Job #1

Book of Job Senior Youth Bible Study  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Wisdom lit

What do we know about Job already?
What questions do we have?
What are you hoping to get out of this study?
Bible Project Video
Watch video through twice. First time, just watch.
Then watch Proverbs, Then Ecclesiastes, then the Job again and answer questions.
Which 3 books of the Bible are known as ‘The Wisdom Literature’?
All 3 books are tackling the questions: what kind of world are we living in and how do we do it well?
Each of these books looks at these questions from a unique perspective, and we need to understand each of them in order to answer this questions properly.
What is the basic teaching of Proverbs?
Video starting 0:00-2:00
There’s an invisible cresative force in the universe that can guide people in how to live - ‘Wisdom’ an attribute of GOd he used to create the world, and its been woven into the fabric of the universe. Anytime someone makes a good decision they are using HOCHMA, bad decision working against HOCHMA
Proverbs 1:32-33 “For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them; but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.””
Proverbs 13:13 “Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded.”
It’s a casue -effect pattern no one can avoid
Journey to becoming wise must begin with Fear of The Lord. Healthy respect of what God says is good and evil. True wisdom means learning those boundary lines and not crossing them
(For Vid overview watch Bible Project Porverbs vid from 0:00-2:00
What is the main understanding that comes from Ecclesiastes?
Video starting at 2:29
Life is meaningless (HEVEL)
Wants to turn your view of the world upside down.
Expore 3 things about the world
1. We are just a blip in history
2. We are all going to die
3. Life is random. It doesn’t always work to cause and effect. Random chance. You can’t really control anything in life, life is too unpredictable.
Everything in life is HEVEL - vapour. It’s meaning is never clear. Like smoke, life is confusing, disorienting, uncontrollable.
It’s a good idea to live in wisdom and fear of the Lord. But since you can’t control your life you should stop trying. You really only have control over one thing - the present moment. Stop worrying and choose to enjoy the present moment of sun on your face, a conversation with a firend, a good meal etc. The simple things in life. The good and bad things - both are rich gifts from God
Ecclesiastes is depressing - Author speaks up at the end - he doesn’t want you to lose hope, he wants to make you humble. To trust that life has meaning even when you can’t make sense of it. One day God will clear the HEVEL and bring his justice to all that we’ve done. Because this judgement will happen, the best way we can liove is in the fear of the Lord by keeping his commandments.
What is the main question that the book of Job is looking at?
What does ‘The Satahn’ mean?
What does ‘The Satahn’ accuse Job of?
What do the friends suggest is going on?
What does Job end up accusing God of?
How does God respond?
What was the whole point of God’s response?
Where does this leave Job?
Why did Job get blessed at the end?
God gives and God takes away
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