Sermon 110898
Acts 8:33 The Humiliation of the Lamb of God 11/8/98
I. Introduction 645
q What does the word humiliation mean to you? How does the word affect you?
q In the times of the NT (Greek world), to be humble was weakness, despicable, repulsive…
q Today in USA, weakness & humiliation are unacceptable: human rights, women, children, religious, gay, criminals, victims, employee…animal - all because no one or nothing should ever experience humiliation, yet Jesus the King of glory & the Lamb was willing to be humiliated (2Co. 8:9).
II. The Humiliation of the Lamb of God
Definition: “tapeinosis” – lowliness, low estate or degree; absence of pride & reputation (Matt. 11:29b)
A. His Birth
1. His willingness to become flesh & blood as His creation (Jn. 1:14) – God can be seen, touched, handled…
2. His willingness to be born of a woman (Lk. 1:35; Gal. 4:4; Ph. 2:6-7)
B. His Life
1. His obedience to the Law (Matt. 3:13-15; 5:17; Gal. 4:4) – according to Luke 2:21ff He was circumcised on 8th day & raised in Jewish culture, obeyed the ceremonial law, baptized, participated in Jewish feasts…
2. Submitting to the weaknesses & limitations of flesh (Heb. 2:14a) – hunger, thirst, weariness, pain, agony
3. The persecution & rejection by people (Jn. 1:11) – family, friends, Judaism, wealthy, poor…
C. His Suffering & Death
1. As an innocent man (Jn. 8:46a; Mt. 27:4-Judas;18:38-Pilate; Lk. 23:47-centurion)
2. As a common criminal (Lk. 23:26-38)
3. As a substitute for sinners – propitiatory (2Co. 5:21; Isa. 53:4-12)
The Humiliation of the Lamb of God, pg. 2
What then can we say about Jesus Christ? HOW LOW WAS CHRIST WILLING TO GO? Nothing would prevent Him from redeeming sinners from hell & destruction. Nothing was too much for Him to give – no sacrifice was too great, no service was too low – He humbled Himself & was humiliated to save sinners such as we are! Would laying aside worship, praise & adoration stop Him? …fellowship with the Father? …being born of woman & clothe in the weaknesses of flesh? …persecution, slander, rejection & hatred from people? …would physical pain, agony, torment or even death stop Him? …NO, NO a thousand times NO! Jesus humbled Himself & paid it all, all to Him we owe! Hallelujah, Hallelujah, What a Savior! How do you respond to so great a salvation, so great a Savior? Would you rather have Jesus that silver & gold; fame & fortune; worldly pleasure & power; reputation & this world’s honor? Will you humble yourself before the King of glory Who was made low & humiliated for you?