Abounding Grace
Talk about is God's highest and best level of manifested, blessing and prosperity in your life. And I'm talking about the things that show up in this earth walk and it's motivated. You'll see these pictures, I'm looping and I apologize for not having more, but most of the pictures that were taken were blurry. So we ended up with 4 but if you if you were there you recognize this is the The Joint Men's Fellowship, Bible study and Women's Bible study that we combine for breakfast, a few Saturdays ago. And at that, at that Bible study, we talked about Philippians 4:19, where it says, but my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. We had a lot of discussion, lot of input. And I made a statement then that that was a wonderful promise from God. A wonderful level blessing but it wasn't the highest and best that he has for his children and it reminded me of a teaching I did invite Fellowship seven or eight years ago a series of a teachings on financial healing and wholeness and within that series. I talked about these different levels of God's blessing. And so what kind of motivated this morning's teaching. But I actually started Wednesday because there's four levels. I started Wednesday. So if you weren't here Wednesday night for Bible, study will first off shame on you. You need to be here when the doors are open, okay? But second off, I did encourage you go to our website. And if you're not familiar with some of these things I'm talking about today, at least, look at that teaching, but all the Pastor Brian sermons and a lot of the teachers are on there. So you need to go to that site and catch yourself up. But like I said, we talked about Philippians 4:19 at this joint meeting. What we're going to talk about this morning. If I can find it.
Is what I started Wednesday night and I'm going to briefly go over what we talked about Wednesday night before we get into this morning's not talked about the four levels of God's manifested blessing and I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time what I cover Wednesday night just a little bit of review in the first level is none or extremely little so little that you don't recognize that God's blessing is flowing in your life and we got that from 1st. Timothy 6-10 that says the love of money is the root of all evil while with some coveted after they are from the faith and they pierced themselves through with many Sorrows or destructions. In the sun, with that verses talk about a born-again Christians Brothers and Sisters in Christ just like us and they have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. In the Heavenly Realms. Just like it says in Ephesians 1 chapter 1:3, they were children of God, they were joint heirs with Jesus, they were Heirs of God and they have been freely given all things from God. Just just like it tells us and Roman, but they were not experiencing any of that cuz I chose to take that heart that God gave them and take it off of God and put it on money and this serves as well, so to speak and what it did, it resulted in them piercing themselves through with destruction. So you can live as a born-again child of God in this earth walk and experience very little or no of the blessing that God has already provided for you. We talked about the second level, which I don't have a good name for. I just call it bare, necessity or subsistence level and I've gave an argument Wednesday night, but I believe this is a Birthright. This is an entitlement for every child of God, and I get that from a few different teachings of Jesus, but I'm mainly showed it out of Matthew, 6:24 to 33, and then they are. Jesus says, if you are in God's kingdom and you have received the gift of God's righteousness, then God knows what you need and he will add it to your life. But we also saw just because you're entitled to something doesn't mean it shows up here in the Physical Realm, we saw that a leak 13:16 where Jesus is ministering to disable boat over woman in a synagogue. And he walks up and says this woman because she's a daughter of Abraham because she was born a daughter of Abraham. She has a right to be set free, but Satan has bound her for 18 years and then he looked at the woman and said you were lose stand up. So this woman was entitled to Healing as a daughter of Abraham, but she wasn't healed. Satan women press that she had a right to be healed. He's God's enemy. He was her enemy and he's our enemy. You're going to have to enforce your rights. so that woman, she didn't know she was entitled to Healing until Jesus came and told her She didn't know she could resist the devil and he will flee, and she didn't know God's compassion and will for her till Jesus walked up and said, woman, you are loosed. She put some faith in what she heard and she stood up. So I'm really having an entitlement to something. Doesn't actually mean, it shows up there may be a fight sometime and you're going to have to enforce your rights. And like I said, if that's news to you, go back and watch that Wednesday night teaching, cuz that's all I'm going to go over what we covered Wednesday. We all your needs met level in Philippians 4:19, which is what our joint Bible study, discussed a few Saturdays ago. We got that out of Philippians 4:19 my God, shall supply, all your need, according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. And this this is a very popular scriptures quoted by most Christians and it is a wonderful promise in a wonderful level a blessing. But I want to talk about a different one today.
