So at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth. And that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the father and so in Christ, substitutionary death on behalf of Sinners, he gave his wife to pay God in full, the price of seeing, for all people, who would ever believe throughout history, Blood of Christ, death propitiate, it satisfied, the full wrath of God and fulfill the demands of his Justice, for those who would be great dane.

So Jesus came with purpose to give his life as a ransom for many. Came to purchase our Redemption. He came to secure our salvation. So therefore Jesus is a source of life. He is a strength of our life and he is a hope for all who believe. How about you today? How about you today? Have you believed upon Christ? Have you been born again? Have you been saved? Or pray that if you have not that today you would call upon the Lord and be saved. The Bible tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Those of you who has passed. To believe, but yet your lifestyle does not reveal your confession. It does not reflect a life that has been transformed and taken from the kingdom of darkness and into God's marvelous like the Kingdom of Light. Are you truly born again? And then maybe someone is here. Like marks. You've stumbled along the way. And you've allowed that failure in the past. To defeat to Define you in the present. All this and may you see that God is the great restore. He's the great restore of the Fates. I would ask you as we pray, as I pray that you would pray with me. Pray with me that the Lord would Grant you repentance. Grant, you restoration? I'd offer to use you mightily for his glory. Let's pray together. are great and my father, What a privilege it is. To preach. with a high calling, it is Very humbling. Lord, that you would First of all, save me. And call me unto yourself. And birth me into the kingdom of Lord. What a

Privilege. It is. To be a. Declare of the Glorious Gospel of Salvation. And father, I pray that through this very first introductory message. Lord, that we have laid some groundwork of what the gospel of Mark. Has to say and what it means. or with thankful that are failures in the past, do not Define us.

Lord, we look to you for all things. You are. Merciful your gracious.

and Lord, I pray that those who have failed in the password they would Seek You Lord, that's a great restore. And I pray for those that are here that have never been saved and I pray that you would speak to them. Draw them to your son Jesus. Lord, as your word as promised. We are begotten by Your Word. Not through anything else. Is the Declaration of the word. That birthed us into the kingdom. The father, I pray that you would honor your word. We love you. We asked all of these things through Christ name, amen.

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