August 7, 2022 Sunday Worship Service (Roy)
Thank you, Katie.
Make sure I'm working here.
Okay, we've been talking about, though. Life of Jesus Christ in his ministry of Jesus Christ. And, and
The dinner Kayden just read about took place. Very near the end of the Lord's. Ministry on Earth and he was trying to work with the Pharisees and get the Pharisees and scribes. To believe. And change their ways.
In relation to that. What do you what do you see in this picture here?
Peabody. Lots of people. Where you at? Lots of people, you have lots of what? Lost people. That's that's exactly the point. When you look at a crowd like this, there's lots of lost people. What can you do for lost people.
Help him find the way.
So, that's kind of what he's doing. Because as time went on the Pharisees and scribes,
Tended to take over. the entire Religion of the Israelites they put in their traditions and and their values in and above God's values, right?
and when we want Christ was here for this meal,
a lot of people came to hear what he had to say. and the scribes and Pharisees were murmuring against him because He was healing on the Sabbath because it didn't meet with their tradition. And their interpretation of the way, things should be right? He was eating also with these same people, not just scribes and Pharisees, but he was sharing meals.
With other Samaritan's centers. Getting right down there in the dirt.
Jesus said what man of you having a hundred sheep? If you lose one of them does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that, which is lost until he find.
He also told them. About the woman and the lost coin, heater in the white woman having and sweep the house, and see if she finds it. And when she saw that, she calls her friends and her neighbors together. Sang Rejoice with me. For I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise I see you. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth
And then he told the parable of the lost son. We've all heard this one over and over and over.
Not only that. We've all lived. This one. Probably at some point in our lives, either one of our children has left and gone astray or we have probably both
And we pray for them to return. And hopefully we had somebody praying for us to return when we did those same thing. A certain man had two sons and younger. the younger of them said,
Who is Father? Father give me a portion the goods that Solace to me and he divided into them his living and not many days after the yacht younger son. Get it all together and took his journey into a far country. And are you wasted? That very inheritance, that his substance with riotous living. And when did spit all there arose, a mighty famine in the land and he began to be in want.
Yeah, they went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he's a nice in him.
And he would Fain have filled his belly with the hospital that the swine's. Did he? And no man gave unto him. There was no one there to help him a lot.
And when is change itself really realized what he'd been up to while you're done? They realized the comfort that was there at all. How many hearts Servants of my father's have bread enough to spare? I am perish with hunger. I will arise and go to my father and will say unto him. Father, I am send against heaven and before thee, And am no more worthy to be called. My son make me as one of the hired servants. And he arose and came to his father but we had a great way off his father, saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kiss him. And the sunset on the damn father. I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
What the father said to his servants, bring forth the best robe and put it on in and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted. Calf and let us eat and be merry for this. My son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found, and they began to be married.
Elder son was in the field and has he came Andrew night in the house he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant and he said, unto him by Brother Iz come. And my father has killed the fatted calf because he has received him safe and sound and he was angry and would not go in there for his father out and then treated him. And he answering said to his father Lo these many years. Do I serve thee, neither transgress die at any time by commandment and let them know that I might make Merry with my friend. Notice here, it never says he asked for one either.
But as soon as my son was come with a living with harlots now has kill for him. The fatted calf, and he said, unto him ever with me and all that I have is dying and he said it was meet that we should make Merry and be glad for this. Brother was dead and is alive. Again was lost. And is found.
there's a lot of lessons we can learn from this little section of text in Luke You asked yourself, we've got three pair of us here that basically talk about something being lost and something being found.
And that, in every case, there was many of that thing there.
But the worry was about the one that was lost the coin that was lost the sheep. That was lost the son that was lost.
So what so what's the point of this particular Parable? There, three main characters in the story, right? The father. Which for us could represent. What what do we learn about him in this text?
His arms are open, he's willing for us to return it anytime. He beckons us to come home at any time. God is there for us?