It's a lie or God's grace is super abounding in your life to such a level that your whole life is an abundant life of being able to give and serve your brothers and sisters in Christ. Don't tell any of us the highest and best level of blessing and prosperity that he has for us. And I get that out of 2nd Corinthians 9:8. And I mentioned to the Wednesday night, crowd it if you really want to know what God says about finances, you need to go read 2nd, Corinthians chapter 8 and 2nd Corinthians chapter 9. but there's more revealed in those two chapters about how God manages and wants to manage blessing and Finance in our lives than anywhere else in the Bible know, the whole Bible's full of stuff about finances, but those two chapters are really significant. If you read 2nd Corinthians 9:8 says in, God, is able to make all grace abound towards you that, ye always having all sufficiently in all things may abound to every good work. If you know Ephesians 2:10 us, as we are created, we are God's handiwork his craftsmanship. Created unto good works that he before the foundation of this universe before he even created this universe he ordained and commanded. He ordered that we live our life in them. So he he has said a life of good works for us that he's made provision for. And he's saying here. He wants to bound all his grace towards us all of it. So that we always have all sufficiency and that works officiants in the gray. Cat means perfect, a perfect. Point in life where you need no outside assistance, you're completely supplied completely Supply. No Lack at any time. Any single time in your life, this is what he's provided and what he desires and he does it so we can a bound to every single good work. Now, for the Wednesday night crowd, again, a little homework, you know, tell me who this promise is too. Cuz we have a misperception that we can just pull off a verse out of the Bible or take away one. We like and go that applies to me, that's mine. That's not always the case. Some of these promises are two specific people or they have conditions. So any of the Wednesday night, Crown, they do their homework. I know Moon did Boone who's the promise written to Call Misty Bode Miller actually living.
Close close. Very close Janice. Do what? The ones that give we're getting much closer. Any of the ones do not crowd. Get it to. This is what's frustrating to me. Sometimes every one of us has been trained. As soon as we got in school, to take information with, it's written or spoken and determine what the author is trying to tell us, right? And so we take any book and we look at the title and we look at the preface and will read it and go. All the officers going to tell me about fixing cars, and whatever the subject. Maybe we kind of treat them the Bible different and we shouldn't God plainly tells us in this very chapter who This Promise is written to you. Go to the first, verse, 2nd Corinthians 9, Paul's riding the current in this is for, as touching. The ministering to the Saints, it is Superfluous or unnecessary for me to write to you, but then he does write to him about it. But the subject is ministering. To the Saints and we had a good question Wednesday night, okay? Well, we're talkin about holding out the word of life and Ministry and encouragement and tell him a person of scripture when they were need. I said absolutely not. Yes. The Bible, the New Testament particular is full of that sort of administering that we are all supposed to be engaged in. But this is specifically talking about supplying physical needs in this earth realm with physical things. And you can see that just like we would do any book. We go down in context, if you get the verse 12 in verse 13, Paul says, for the administration or the carrying out of the service, not only Supply the want of the Saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgiving's unto God With Us. By the experiment of this Administration are carrying out this service, ministering to the Saints. They glorify God for your professed subjection under the gospel of Christ in for your liberal distribution under them and unto all men. So we can contact God is telling you ministering to the Saints. Can ball Supply. The one or the lack or the need of the Saints with a distribution?
And before we get off track here and I have to drag everybody back on the path, this is not talking about giving to Ministries. We've been deceived in the body of Christ, if that's the end, all purpose of are giving. It's a small part of our purpose of giving This is the major part. Of our giving Brandon have a pistol, everything on them, does it. And I told him Wednesday night Crown, I'll tell you. Yes, we are to support Ministries that are preaching and teaching the word of God to us, and you got to be Discerning. This world is filled with people preaching, you doctrines of devils and things from seducing spirits and you're warned about it over and over and over and over to the whole Bible particular in the New Testament. But God says, when you find those people, those ministers who are ministering the word of God, share your good things with them. Okay. But this chapter is not talking about that at all. God's highest and best use for the sea that he gives you beside the bread. You eat the seed for sowing is taking care of the needs of your brothers and sisters and others that aren't your brothers and sisters who may become your brothers and sisters taking care of their needs. That's the highest and best use of the seed. He gives in these two chapter 2nd Corinthians 8, 2nd Corinthians 9, it's all about that. so, it is Supplying physical needs were not talking about spiritual needs. Those are things we need to minister to each other and there's many other scriptures. But these are not talking about ministering spiritual gifts, or talked about ministering.
