Ephesians 4

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We're going to look at your face in chapter 4, this morning, going to start and verse 27. And then we'll go back to the beginning because in verse 27, Paul is telling the Church of Ephesus is he's a do not give place to the devil. Do not give place to the devil. How often in our lives? Have you? And I individually given place to the devil. We know we probably shouldn't go. There we even though maybe we shouldn't say this or we shouldn't do it but we do it anyway. Knowing we shouldn't We give place to the devil. When we disobey the things that God is asking us to do when we aren't doing it, God's way, when we do it, maybe the way the world was or or how those around encouraged us to do it right or wrong. A lot of wrong things have happened in life because a multitude of people have encouraged other people to do the wrong thing. Paul is here, he saying to the church as we've been going through Galatians in Ephesians. He said to the glaciers, he saying, to Ephesians, we need to just do what God is asking us to do no matter what, no matter where we're at life, no matter where we are in any situation, just do what God is calling us to do. And when we do, what God is calling us to do, there's blessings involved. Yes, it might be a little harder. Sometimes it might be a little more painful to do, the things that God is warning us and asking us to do. But think of the pain of the sorrow and the suffering that we end up with when we do things the devil's way or begins. Well, it feels good in the beginning, doing the things I can say to, you is calling us to do because if Sam was did not have some sort of a fun point about a we wouldn't want to do it. If every time we said, we got poked in the eye with a stick, we stopped doing that, wouldn't we? The problem is a poke in the eye comes later. When sometimes it's too late, you know, when we sometimes we've gone and we've done something, we said something, or we made an action that now, how do we get back from it? And now, the devil will use that against us, the rest of our lives, when we strive to do something wonderful, and tremendous for a God and the devil. But remember when, and then all of us, everything we tried to do those out the window or so, we think But understand this, everything that we do for God with the right heart, everything we do for God with the right, heart does not get thrown out the window.

What if we decided this morning? We're going to get buckets of water and we're going to wash people's feet. What kind of church is this? It's not about the washing of the feet. It's the heart condition. What it comes down to. We're going to wash people's feet now, do you want to be the person first in the water or the person last, in that same water? you'd probably want to be the first person in the water because you don't know what the person that or maybe you do know what the person speak next to you is like

And if that's our aspect will let me get first so I don't have to deal with the nastiness of our hearts wrong. Am I right? The cleanliness of, I understand that aspect but if that's our attitude in our heart is not in the right spot me first. So I don't have to deal with the mess of other people. And yes, when that would happen, they would to empty out the water and get another pail of water and start all over again. But it's the same person's hands that are cleansing your feet. That's cleansing. Somebody else's feet. Right? Did they wash their hands correctly? Are their nails done? I don't know what, all the fuss or processor that we would have just don't want somebody touching my feet. That's me. I'm very particular about my feet and I don't care to have somebody else touching my feet. So you know, you touch my feet there going to be a knee-jerk reaction if I don't see it coming by. See it coming? I move my feet. I just have I don't like people touching my feet. What else can I say? Never been to a podiatrist in my life, I probably will never go. Now that I say that I'll be there next week, right? But that, but the point is not because I don't want him play. It's just I don't like I don't want you touching my feet. Touch my head, find my feet. Leave it alone. Here's the point. If my heart is, I don't want that person touching my feet. But something is wrong. I don't want that individual. What? We're giving way? Play Space to Satan. And guess what? Satan doesn't pay rent. Did you notice that? He doesn't pay rent, usually cost you more when he takes place in space in your head than what it's worth.

What's a good place to? The devil is to allow unconfessed sin. In your life, that give Satan an opportunity to take over. And I don't confess and maybe something that you've been harboring for a while. It could be something that just took place and now you just going to continue to go on with it. I see you in the society that we live in today night and I fear that Things have changed in our society. I don't fear that I know it has but I don't like it. Because as we've sort of stayed home from covid and did our own thing and and everything and every thought that we had has to go out on on social media. It's better for us to be silent thought a fool than open, your mouth and remove all doubt.