I hate to say it. Got one son. You know that? Hey, Mom's house is right before his baby was born.
He didn't send it to his new address. Didn't send us a new phone number that says, back when we had phone numbers they weren't all cell phones.
And we didn't know where to find it.
When is child was born.
He said my bad didn't even care. Enough to come. See the baby or tell me how happy you was for me. No, talk to the fact that Dad had no address or phone number.
17 years.
Totally ignored my existence. I was father because he was mad about something that he created.
And I prayed Debbie pray.
And then all the sudden, one day I got a phone call.
Dad, can I come up and see you?
And sure.
I know why I've never asked why. He was mad. I don't care. My son is home.
I've met my granddaughter. Hey sexy. Go to college. What's the matter? My prayers were answered, maybe not quickly, but they were answered just as they always are. My son is home because even though it took a long time, he always knew How is there?
All of us have walked away from God. At some point, it seems like and he was always there. Always ready for us to come home. Always ready to forgive our sins. Always ready to love us. And loving us, even when we weren't there. And always patient. That's the father in this story. That's what Jesus was talking about. That's what he's telling. The people God is patiently waiting.
Whom does he represent?
The sinners. The scribes and Pharisees, that Jesus has been trying to convince.
Not the word of their manly traditions. But the word that the father has given them.
Play, She's always there to return and that's what he's telling them.
And who is the other? The brother, the older brother. Well, he's going to like us 2 ending.
What can we learn from him? What we really see their it. Did he love his brother?
We have been at the same attitude as his brother had come home. Having compounded his riches into much more. And be more successful. Now you probably would have been mad about that. Well you never gave me a chance to go be successful like that. And she think you would have said that Jesus is telling us here not to be jealous of such things. Not.
What other people have? Not to judge them, not to feel. Call Superior in the church. We've done.
Every Sunday Wednesday we're here. That doesn't make us better. Then someone who's returning or someone who's lost and walks in for the first time, it just means we've been blessed longer, so we should rejoice in that. And be happy to have someone else to share it with. Yes. What church? I love you. And I love coming here to share fellowship with you, to learn with you to be with. You would be rejoicing and having someone else to share his life with
Because it is a blessing.
It doesn't really say whether this other brother that carried all this jealousy.
Join the party or not.
It's just points out that is not the right way to be.
So, if we look at this entire chapter, what's the point of it? No. That Jesus was trying to change the way the scribes and Pharisees thought about their self-righteousness and he was pointing out to us the importance of the lost soul, the Sheep was a lost soul. And when Christ says, when you Shepherd found it, he placed it over his shoulder and went back. What did he do with it? Put it back in the flock. You think the flock was jealous because that sheep got carried. No. they were happy to have that other sheet back cuz the more of them there are last chance you're going to be the one to Wolf get.
but, I mean, I had reason to rejoice
and we need to Rejoice at every lost soul.
And what we need to look at. When you look at people on the outside of the church are lost souls and what we can do,
Either help them, find the bosom of God, to return them to the bosom of God. Because God loves them and everyone is important to him. Just as your important
Genius used all three of these stories. Not just on the scribes and Pharisees.
But like I said that lost soul. One in that crowd.
A Christian in there. What? I don't know.
I think maybe there's a young man in his yellow jacket. If you can see him, he's talking to somebody else. Maybe that's the Christian. That's what we need to be doing, right? We need to be talked to those people on the streets. We need to be talking to the people you work with.
Who do you see? It's cool at home at work at the lake. You're everywhere. The scribes and Pharisees did not see lost souls. They didn't care that cared about their souls.
Jesus is here. Now what's going to happen to their souls?
You're out of here. If you don't hear my word. So that's why he was trying to change them because God is patient.
It says job.
There's a great celebration of one whom returns 1532. There's a positive reaction from our father. There should be a positive reaction from us as well.
We have a need. In the church. Fulfill. The desires of our Lord. He told us to go forth.
