God's Wisdom Revealed: Behold the Unseen (part 2)
1. Spiritual Realities about God’s wisdom
2. Spiritual Realities about God’s Spirit (10-16)
A. Behold the Unseen
God is Spirit
God’s Spirit is God
The Father sent the Son into the world (1 John 4:14). The Son performed all the work that was necessary for our salvation—living a life of perfect obedience and dying to make a perfect satisfaction (Phil. 3:9; 1 Cor. 15:3). But none of these things avail for our benefit until they are applied to us personally. Therefore, the Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit into the world to apply salvation to us (John 15:26; Gal. 4:6). The role of the Holy Spirit chiefly p 13 and principally in the New Testament is to apply the work of Christ to believers
Man is flesh and spirit
body and soul are distinct substances, which do interact, though their mode of interaction escapes human scrutiny and remains a mystery for us. The union between the two may be called a union of life: the two are organically related, the soul acting on the body and the body on the soul.