Why, why do we need to rent to the devil? Why do we need to allow him to take up space in our heart and in our life, when Jesus says, hey, I got it all figured out for you. You're standing on Holy Ground. You're standing here. And if you obey, you will be blessed if you disobey there's consequences. So as you said to Moses, Moses, take your shoes off, take your sandals off stand before, God in the presence of him. Knowing that he's in control S10 chapter 4. We see this aspect. He's talking about walking in unity in verse 1, through verse 13. Will look at this. This usually he's going to talk about what this is disunity is all about. I therefore the prisoner of the king of the Lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called there. Again, he tells us he did last week, I'm a prisoner on the Lord. But he says, I'm in prison Because of You Gentiles, God called me to be a minister to you. So I'm a prisoner of the Lord. Because of you, I'm here, because God call me to minister to you. He wasn't putting them down, he's saying I'm here because this is what God has called me to do for you. With all loneliness in gentleness with long-suffering and bearing with one another Endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit and the bond of a beast. You know what that endeavoring means to me, it shows working towards making it happen, not waiting for it to happen, right? Making it happen. Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of Peace. Why? Because there is one body, and one Spirit, just as you were called in the one, hoping you're calling. One Lord, One Faith, one baptism, one God. And the father of all, who is above all and through, all in in you all, if you're here this morning, you're a child of God. You know, Jesus as your lord and savior, you are one body. I mention this in the early service, I'll mention it again if you hurt your pinky. And it's going to keep you from doing certain things, or are you going to wait for that pinky to get healed? Are you going to go in and get that pinky fixed? Are you going to cut it off? Cut off, why? Because it's paining you is causing issues off. I'm going to cut it off and I don't have to deal with it. I have heard with some football players. Professional football players that when they had broken, the pinky, they're going to have to have surgery. It would take them too many years are too long too many weeks. They be out of the game for too long. So instead of having it fixed they had a potato

That's an extreme aspect is a knot. Instead of fixing the problem, the appetite, the problem.

Or not. So I'm like that many times in our life. We don't want to Endeavor. To keep the peace. We want everybody to keep the peace for us and we want to relish and in the peacekeeping of those around us. But we have a responsibility ourselves as he says to Endeavor to keep the peace. Keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of Peace. Why? Because there's one body, there's one spear, there's one. Lord, there's one baptism. We're all here together to serve God, first and foremost and then serving God. Guess what? You know what that means. It means we serve others wherever they are in their state. We don't like that. The church does not like that. Christianity does not like that. The world does not like that because hey you need to come up to where I am before. I can minister to you cuz your feet may be too filthy for me to even touch. What is God? His son, Jesus Christ. Had the same thought about you and me. We didn't get up to his level, he came down to hours. Right. Tell me, wrote the song years ago. He came down to her level, so that we could get up to his, he came down to our level, he saved us where we are. Now, the responsible that we have, is the nurturing, the admonition of the Lord, to get to, where we need to be. It's a daily process. There's nowhere along the line that you and I can stop growing. We need to continue on being and doing what God has called us to do. Do what he says in verse 17, talks about spiritual gifts. He goes in the city, but each and every one of us was given Grace, according to the measure of God's gift. What did he do? He gave us all Grace a man. Hey, it's an offer. So you get some Grace and you get some Grace, and you'll get some Grace, everybody. Get some Grace. Right.

But he gives Grace according to the measure that he decides decides and desires. Huh. What if I got all the grace I need? Well, none of us have all the grace we need. We all need to be working towards having more grace, right? But I may have more grace and somebody else that's not for me to decide. God knows all of this talk. Is he faring giving me to whatever I need but maybe giving somebody else whole lot more because they need more grace. Just think about this. This thing about this in Andover giving out cars everybody in the audience. Maybe you're a multi-millionaire and you don't need somebody to give you a car, you can go buy whatever car you want.

What you got a car anyway? Bourbon made me not to call. You would have bought but isn't you got a car? But this person on the other side of you maybe is there today. Maybe they've not been able to purchase a car that has not been able to get in and they got the same car. You got How fair is that?

