New Creation
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Thank you all for having me here today and being willing to listen, It’s a great honor to be able to speak in the church I grew up in. A few years ago I felt called to ministry, specifically Bi-Vocational ministry. I’ve taken steps to pursue training in that field. I’m going through a school of Ministry at the church I currently attend, which partners with Lincoln Christian University to make it an accredited seminary. Something beautiful I’ve seen is how all churches are different parts of the body of Christ, important in the eyes of God, because we all play similar, yet distinct roles. It’s so beautiful how we can all interact together as a part of the larger body of Christ.
Many of you know how I was a kid around this church and remember me as such, running around and playing airsoft on the lawn here, going through Sunday school and VBS. It’s here that I first learned about Christ our Lord, and I am so grateful for that. One memory that sticks in my mind is in the back Sunday school room, when it was still divided into two separate rooms rather than a big rectangle, the very furthest room back. My grandpa and I had a conversation in that room around a circular table, and I remember starting to really understand who God was. I’m confident there’s many others who experienced God in those tender moments within these walls since they were re-built in 68 and even in the 80 years the church operated at Walnut and South street before it burnt down and was rebuilt here. A church being around for 133 years is an astounding thing, what a work God has done.
It’s amazing how different people have different parts to play in the broader body of Christ around the world and in their own local church body. I would have loved to seen Junior Graves, Harold Woertz and Holland Warren helped build this building in1968 and how Holland and his wife were the first married here, how Glen Stuart led the church just before my parents came in 1990, how Margie Woertz and Rick Telendar lead packed Sunday schools around that time teaching many to grow in their walk with the Lord and maturity in Christ.
I’m grateful for how I’ve seen Gods kingdom served through the many years Rex was here, and am confident wonderful things are happening now with Zach at the helm.
All of these people show something I would like to discuss further today. They show the new creation they have been made into by accepting Christ as Lord of their life. This is the Biblical idea talked about in 2 Corinthians 5:17 the idea of the old passing away and the new coming. The idea that he or she is a new creation after accepting Chridt and their Lord and savior. Literally not the same as before, but changed. Now granted, we still live in a broken world, so you’ll also see how we are all still human and not perfect, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are a new creation. It just means we aren’t made fully new until we reach our eternal home, which is not in this body of flesh and bones in this world.
So what does it really mean to be made a new creation then. I want to talk about 3 points today to help us better understand this topic.
Point 1: Dead to Life
First we need to understand that everyone who is a believer following Christ is a new creation
Our heart posture is changed, it is “softened”. In a theology book called Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (Systematic theology is a fancy way of saying that it’s the study of the what the whole Bible says about any given topic. It references all the verses that relate to that and comes up with a combined conclusion) In this book, Grudem talks about the idea of regeneration. He states p915 “in regeneration we are made spiritually alive, able to relate to God in prayer and worship and able to hear his word with receptive hearts “
God took our hearts of “stone” and gave us a heart of flesh.
Ephesians 2:1 states we “were dead in the trespasses and sins” We followed the ways of this world, the ways of the enemy, and we were dead. We used to gratify the cravings of our flesh, following its desires and thoughts.
In the old way, (hearts of stone), we were slaves to sin. We pursued sin and the pleasures of this world, not realizing it was killing us inside and that instead of being fulfilled. John 8:34 states “Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.” Our cups weren’t being filled, but drilled out from the bottoms without us realizing it. Christ wants to fill us up and give us life, he wants our cup to overflow. Now we follow the teachings and ways of Jesus, and are alive. That’s the big idea, we were dead and now we are alive.
(Figure on page 867 systematic theology) We were hiding in holding our sin in almost protecting it, but Jesus says “come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest“. Give up these things and follow me, its easier this way.
The new way, life, is freedom in Christ. The new creation or we have a relationship with God.
This is all a gift from God, not works.
We are made into a new creation when we believe in Christ. That’s the point of change, it’s a hard line but also progresses gradually as we grow more fully into this new creation and as we grow closer and closer to God and living as Christ did.
The only way we are able to become new creations is through Christ Jesus, so nobody can say they are doing this through their own willpoweror good actions. we believe and then we receive. What do we believe? We believe that Jesus came down from heaven to earth, turning into a human, lived a sinless life and then gave himself as a worthy sacrifice to pay for the wrongs of all of our sins. Like someone robbing a bank or committing a felony and instead of going to jail like they deserve, the good guy comes and says I’ll go to jail instead. I’ll pay for the wrongs you’ve committed. That’s the only way we become a new creation and the only way we get into heaven. Is believing that Jesus did that, allowing us to become new and go to heaven. He wiped away our ledger. If there’s anyone today that is worrried they may have never made chosen to believe that, and wants to do that and follow Gods way instead of our own ways, I would really love to talk to you. Pull me aside after service, it doesn’t matter who I’m talking to, that’s the most important thing. Seriously, I want to have that conversation with you if you aren’t sure if you’re going to heaven, please talk to me. I’m doing so you not only get into heaven but you become a new creation.
To continue on, we know that we inherit eternal life (and go to heaven forever) by believing Jesus died and paid for our sins. But the Bible also states in John 10:10 that Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
From that moment we are made into a new creation, here and now on earth.