Physical gifts. Okay. So everybody's on the same page, right? Will be taking 2nd Corinthians 9:1 and you know okay we're talking about ministering to the Saints and then you get up and 2nd Corinthians 9:8 were the promises about. Got all the God's grace abounding. So that you always have all sufficiently in all things at all time. So you can abound every single good work. I puts on your heart. I look at it like steps or better a better analogy is like a chain. There's links in the chain that take you from verse 12 verse 8. So we can look at a couple of links in that chain. The first one I want to look at, I want to read out of the kennel, Wiest expanded translation of the New Testament. If you're not feel the familiar with that it, he's a Greek scholar. And anytime you see the word expanded in the title of a translation, what it means is The off the author's going to use. As many English words is necessary to express. What is being said in the Greek? Cuz the great is one of the most expressive and not the most expressive language we've ever known and an expanded translation. I just use, however, many words, I need to use to get the idea across to I'm going to read verse 5 and in the voice translation. This is Paul riding to the Corinthians. Therefore, I deemed it necessary to exhort the Brethren that they should go before to you and make ready your liberal gift which was previously promised that this might be ready, beforehand. Us as a matter of generosity and not as a gift, which a Covetous Spirit would withhold. But gives grudgingly under pressure in the, in a little bag drop. If you can actually see this through the whole new testament, many of the books of the New Testament, what Paul is doing, his God has inspired him to mobilize the Christian world at the time to make a collection for the Judy, Judy and Saints the church in Judea cuz there's a famine going on and it's really really bad. I mean the point people are starving and a lot of suffering, some Paul's mobilizing the Christian world and it took a couple years And all of them are getting together. Trying to make a contribution to help those brothers and sisters, who are starving in Judea. And in one of his missionary trips through Corinth, when he tells them about this, lead, Lego Paul. We want to help, we want to help, we're going to, we're going to start collecting. We're going to get things together, to help our brothers and sisters out, and when you come back through, it's going to be ready. Well, he's he's fixing to come back through and he sending it in this letter notice. Hey, I'm coming by have that gift. You talked about ready. Cuz I wanted the gift to be a generosity phone out of your heart. Not one where I show up and you feel pressed or forced to give you promise this gift Now's the Time to have it ready? Cuz we're fixing to deliver it. So I kind of got the backdrop And he's coming with some people from Macedonia, the Philippian churches, and they have also participated. That's what chapter 8 is about in 2nd Corinthians. But look what he says here. He wants to give as a matter of generosity. Not one from a Covetous spirit. Most of us don't even realize you can give a gift with a Covetous spirit. We just came to thank. Oh, I gave, you know, I grit my teeth and I gave that's good enough. It's absolutely not. Absolutely not. In the old Covenant.
You can you can point your finger guns that I tied. I gave it shall be given unto me and you were right. Listen to cross. Got fix the heart. Condition of man who saw the cross 1st Corinthians 13 says, you can give every single thing. You got every single thing. You've got to the poor. If you do with the wrong heart, if profits, nothing zero, God's interested in your heart. And he fixed your heart. That's what they didn't understand about. Jesus on the sermon of the mount, he came and said, okay, well, you're not committing adultery but you're lusting in your heart, it's the same thing. You know, you're not killing somebody but you hate your brother, same thing. There's a route that was evil in us and it even applied in our giving, you can give a gift. We're on the inside, you're going, I just had my way. I could buy a big screen TV with this, you know, I could go on vacation with this but everybody else is giving so high. Okay, I got to give in the world examples of this in in Acts chapter 5. There were people in the early Jerusalem Church. They were so moved, they had lands and we miss that part. These are people that had extra much extra, they sold those and they gave it to the church. So anybody that had need will be taken care of and then we had to Believers ananias and Sapphira where they saw everybody else and they do, you know, man. We got to look good like that. We got some plans so let's sell it but we really don't want to give it. So we're going to hold back some of it, but tell him, this is everything we got from the sale. And Peter sees that, give me go say, it was your land to start with if you didn't want to sell it. Why did you sell it? It was yours. That's not forcing you to do anything and then when you sold it, how will let you gave is your business? Why did you lie to the Holy Spirit and say you gave it all and it had deadly consequences, but it was what this verse is talking about in the heart if they could have got what they really wanted, they wouldn't have given anything. Okay, that's what I was talking about. When is talking about this grudging Spirit. That's that's not into the giving. But there is the other side of the coin, a gift given as a matter of generosity. So it is, we're looking at those Lincoln those chains up. Now we're saying kind of a description of what God's talking about here. Looking for 6 Paul continues on his his, but although I'm not pressing you to give this is true. He who sow sparingly. She also reap. Sparingly Usos in a beneficent generous Spirit, a liberal spirit with a view to the blessing of the recipient. She'll also reap blessings giving in a beneficent generous manner I'm telling you there's a lot in this verse. We could teach on this verse to Jesus comes back. We really could
In every one of you heard this, cuz in the King James is sowing and reaping everyone, you've heard this pot wrong. In a manner to deceive you. Every single time you've heard it there, somebody's trying to encourage you to give money into their Ministry. Use that TV preacher in contest. It's not even talkin about Ministries is talking about brothers and sisters in need This is the only place that God reveals is sowing and reaping principle. Now, I agree. We can't apply it to give to Ministries and other sorts of giving. But in context, God chose to reveal about ministering to the Saints.