And peace to all the world, all creatures. Are we doing that? Are you doing that? Do you look at every chance you get? Are you just working on the people that live in the house with you? Are you even working on those? We have. I need to build. The church support. Christ.
Peejamas. That charge to spread that word.
And we need to make sure we do that and it y'all Jesus taught by parable.
Maybe maybe you can think up of a story tell somebody to save their soul. If they can relate to what you're saying, they can be saved.
I used all three of these stories to prove that even one lost souls navigation to God. The woman rejoice. When she found the the coin. The shepherd rejoice, when he found the Sheep, the father rejoice, when the son returned to the fold.
I could probably. Go on for. Another three or four hours about these parables. But instead I'll cut it short and just go on for 1 hour.
Should not bear false witness.
So do you know one person? That's lost.
Just want.
Okay, this is where you say. Yeah.
yeah, I know why all of us know why, most of us know many but if you know, one person,
Just take it one at a time.
Teach. Set person. How do you teach them from the word of God? I always have my Bible with me. It's right here about 30 versions of it.
It's right here.
We teach by Being. Child of God. By forgiving. when somebody trespasses against us by showing our love, By helping others.
We teach by setting an example.
Do your neighbors. See you going to church every Sunday? Do they see you with a smile on your face? the true happiness is put in your heart racing in the life you have here cuz you know that this one Is good. Cuz God made it good for you, and the next one's better.
Do they see that person? Part of AC. the one that says I got to go to church today, I have it
Let me see what can I think of to get out of it.
That's not teaching. Teaching is letting them. See the beauty of a Christian. Did I see you're screaming at your kids? Don't know what little morons they are. You're not teaching them to be a Christian that way. Discipline, your kids.
Don't Vex them. Let people see that. You treat your children with love. Your parents with love.
All people with love that's teaching.
We have a young nephew. That came down. From Kansas to stay with us. This is I guess, right after we moved here and he had had A problem with somebody breaking into his house and he shot them.
But this boy has never had.
In his in his life.
And it came to stay with us with his wife.
and in a few days, you know, we're standing out by the truck and uses wiring in that Debbie always So happy. And why do you seem seem like you can just overcome anything? Jesse, we have God in our lives. We can overcome anything because God is in our lives.
But he could see that without us. Ever saying a word, you can see that there was something different. About us.
I hope. I can always keep an attitude that lets people see something different about us. Because we are different. Everyone is chosen by God, but we're the ones that accepted.
if you're, if you're going through your life and you haven't, Truly giving it to God and let him take on your problems through prayer. If you're not solving your problems at home through love, instead of hate. it might be time to rethink your life, a little honey, there's many people that have already been baptized and saved but if drifted back into those old things to where they want to sit in that Christian example to make that change to bring in that lost sheep that Christ. So wanted us to bring in.
I mean he was three stories on the same subject, it was that important.
We need to look for those lost sheep. We need to talk to those lost sheep. We need to let them know that they're truly love. not just by God, but by us and that we What the fellowship with and celebrate? The Grandeur of our father together. and prepare for,
Our future in Salvation together because we love each other and we love every man woman and child out there in the street if we can't get along enough with them enough. Spread the word to him. We can pray for him. There's always something we can do for the Lost. Make that a priority in your life.
If you straight from that goal. And you need to be found.
Maybe you've never. Giving your life up to Christ, maybe you've never taken those steps that give you salvation. Seems very closely. About where things will be. This world is going to end in the blink of an eye. Christ, will return. And it'll be over. It'll be too late. All that's left is the Judgment. So, where are you going to stand on that day? You need to think about that.
Bible says, we need to hear the gospel. We need to believe what it says.
We need to repent of our past sins. We need to confess our faith in Jesus Christ, and then we need to be baptized. And after we've done that, we need
in the world. we need to repent whenever we mess up cuz we're going to There's a saying.
Or just forgiven. We're no better than anybody else or just forget it. we only get that when we repent, if there's anything we can do today to help you with your journey,
Define God or return to God?
Then please come as we stand. Insane.