The rich person get more. or maybe less because you're rich and the poor person, get more or maybe less cuz her for that's the way we think. But you know what God does? He looks at each and every one of us individually. He looks at us and said, hey you know you need a little more of this. They need a little more of that. It may not be Grace, it might be something else he given to someone else, but he gives to each one of us W Grace according to the measure of Christ's gift. And guess what? The gift of Christ that was given us. There's enough Grace no matter what and no matter when, but we need to step into that grave sits there. We need to receive that Grace. We need to have that Grace and we need to say thank you, Lord, for giving me this disgrace that I did nothing before, and yet, You gave it to me. Look what else he goes on to say, therefore, he says, when he ascended on high, he let captivity captive, he gave gifts them in. Now, this he ascended, what does it mean? But that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth. He also, he who has descended is also the one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might feel all things and he himself, gave some to be Apostle, sum Province some revenge of some pasta or something teachers for the equipment of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Till we all come to the unity of the faith and not the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect, man to the measure of the Statue of the fullness of who, Christ. I cannot expect you to come to the floors in the Statue of me. That's not what he's after. He wants us to come to the fullest in the Statue of statue of Christ. He's the one we're looking to, he's the one who's guiding is, he's the one who's directing you and if I was a strong-willed and I hope that wouldn't crush your face. I hope that if you see me stumble and fall help, you understand, I'm human just like anybody else. So get your eyes off of individuals. Get your eyes on Jesus and see how we measure up to him. Because I tell you what, he's standing there by this, with a Plumb line in his hand, right? He knows how crooked we are, how off for us in a, we are or how straight we are with him, and as much as we may look straight to somebody else with that plumbline, we may be way off. So if somebody is going to build their Christian life, according to us, point to Beyond you, get your eyes off of me, get on Jesus because he is the fullness in the measure. Of all things. Galatians 3:28 tells us that Believers are all one in Christ. There's no more Jew or Gentile, there's no more male or female. There's no more slave or, or are are free. We're all one in Christ. That doesn't mean that there's no more male or female. There are males and females look around. Right? We're here. He cringes, male and female. Now, the rest of the he didn't necessarily crate, but he allowed the slave in the free. He put the Jews in the Gentiles. Are he came into the family of the Jews. He was born into the Jews and therefore, they felt that they were more important than the Gentiles. But Paul says, Hey, God sent me to bring the Gentiles into the family. Are you kidding me? We got to let them in. Yes, for that. I'm thankful because I are one. Right? And you're either to you or you Gentiles, your want, your one or the other. Because of the point is, God is not looking at us that way anymore. He said, hey, here's a child of God, who's our soul that needs to be redeemed to become a child of God? Doesn't matter to him male or female, doesn't matter to him to God you or Gentile done met him where they were, or where slave over free. why do those kind of things in life matter to me and you you know why? Because we have given place. To the devil. Revolve on that door, just a crack. Don't let the devil get the food in. And you know what they say about salesman, if they go to door to door salesman and they get you open the door, they will put your foot there, so you can't close it. Right. I closed it. I guarantee I can close it right. But that's how we do that to the devil. And now we're trying to close the door. We wonder why we can't get this week. We giving him space. We're giving a place and he's taken up residence in our heart, residence in her life and guess what? He doesn't pay rent. It's going to cost you far much more than you get from it by allowing him to have a place. I have a condition to have a position, do not. Give place to the devil. But we do. Nobody's going to know. I need to just let some of y'all have a piece of my mind, tell them what they thinking that that was going to go for it. And God's going.

Something you didn't know.

Don't like having a child. That's something that they probably should say some improper things, right? That child gets called on in school at 4 in in Sunday School in the Sunday School teachers as well. Little Johnny you you shouldn't be saying that. Where did you learn all my mom and dad say it all the time.

Train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are all they will what?

There's lots of training up, right? We give place to the devil. There's things that get said, many times. Around the dinner table as a family that probably shouldn't be said. Oh, you need somebody to talk to, okay? That's why you got a husband or wife. But man, when we when we allow those other than our kids are, our kids to hear our hatred are are disenchantment. I'll use that word. Is that better? That more popular, more appropriate and disenchantment with someone else or something else? We're giving place to who You can say it. We're giving place to The only three people we're giving place to the devil. Hey man. We are.