And look what he's saying here. You can give it a spirit, that grudging spirit, that he just told us about verse 5, he calls that reaping sparingly. or you can reap with that heart that God I mean so with that heart, God Gave You generously liberally because that sewing bountifully Sewing liberally.
This is a hard verse right here. Everybody's heard of Al Gore's movie. There's An Inconvenient Truth. This verse is an uncomfortable truth.
this verse is saying, That's the exact measure of God's blessing. That is showing up in your life and this Earth walk. It's directly proportional to your heart when you're giving. If you're giving grudgingly in and I want to remind you, this is not an amount at all. Y'all heard preachers say, all you want a hundred dollar bills, you got a soul hundred dollar bills. Why are they saying that? They want your hundred dollar bills? Okay? This is not what this is talking about is talking about your heart. That was the most, the largest financial gift. We have any record of in the Bible is the Widow's two mites. And I want to use today's two pennies. Jesus said that was a largest financial gift hit ever seen. It's not the amount. Did your heart? and this is saying if you so grudgingly in your heart of hearts, Do you will reap grudgingly? but if you saw with the heart gave, you bountifully generously the way he made us to be, You will reap that way. It's on you and it's a perfect system. None of us can stand before God and say you didn't do such and such
cuz he gave you everything and then he put the ball in your court. Actually put the ball in your heart so to speak. And that's the easy part. He change that heart. It tells you in 1st, John 3:17 it says if you got the love of God in you and you see your brother and sister need, how can you shut up the bowels of compassion, The Ballad of the falling River of love and compassion that God has for your brother and sister in Christ? How can you shut it up?
Do you have the ability to shut it off? He might have perfect incomplete in here. He made it just like Jesus. We are just like Jesus. On the inside. We have the same love the same compassion. The same capacity to give and Minister that Jesus did, but we also have the choice to shut it off. When you shut it, all you are sowing sparingly. How will you reap? Sparingly. There's no other option, okay? But if we just do what God made us to do,
Vessels of his love and compassion and we just let it out if we just let it out. That's what he calls someone with that beneficent, generous, liberal spirit. And if you look at that, this is a description of God. He doesn't give you anything to gift.
He gives you because he loves you. He gives to you cuz he cares for you.
