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Acts 8:34-38                                              Water Baptism                                             11/15/98


I.   Introduction                                                                                                                       646

q      2 weeks ago, we considered the eunuch’s question:  “What prevents me from being baptized?”

q      Who should be baptized? – (v. 37)=a person who has exercised faith in Jesus Christ from a changed heart

q      Why should you be baptized? – Because Jesus commands you to do it (Mt. 28:19), the Apostles command you to (Ac. 2:38), it is a clear practice of believers in the Scriptures, your love for Christ & His church

q      The mode of baptism is a subject where Godly individual Christians, churches & even denominations hold very strong convictions:  sprinkling, pouring & immersion!  My intentions are not to discuss other people’s convictions, but rather what this passage teaches which is consistent with the whole of scripture on this subject!

II.    The Essentials of Water Baptism

A.     Baptism is not man’s invention, but a command of God (Ex. 29:4-6; Mt. 28:19; etc) – authority!

B.      The NT meaning of baptism was clearly understood by Jews & people familiar w/Judaism

Hearers of John the Baptist (Mt. 3), of Peter (Ac. 2), Saul, the eunuch, Cornelius & Household, etc.

C.      Water (v. 36) – again, this is not man’s idea or invention or creativity; God requires water!

1.      OT & NT (Lev. 8:6; 2Chr. 4:1-6; Mt. 3:1-11)

2.      Symbolism is very significant – cleansing from sin & union with Christ in newness...(Rom. 6:1-6; Ac. 22:16)

D.     A sufficient amount of water for immersion (2Ki. 5:10,14; Mk. 1:5,8-9; Jn. 3:23; Ac. 8:38)

E.      To be administered by someone in God’s authority – J the B, Peter, Philip (1Tit. 1:5)

F.      Public display of identification with Christ & His church (v. 36; Rom. 6:1-6) – not ashamed!

G.     Christian baptism is “in the name of Christ” (2:28; 10:11; 19:1-4; 22:16)

Water Baptism, pg. 2

“in connection with faith in Christ”; in His authority to forgive sin – this was not intended to be a formula of words, but rather a fact of faith in Him!  The words of Christ, then “in the name of the Father…” mean complete trust in the authority & finished work of our God for our redemption & being in union with our God – Father, Son, Holy Sp!

III.   The Benefits of Water Baptism

A.     To the believer being baptized - Personal covenant ceremony with God & Provides a good conscience toward God (1Pe. 3:21)

B.      To the church - Provides encouragement, joy & rejoicing, hope, thanksgiving…in this covenant ceremony!

C.      To the world or unbelievers

It provides a witness & testimony of the reality & power of the gospel.  A witness of the power of God to change a sinner from the inside out; a witness of the forgiveness of God for even the grossest of sins; a witness of the love & patience of God with sinners; a witness of His grace & mercy when we are so undeserving…a witness of hope that you can be saved my unbelieving friend, yes EVEN YOU!

Every one of you is in one of these three categories:  Saved & have not been baptized, saved & have been baptized or an unbeliever still on the outside of the kingdom of God.  Where are you today?  If Jesus has forgiven your sins, called you to Himself to bless, provide for, guide & protect you, why will you not demonstrate your love & obedience to Him in baptism?  If you are a Christian & you have been baptized & sitting here today with a good conscience & thankful for the Lord’s goodness to you, you ought to be filled with joy & rejoicing!  But if you are not a Christian & you’ve been listening to this gospel of Jesus Christ, His love & sacrifice for sinners; you have heard & felt in your soul His offer of salvation to you and you know that you are in danger – you cannot please God or go to heaven the way you are…, baptism is not your primary concern – you must be SAVED…

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