Sermon 122798
2Pe. 1:19 The Prophetic Word Made More Sure 12/27/98
I. Review 651
Examples: Grandparents/parents tell those familiar stories over & over…, One reason for God choosing Abraham (Gen. 18:19), the purpose of biblical festivals, baptism, the Lord’s Supper = reminders! Last time we looked at these verses, I emphasized the encouragement of biblical prophecy being fulfilled. People all over the world are recognizing the birth of Christ this month – it is a fact of history, but never forget that God prophesied in detail what would happen centuries before it took place. Therefore, fulfilled prophecy is fundamental to our faith – it stirs up hope, faith & love in us. However, we must never forget that prophecy is a part of the whole of scripture “prophecy of scripture” (v. 20). So then, if prophecy is given to encourage us & stir us up, then all of scripture is likewise given for our benefit in this life of trials & troubles (Rom. 15:4)!
II. The Reliability of All Scripture (v. 19a) – explain = the NT confirms the truth/accuracy of the OT
Your attitude toward scripture actually reveals your perspective of God (Ps. 119:89, 97…)
A. All scripture is from/of God (v. 21; 2Tim 2:16a)
B. It is impossible for God to speak or inspire a lie (Heb. 6:18; Rom. 3:4a-b)
No one has ever proved the scriptures to be untrue/unreliable – many have attempted, but all have failed. Some in their attempts… were saved. Others have hardened their hearts in unbelief, but no one have ever proved God to be a liar!
III. All Scripture is Profitable to Those Who Believe & Obey (v. 19b; 2Tim 2:16b-17)
A. Every unbeliever needs to pay attention to scripture today – the Word of God, not man (v. 20)
Regardless of your age, everything that God says about you is true – sinner, spiritually lost, blind, dead… Everything God says about Jesus Christ is true – the Savior, Lamb of God…Everything that God says about you future w/o Christ is true…And the good news is that everything that God says about your future w/Christ is true if you believe! The Word of God is the only guarantee that you have in life – it will most certainly take place!
The Prophetic Word Made More Sure, pg. 2
B. Every believer needs to pay attention to scripture today
Regardless of your age, everything that God says about you is true – forgiven, child, blessed, inheritance…(1:4). Jesus has come as the Light of the World & His word is the only light given for us to see our way in the darkness of this world (Jn. 1:4-5; Ps. 119:105). We are not groping & stumbling through life, living by luck & chance – no, we have the truth! Only the scriptures tell us the truth about the world, the devil…and how to live victoriously (1:3) – we pay attention because this is the truth, real living, joy…
IV. All Scripture is Profitable for All of Our Life (v. 19c)
Regardless of your age, there will never be a time when you are not under the authority of scripture and the God of all scripture. Pay attention to scripture my brother/sister for as long as you live; whether you are 5 or 95, you must obey the word of God. Why? Because the same God who prophesied human history, history of nations, governments, races, cultures, the birth of Jesus, life, death, resurrection has prophesied that He’s coming again. The day is going to dawn & The Morning Star is coming (Rev. 22:16). The day when all saints will rejoice & be exceedingly glad…. But those who loved darkness, will grieve and attempt to hide themselves for terror & fear – but there will be nowhere to hide!
Pay attention to your scriptures today my brother/sister, it’s the only light you have to get you through you situation without stumbling & falling – and not only that, but it’s the only way to love life and have good days. And to you my friend who has not yet believed (young or old), this is the day that you ought to pay close attention & obey Jesus – He is the way, truth & life…but you must come to Him, receive Him, come out of that darkness NOW! COME OUT, PLEASE COME OUT! Don’t delay, believe in Christ now; these are not my words or the words of any man; these are not my promises or the promises of any man – but this is the word of God & His promise (Jn. 1:1-13)!