He's not looking to get anything out of you. I guess I can't tell you how badly it hurts my teasing. And when I hear this so you have to give to get
it is a perversion of what the New Covenant teaches. It was accurate, and exactly right for the old Covenant, which is a, if you will, I will Covenant. God had to come and people to do. So, he had a right to act in their life. Because of their heart. But then he fixed our heart on this side of the cross. And now I says, be like my son. I'm going to inform you to the image of my son. If you look at Jesus, what is his life? His entire life is a life of giving he gave his life for us, but giving, so are more Jesus ministry that in the most important ritual that the Jewish Nation had pass over there, having a Passover meal and Judas abruptly gets up in the middle of the Passover meal and leads and Judas was the treasurer of the group. You know what? The other disciple spot. Oh, he must be going out to give something to the poor. That tells you what Jesus ministry was. Like Jesus didn't walk around with his hand out. He walked around ministering what he had. And I'll tell you something else. As soon as the agenda, I'm just thinking about it. Jesus was made poor for our sakes, but he was the wealthiest person when he walked. And I told, I told them, Wednesday night crew, that's because, every single need that he had or anybody, no matter the number that came to him in the face, he resend that spiritual remedy method. Need He was giving with that generous beneficent liberal spirit that God put in US. This is for dogs made available to us and demands it of us. He is commanding us to do this. And if you ignore it, you think all I can do better for myself. You know. I'm on my way, I'm going to keep that little Penny, you know, cuz I don't want to give it to someone. So even though I know they need it, you're hurting yourself. You are going to reap God's blessings. The very same way you let them live for your life. Like I said, this. This is an uncomfortable truth but this is the truth and if you think anything different you're deceived. This is the truth. You will reap like you so and it's not the amount do not mistake me. This is not the amount. It's the heart that you're giving with. So now we see these links in the chain going from verse 12 verse say, we know, we're talkin about a liberal giving generous hard taking care of needs of the Saints. Get up to verse 7. And I want to read this one out of the Amplified just because I think they do the very best job of translating it
Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart not reluctantly or Starfleet, or under compulsion for God loves, he takes pleasure in, he prizes above other things and is unwilling to abandon her to do without a cheerful joyous prom to do it. Give her whose heart is in his give And again, this is another description of God. God's heart is in his giving and he gave everything to us. He put that time Harden us and gave us a choice, to shut it up or let it flow.
And although we all know God loves us, he's making an emphasis here. The one. That'll let his heart loose and give. The way that I made and created them to be, I will not do without I will not do without I prized them above other things.
I'm telling you, he's put it on us but he gave us all that. We need And when it says here, you give as you have made up your own mind, which means you're going to have to expand a little mental, and I'm thinking about these things. And as you have purposed in your heart, When how many of you stood before God and said, God, I know. Now why you created me? I know what my purpose in life is here on Earth. I know. Now why you left me here? After I got born again, cuz it sure would have been better if I'd been raptured right out what the heaven but you left me here for a reason.
I know what my purpose is and I'll purposing right now today before your throne. I will let your blessings flow through me to my brothers and sisters who are in need That is my purpose. I will not deviate from that path.
How many of you done that or even thought about it? He made you for that. He didn't say he created us in Christ Jesus unto a life adjust. Text Jason, whatever, enter size. You know, just spending our time and aimless Pursuits, he created us for a wife and a good works. If that doesn't describe your life, you're not walking on the path that God ordained for you. He doesn't put guard rails up. You're allowed to get off the path. That doesn't please him, but you're allowed to do that. Don't do it. But he wants the hard he put in us in our giving. So, you notice every Link in the chain has to do with your heart. Not an amount. You give or a thing. You give None of that it has to do with your heart. And how is your heart set, when you have those links in the chain, then you get up to that promise.
2nd Corinthians 9:8, when you let loose the heart that he birthed you with when it's flowing free and he is able to make all grace abound to you. So that you always having all sufficiently in all things may abound to every good work. A lot of people read this and they go. Well, that's that's the same thing as Philippians 4:19. My God, shall supply, all your need. If you were sitting at home at the end of the month and every single needs, you had your electric bill Morgan whatever. Every single one of them you computed it down to the penny. I mean the penny. And all the sudden you hear a knock on the door, there's FedEx with a special delivery. You know nothing to check from God. National check with God signature and it's for the exact Penny of what you just computed for your entire need. You could go. Thank God, Philippians 4:19. It's true. God Supply my needs according to his riches in glory, right? And I'd be awesome. How much would you have left over? To abound. Do any good work, much less every good work. Not one penny. This is a whole different life. That he's already provided for us. He's not sitting there thinking. How do I invent this? How do I create this? He already did this? And then he said, now if you'll get with the program, all my grace can a bound towards you so that you have all sufficiency in all things in this world, things is actually added by the King James translator translator is in it and it's, they're doing it to help you understanding. But the real statement is, you always have all sufficiency in all God didn't limit it to say anything all. Sufficiency
So, you can have bound every single good work. God gave us an imagination.
For reason and it wasn't for evil was not for evil. I want you to imagine a life live, just like this scripture. What would your life look like if you literally Could have been down to every single good work that God puts on your heart. I mean, every single time, He's moved with compassion and I want to make this clear. He's never going to show up and say Barbara I'm ordering you. To give something to John, he will never do that. What he'll do is his compassion and love for John, and his need will flow through you, and you'll feel it. And always asked me to be part of it. He's not forcing us, he's not demanding us. He's not ordering us cuz he says he hates you actually read what it's talking about. He hates a gift given under compulsion. Let me tell you something, when you think God's ordering you to give something that's compulsion, there's no higher form of compulsion God's ordered you to do something and you're going to ignore it. No. He will not do that.
