Sermon 121398
2Pe. 1:16-18 Things Remembered That Stir You Up - II 12/13/98
I. Review 649
You will remember from last week that Peter is writing to Christians that are suffering for their faith in Jesus – hated, scorned, persecuted, loss of jobs, possessions, hunger…(Mt. 10:22). These believers needed to be encouraged & strengthened in their trials & temptations. Therefore Peter reminds them of specific biblical truths to stir them up (v. 13; 3:1-2):
¨ What God has done for them & us (v. 1-4) – Every believer was saved by God’s mighty power, given faith to believe in Jesus, called by the gospel & given everything necessary for life & godliness!
¨ What they & we must do in obedience to God (v. 5-7) – Every believer must earnestly strive for a living faith, inward disciplines, & a godly outward disposition, even in suffering & trouble. Peter calls this growing in grace & in the knowledge of Jesus Christ (3:18).
¨ Benefits of obedience & the dangers of disobedience in suffering (v. 8-11)
But to encourage them even more, he reminds them & us that the gospel message is factual & true!
II. The Facts of the Gospel
A. The gospel is not cleverly devised tales (v. 16a) – a religious story that’s not factual (2:1-3)
There are many myths, fables & tales – Greeks (Zeus, etc.), Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Christian Science, Islam, Roman Catholicism…no evidence, proof, facts; it’s speculation from man & no power to redeem!
B. The biblical requirement for witnesses to establish facts (v. 16b-c; Jn. 8:17; 2Co. 13:1)
God’s witness alone is sufficient (Heb. 6:18b), but for our benefit He adds the witness of people.
1. The miraculous conception of Christ (Mt. 1:18-20; Lk. 1:26-38)
Mary & Joseph & even Elizabeth
Things Remembered That Stir You Up-II, pg. 2
2. The birth of Christ (Lk. 2:7-17; Mt. 2:1-2,9-11) – Joseph, Mary, shepherds, magi (wise men)
3. The childhood of Christ (Lk. 2:51-52; Mt. 13:55-56)
Joseph, Mary, brothers, sisters, relatives, neighbors, priests, teachers…He was well known!
4. The ministry of Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
12 apostles, Mary Magdalene, Martha, Lazarus, Zaccheus, Jairus’ daughter, blind, lame, deaf, centurion, hemorrhaging woman, 5,000/4,000 He fed, cities, towns, villages …saw & experienced the power of Christ
5. The death/burial of Christ (Jn. 19:25-30ff) – John, 3 Mary’s, soldiers, criminals, scoffers…
6. The resurrection (Jn. 20:1ff; 1Co. 15:3-8) – Mary Magdalene, apostles, men of road to Emmaus
7. The 2nd advent/return (v. 16-18) – the transfiguration was a preview of the 2nd coming (Mt. 16:28-17:3); there will be most certainly be eyewitnesses (Mt. 24:29-30; Ac. 1:9-11).
These are the facts of the gospel; this glorious plan of God to redeem sinners from slavery to sin & Satan & wickedness, lust, greed, immorality, lying, stealing…God has demonstrated His power in raising Jesus from the dead & saving multiple millions/billions of sinners from the garden of Eden to today. Do you believe these undeniable, irrefutable, unchangeable facts? It’s almost too wonderful to believe, but it’s all true – Jn. 3:16; the Son of God (who is Himself God) humbled Himself…(Phil. 2:6-10). He died for you & He rose & He promises (1Pe. 1:3-5). Yes, the one who came the 1st time as the Innocent Lamb will come again as the Lion & King of all creation; conquering every enemy of Christ & the saints – every scoffer, mocker, persecutor, unbelieving spouse, child, neighbor, supervisor, school teacher, coach…and He’s coming to take the saints home! These are the things we should remember to be stirred up in our love & obedience to God even while you’re suffering & in the troubles of life…