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Wednesday Night
Wednesday Night
Does anyone have anything they’d like to share from last week at camp for the rest of the group or for those that may not have been there?
On Friday this week, I get to do something really special for the second time this year, I get to officiate a wedding.
But not just any wedding.
The wedding of my brother-in-law Cody!
Now I think all of you know this, but just in case you don’t, Johnie and I are brother in laws and Cody is Johnie’s brother.
Now here is something that blew my mind when I thought about this a little bit more.
Cody is the last person in my family that is an adult that will be getting married in the near future.
Both my brothers and all of my brother in laws are married.
So the next person in my family to get married will probably be either my neices or… buckle up for this one… Roman.
One I’m not prepared to even think about that and I shouldn’t be, he’s only 6…
but still in 6 more years, he will be in student ministry with you guys!
That’s a scary, sobering thought for me.
But it’s also empowering.
Because I want Roman to have a good foundation.
Something I challenge a bride and groom with in any wedding I do is to found their marriage on Christ.
Let Jesus be the foundation of the marriage.
Cause guess what, if it’s not that, marriage is an uphill battle right from the get go.
How do I know that?
1 John 4:19 “19 We love because he first loved us.”
God, the author of love, gave us love, showed us love, and empowers us with His love.
But if I don’t recognize God’s love, then I might be looking for love in the wrong places…
So knowing all of that tonight, here’s a question for all of us.
What is the framework that determines all your life choices?
Your assumptions about life.
Is there something you assumed to be true that you found out wasn’t true?
Is there something about God you’ve assume to be true but later found out wasn’t true?
That last question is very important.
If I have an idea in my mind of who I think God is, but that idea doesn’t line up with the Bible, what should I believe?
Well… we know we should believe the Bible… but sometimes… that’s hard!
It’s easier said than done.
But make no mistake about it, if we have assumptions about God that are wrong, then our framework for who God is is wrong. That affects everything about our life!
We need to know what we believe.
2. What do other people assume? What do other people believe?
Just because someone goes to church doesn’t mean they are a Christian. It also doesn’t mean they believe the same way you do!
This can be good sometimes and really bad sometimes!
Read Romans 12:1-2 “1 Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
What we don’t want is to form our minds according to what the world says is right and wrong.
School is coming up guys! School helps give you a good foundation for life, but school is missing something huge regarding your foundation for life.
What do you not get in school that you need for life?
JESUS! Hello!
People won’t seek out JEsus for you!
If you aren’t seeking Jesus, it’s easy to allow other things to build your foundation for life but those things aren’t… God...
Obviously this is bad, but it’s also sad!
We don’t want to miss out on the God who paid if all for us!
So how can I stay connected to God this school year?
3. Love is foundational
Romans 12:9 “9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”
I love this verse.
Simply put. I want to love God.
Love what God loves.
Hate what God hates.
and CLING to what God loves!
what about you?
Don’t just roll with the crowd at school.
Don’t just believe something is true cause your church friend said it.
Don’t just do something cause your church friend does it!
What does God say in his word?
Love what he loves.
One thing God loves is people…
So even when we do have friends that don’t love JEsus.
We still love them too.
We don’t endorse what they do, but we love them as Jesus loves them.
So would you ask God this week to give you a humble, gentle heart for your friends this year? For those you go to school with?
That you will great them with love
But! Most importantly that you will love what God loves?
Let’s pray and ask him for that tonight.