Times of Great Difficulty, Pt. 1
Are You Ready? - For The Last Days • Sermon • Submitted
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Are You Ready For The Last Days: Times of Great Difficulty
Thesis: My aim is to inform/remind that the wicked character of evil humanity will make the last days extremely challenging. To ignore or be unaware of that wicked character, would indicate one is not aware of the times we’re in.
Grasp the reality that these days are extremely difficult! (Realize!)
Paul continues his instruction, stemming from warnings against opposition and how to handle them as a servant of GOD. He shifts to tell Timothy to take special note or mark down a particular fact. Paul doesn’t want him to miss his point. Which is the fact that the last days will have difficult times. Difficult means extremely hard to deal with. The type of days that make you feel weak. These type of days are a danger to the family of GOD.
Application: Do you realize? Have you taken a moment to study and mark down this reality?
Don’t be ignorant or naive
How can we best grasp the reality of these days and their difficulty? Paul just spoke of the possibility that GOD would grant some people to repent from being used by satan to oppose Timothy. But Paul is now essentially saying, don’t be naive though, everybody will not change!
Application: If we’re going to fully grasp this reality, we can’t be naive. We can’t view this passage or these times as insignificant.
How can we know that these days are extremely difficult? (Observe!)
Paul proceeds to explain why the times will be so hard to deal with. It’s not climate change, decline of animals, or craziness of storms. No, it’s the craziness of people!!
Application: One person doesn’t necessarily have all of these, they are to show the general character. Furthermore, Paul speaks it present for Timothy, and it applies today. We’re not to move around condemning, but we do need to be aware what behaviors make it rough.
Prevalent human behavior
Lovers of self (disclaimer for any struggling to love oneself) - A selfish and self-centered love that seeks ones own advantage, particularly at the exclusion of others. Leading the list, because a root for wickedness is going one’s own way. Deny self!!
Application: The inconsideration of people, in grocery stores and parking lots, no regard for the needs of others over their own. The controlling from people, will do all possible to manipulate situations for one’s own benefit.
America is known as one of the most individualistic countries. Elevating self over the collective. What’s in it for me? Selfie addiction.
Lovers of money - A deep fondness for money and possessions which equate to a value. We know Paul says this is a root of all kinds of evil. Those who love money or lovers of money are those who are willing to do anything for the sake of money, regardless of it being wrong.
Love of money drove Europeans to enslave Africans who they deemed lesser beings, to work North/South American and Caribbean land for their profit.
The impact of American Capitalism, essentially the rich continue to get richer! Why because Americans have been trained to consume consume consume!!
The richest 1% of America own 32% of the wealth in America, and now have more wealth than middle-class.
Boastful - A person who has a self-absorbed view of their own superiority. Especially one that believes that all achievements are of their own doing. And they speak excessively about it. Often used of those in the public eye.
Application: Don’t have to go far, or change the channel or website before hearing someone boast. From who I am and what I’ll do, to my block, to my country, to my race and people.
Arrogant - Having and showing unjustified importance. Used of kings, rich and successful people. In their arrogance, compare themselves with others, decide that they were above them, and then treat them as worthless.
Application: The reason boasting even happens is because arrogance fills ones heart, the importance the think they have.
Revilers - Abusive language. Coming from a lack of respect, it is a verbal attack on GOD, Jesus, and fellow humans who were made in his image (James 3:9).
Conclusion: Do you realize this? Or have we been so naive toward these difficulties, endorse these behaviors, not realizing that is these prevalent behaviors that are threat to the community of GOD, and make life on this earth difficult in general. Do these behaviors characterize you?