Be In The Light: The Light
What Are We Doing?
The Why
Walk in the Light
Like John’s gospel, 1 John begins with a contrast between light and darkness. In the gospel, the incarnate Christ is the light that continues to shine in the darkness of a world that tries to exclude Him. Believers face a choice: either to “walk in the light,” coming to Christ in faith alone and opening their hearts to Him in confession of sin, or to “walk in darkness,” denying that they are sinners. The contrast between light and darkness is inseparably linked to a contrast between those who “practice the truth” and agree with God, and those who make God “a liar.” It is an inescapable reality that believers sin; the remedy for sin—confession and cleansing by the blood of Jesus—is God’s continuing irrevocable gift to believers. Because Jesus’ death has paid in full the penalty for sin, and because God has demonstrated that Jesus is His true Son by raising Him from the dead, God grants forgiveness and cleansing as a matter of faithfulness and justice. He will not refuse to pardon those who trust Him because He is faithful to His promise to forgive His people, and He cannot refuse to pardon those who trust Him because it would be unjust for Him to make repentant sinners pay the penalty when Christ has already paid it in their behalf.