Ephesians 2:10 states that we are Gods handiwork, created to do good works. Because God crafted us, giving us each unique talents, skills, personalities and purposes we have no reason to boast when we live out Christ’s purpose and things go well. . Galatians 2: 16, 19, 20, 21
God is not meant to be affiliated with sin, and we are God‘s temple therefore we should not be affiliated with sin
Ephesians one: 13 – the way of the world, flash, is lies and death. The way of Christ, the gospel way, is truth and life. The lie is that our desires (these desires come from the flesh) will fill us up (Ephesians 1:3)
Ephesians 1:14 when we believed in Christ, the Holy Spirit was given as a deposit, guaranteeing or inheritance until our final redemption
Ephesians 5:18 - We were once darkness, more we are light
Grudem in Systematic Theology page 852 “ The change will become eviden overtime in patterns of behavior and desires that are pleasing to God“ Jesus talks of this being a mystery in John 3:8
1 John 3:9 - Grudem page 855 “of course, the person will not have a perfect life, but the pattern of his or her life will not be of continual indulgence and sin“ God allows and enable us to overcome the pressures of the world to sin, 1 John 5:3-4. 1 John 6:18, Jesus protects those who are born again and the evil one does not touch him. We will be attacked by Satan, but John reasures us “he who is in you (Jesus?) is greater than he who is in the world (Satan?)“ 1 John 4:4
Point 2: Worlds Ambassadors to Christs Ambassadors
two Corinthians 5:15 Dash our purpose as a new creation
two Corinthians 518 – God gave us a ministry of reconciliation. God is reconciling the world to himself, by not counting people sins against him. God has committed us to a message of reconciliation in verse 19. Therefore we are crisis ambassadors, first 20, as though God is appealing to others through us. Our ministry of reconciliation is essentially to tell people to not keep on singing, because their sin separates them from God. Instead they should repent from their sin so that they can grow close to God. We can’t be close to God if we sin, because God cannot be near sin - I think.
Christ died for us Dash that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Christ. This is part of how we are Christ Saint Basinger‘s.
We have work to do, work that God created us for. Ephesians 1:9.
Quote from someone:” unless you have a cause dying for, you will never truly live”. We need the power of God flowing through for this, to do these works well - the “incomparable great power”.
Jim Rohns #1 thing he looks for in hiring is passion, not skill, degrees or ability, because passion comes from within. The others can be trained. Let’s get passionate about the cause God gave us. God will supply the rest. The cause God gave us will fill us up so much, and will fill us with much more joy than the things of this world will. The deceit of the world is that these things will make us content and fill us with joy and happiness when they never will. Why do we make money, and want to make more money. For stuff - houses, cars, hobbies, gadgets. We make money to get more stuff, because we think it will fill us up, but it never does. We always want more and are never satisfied. Making money and having things isn’t bad on its own account, but when we expect it to fill us up, and that’s our focus, we discard God and his purpose for our lives which will truly fill us up. None of which are bad things on their own account, but can be very damaging.
A friend of mine told a story how his family was recently on a king car ride to Colorado. Before leaving their grandma gave them a 5 pound bag of gummy bears, and on the ride back their 10 year old kid ate just about half the bag. A friend from church gave them a bunch of gift cards to Red Lobster, so they went. They don’t have a whole lot of money, so they usually tell their kids what their getting and avoid the fancier foods, but this time they had gift cards and told their kids - you can get whatever you want. The dad and the kid both got the grand sampler with multiple types of seafood, and everyone else got great something similar. Now this was a 3 course meal and the kid started in on some of the food, but by then the damage was done. He’d already snacked too much on the gummy bears that he didn’t have room for the Red Lobster feast.
In the same way, we can snack on things of this world, or we will not have room for Gods feast. The feast that is pursuing God and growing closer to him.
It’s sad, we miss the main point because the enemy has deceived us to snack on the things of this world and we spoil our stomach so that we don’t have room for the Gods feast.
Point 3: It’s Christmas and Gods our Dad - The blessings (inheritance)
Christ took our sin so we could be near him
Justified. Believing in Christ and him forgiving her sins results in justification – “forgiven our sins and given us right legal standing before him“ in regard to God‘s law Dash Grudem page 916
Believing in Christ and him forgiving our sins Also results in adoption – we are called gods children, and given many of the greatest blessings that we will know for eternity. Being Gods children gives us a special inheritance. Grudem states that angels are justified (given right legal standing before God), but are more children of God with the same privileges we have. Around p916
1 Cor 5:21 Christ Took our sin so that we could become the righteousness of God
We have the same power that raised Christ from the dead – Ephesians won around verse 18
We receive the riches of Gods glorious inheritance
Eph 3:6 the mystery of the gospel is that Gentiles are heirs with Israel, members together of one body, sharing in the promise of Christ Jesus
Being a new creation results in: being part of the body of Christ, a dwelling place for Gods Holy Spirit, sharers of the promise, and gives us the ability to approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12)
Gal 5:22-23 - Other benefits of regeneration are fruits of the Spirit. If we are trying to see if someone has been born again, look at their fruits
Thereafter some people that claim to be new creation but are not. Matthew 7:15-20 States that false prophets come in “sheep‘s clothing“ but we will “recognize them by their fruit“ Grudem in Systematic Theology p856 “ neither Jesus nor Paul nor John .2 activity in the church, nor miracles, as evidence of regeneration. They point to character traits in life“ this seems to be what Jesus means in Matthew seven, 22 through 23 when he says that some more say “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, into me mighty works in your name” but Jesus will say “depart from me, you workers of lawlessness“
Signs of this: (Grudem 852 I believe) realization that we were “previously separated from God and spiritually dead“, “heartfelt trusting in Christ for salvation“, “ assurance of sins forgiven“, “desire to read the Bible and pray“, “delight in worship“, “desire for Christian fellowship“, “sincere desire to be obedient to God‘s word“, “desire to tell others about Christ“.
Closing: ???