He will move you with compassion the same way, you're reading. All the gospels were Jesus was moved with compassion. And if you just won't shut it up. If you'll just go with the flow, that's what Jesus said. Rivers of living water, spirit will flow from us if you'll just go with the flow. Man, all his grace. Disable to abound in the word. He uses for abound, I gave a description Wednesday night. It's literally like standing in front of the Hoover Dam. You're by yourself in front of that, huge Dam, and it splits apart. And all that water told him back just overwhelms. You, that's what he's talking about with his grace. I want you to imagine that what's a wife, like, we're God's grace is actually a bounding in it. Is it better than what you're experiencing right now?
Yes, I do manatees. If you won't answer all answer for you. Yes, amen, it's better. But it's available. He's provided it for us already. It's here. It's now and it refers to our Earth walk. And what shows up in this earth? Walk God's. I had to you. What he knows you need.
And we saw in the links of the chain. It depends on one thing and one thing only your heart, your spirit Doesn't depend on how much money you have to give or things you have to give. Depends on the heart. You do it with. And if you seen yourself in this, if you're giving grudgingly my God I just okay I'll do it. How good is Devon's doing it and I don't want to look bad. If that's why you're giving stop, just stop. Cuz you are not helping yourself, you're not helping the person. You're trying to bless. You're causing damage, your causing destruction to come into your life, just stopped. But then, if you can find anything, That you can give work. Your joy is being made. On that opportunity. God's giving you an opportunity to open the door to this abounding. Grace is given every one of us opportunities all the time, all the time.
What's that scripture, man that he prizes above others, that your full give you won't deal with that when he finds one of us who will stop shutting off at Flowing, compassion and love and life of giving when he finds any one of us that will actually do that. He just stands right there anyway. Okay, I'm going to flow it. I want to blow it in because I know they will let it loose. they will be vessels of my blessing and grace and mercy to my children who are in need Would we go back to 2nd Corinthians 8 that chapter? It says God has ordained and equality Among Us that your time of abundance is for another brother sister, time of need to let in your time of need, their abundance can supply hit, he's ordaining a quality. You are not going to get out of this life with more toys than anybody else. You're not, and it is a picture in the Old Testament, when he gave them Manna in the wilderness, some go, I don't want to gather every morning. So I'll just gather a whole bunch today. Everything extra spoiled that night. The ones that didn't gather enough for whatever reason, it multiplied in the pot so their need was met. You are not going to get out of here with your toys. The one of the things this chapter, I didn't go into it, this chapter gives a list of side benefits of giving. One of them is God calls it a righteous act. When we actually just do what he would like us to do with what he is provided for us to do it with. It says your righteousness that Rochester that will endure forever and weary scriptures like that when we pass over things like that sometime, but if you look in Acts chapter 10, got pulled the curtain back on, what's going on in the spiritual realm? He talks about Cornelius, who was the first Gentile? Who was? Who is preach the gospel and allowed to be born again from the Gentiles. And there's a scene in there where it says, where Cornelius has prayers and his arms. His giving to the poor had come up before God for memorial memorial is a remembrance, like what Jesus asks us to do with the Lord's. Supper God had a process in place where it would be brought before him when he even an unsaved man. did an act of kindness to a person in need You didn't think about that for a little bit? Does God need a reminder of anyting. No, but he had a process to memorialize. That's what memorial means. It's, it's a forever remembrance. Cornelius is not only his prayers, but his arms is taking care of the poor. List chapter says that your acts of righteousness will endure forever. That means 500 million years from now, you're going to be walking with God in the cool of the evening.
What's a Jerry? Remember when I moved you and compassion to help rather someone so thank you.
That's, that's awesome. Your God birthed you. Then he gave you the provision and he gave you the heart to share. And when you do it, he'll be eternally grateful to you. That's how important it is to him.
And we'll just let that Hardy gave us out. All his grace and I'm sorry, I'm getting emotional. But when we talked a few weeks ago at that Bible study in the things I hear all the time when I see the suffering going on especially my my brothers and sisters here and I know this is available and I know it works. I'm not testifying you about something. I don't know about.
I'm telling you how this works.
And there's nothing like this. Jesus talks about making our joyful. This is how it gets into our lives. There's nothing nothing that makes your spirit more joyful and get God's program. And he wants, is for every single one of us gets available. You're entitled.
Didn't have to do what's necessary to enforce your rights. You have an enemy, you must resist your enemy but you also have a heart of God put in you, and you got to let that heart loose. If you're going to continue to shut those, he calls it bowels of compassion in the King James is not a good modern translation. He's talking about that. Compassionate love phone from you. If you're going to shut it up, you got no. Hope whatsoever to ever walk in this promise, it's not for you. This promise is not for you. Unless you're one of those brothers and sisters that will let God lose. And you commit to ministering to your brothers and sisters you need. And how many places it tells you end it all. But especially those of the household of faith, our life, as a Christian, should be characterized by life of giving, and it's your choice and your choice only. It's a decision. And that's what I want to leave you with. If you think this is something that will happen to you. If you want, you have got to purpose in your heart and make up your mind. This is what you're going to be like. You're going to be exactly like your Lord and Savior, Jesus. And I want you to keep this picture in mind. The word is going to be with us forever. Correct. There's they're not going to be a Time and Eternity that we can't turn to that book and it'll still be there God's revelation right? Some place in eternity, you're going to meet a brother named Stephon us.
He is memorialized in the word. So that means a billion years from now. When you actually knows the phone is you're going to be able to look back at the word and read about Stephanos. What did God inscribe about him? 1st Corinthians, 16, verse 15, I beseech, you. I beg you brother and you know, the house is Stephon has that it is the first fruits of a k. Another words, they were first born again, Believers in Corinth. That they have a dicted themselves. To the ministry of the Saints.
What's the Ogden right about you? What you going to write about me?
I prayed something like this.
Can you imagine God? For eternity has inscribed. This statement about Stephon us and his household because they addicted themselves. God didn't make them do anything.
He didn't force them to do anything, but he points out. They got born again so that means God put his heart in them. And then they chose to a dick themselves. What are we addicted to?
TV drugs. Cigarettes alcohol, you name it. You name it.
Imagine yourself addicted to the ministry to the Saints. Imagine God being able to say that about us.
Now, let me ask you a question. Do you think all of God's grace? We're Stefano's had all sufficiency at all times, so that he was able to abound every good work. Do you think that promise was working and stuff on a son? Absolutely. Absolutely. Why. Because he took the heart, gave them that God gave him and he decided he made a choice to addicted himself to serving his brothers and sisters in Christ. You can make the same choice. Absolutely. You can make the same choice and I know some of you think I'll I got nothing. You know what? That's cuz you're not walking in all grace abound in yet and it starts if you looked at the chain that I was trying to build and Link together maybe not too clearly, it starts with you making up your mind is like Stefano's did Import missing in your heart. And I'm telling you, you need to consider this. The most important Ministry to God is our ministry to each other. Okay, if you're doing that or haven't been doing that, some of you might never ever thought about actually doing something face-to-face, with another brother and sister need, you need to start, you need to start. but if you're doing any of that giving of any sort grudgingly, I mean, you just know.
It really pains me to do this. Stop it. Stop Ear piercing yourself through with destruction. Get in the world and find out what's the funnest found out.
He's he's partaking of his eternal reward right now but that's what he had in mind. He said, you know, this is this is a material. This is passing away but I can use this. I can use this to help my brothers and sisters in Christ. Someone if you haven't purpose, I want you to at least consider a perp purpose in your heart to dicked yourself. Predict yourself. Was helping your brothers and sisters in need. It's not a zero-sum game, I don't give and then I never have again. That's not what God said. He said, open the door for me to abound my grace to you. It's standing there. Like that water behind Hoover Dam. I was talking about, it's waiting. He's waiting for us to split that. Damn open.
Amen. Amen, I hope everybody gets. This is one of the most significant things that God has ever showed and Donnie mine and Debbie's life. And it changed it like that. I'm not exaggerating like that. And when you experience that Joy, I don't care what you think, makes you happy right now. That means you haven't experienced God's joy to its fullest in your life. I don't know what crack cocaine or heroin are all that junk. I'm telling you can't compare it. Just couldn't it, just could not compare. Once you have that, you're like I can't do without this, I have to have this and you only get it one way.
Just like some stuff on this did. Amen. Amen.