You guys know, I've been here 30 years, right? I'm going to be here, another 30 so just buckle your seatbelt. but over those thirty years, I have received the mean-spirited letters. Home Depot. Psalm who sign their name on it. I appreciate that. Some who were too cowardly to put their name to it. Those don't mean much to me I read at night, but you know what? I do with those letters, after I get them I don't keep them.

In the garbage. You know why? Because if I keep them and I come across them and I read them, guess what? I do I get mad all over again.

And who is that helping?

Who might given place to.

Why do we do that? Why would we even want to give the devil our address? Right. Why would we even want him? Any idea of where we live? Do not give place to the devil. Why? Because when that happens, this Unity comes in. When that happens, it begins to show our own. Immaturity look what he says in verse 14 through verse 16. That we should no longer, be children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of Doctrine by the trickery of men in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotted.

Do you feel like maybe over the last couple years that cunning craftiness and deceitful plotting has been a partner life even more so than normal.

What is the truth?

You should know the truth and the truth shall set you free. What does God's word say? That's what they're saying, what does the bible tells? What is Jesus up? How should I react to those around me?

That we should no longer, be children, tossed to, and fro by the wind. Do you know where I live? You know that next to our house is a little like little Hillside. We have Two-story house with a full basement underneath on. The one side driveway side is three stories. We had to walk in basement. It's awesome. It's cool. Until the fall. The fall when the leaves begin to fall off of the trees and the wind begins to blow and it swirls the leaves around which is awesome to watch but they always end up in my driveway. Down by the basement door, which is the door we enter in and out of most times. So I don't have my rake, I'll have my leaf blower out, I'll remove those leaves. I didn't. I'll go somewhere, come back a little later. Guess what? Somebody move those leaves right back. those leaves, get blown around with a win in a crafting us of the Wind. I can be there blowing the leaves away when the winds blowing and I'm blowing in the blown, over my head right behind me. Right back down, cuz I will, this is futile. Let Me Wait Until the wind stops and then I'll remove them and I'll do that and I'll remove the leaves in and get them away. And then one day just want the winds going to blow again. And they have you counted. How many leaves are in a tree? You move a lot of leaves. There's a lot of leaves left in the trees yet will while you're waiting till till all the leaves are down and grab because if I wait until all the leaves fell off, I wouldn't be able to get my house.

We're like that many times as children immature with our spiritual Graces and understanding and we're blown around by every wind of doctrine that we go every which way not having anything to stand on. So what else you? So he tells us verse 15. Speak the truth. How In love speaking, the truth in love that we may grow up in all things into him. Who is the head Christ from whom the whole body join In It, Together by whatever joint supplies. According to the effect by watch every part, does its share. Causes growth of the Body for the edifying of itself in love. Let me ask you this question this morning. What's keeping you? From doing your part. What's keeping you from sharing your face? With the world.

No. If we were a high for Calvin as we've said, we'll God knows all that and yes he does do that and he still doesn't do that. But guess what? He's called you and me to go into the highways in the hedges and compel them to come in. I can't just hang up a shingle on my house and say, hey we're having church and expect people to show up because I put a single there, say we're having Church doesn't really good, but it doesn't really work that way. You know why? Because we got to have a relationship with people. We got an old people and people gotta know you that they don't just need to know about you.

We need to do the work that God called us. Do we all have our share to do? Are you doing up? If not, why not? Well if we're not doing it, guess what we're doing? We're giving place. To the devil. Giving place to the devil.

When we don't do what we're supposed to do. Nothing's happening. Right.

I'm going to make a statement here. I'd rather do something and do it wrong, then do nothing. Well what do you mix? Because if I do it wrong then I got to fix it. Let's ask my daughter to get it, right? So I at least I'm doing something. I realize, well that's not the way to do it. So fix it, make it right. But do something in the gift and the talent that God has given you because he's giving you something. Even if it is washing some dirty, stinking feet. Nobody wants to do that, right? Jesus did Oh yeah, there was always. Okay, lord. Well don't wash my feet wash out and all that's not the point Peter said before, unless it's major, we're not going to do this. Do the things that Maybe nobody else wants to do. You got the ability, got the talent, reach out to the Lost. Reach out to the those who need help. Be what Christ has called us to be a sister. Just what Paul is saying to glacian to Ephesus is a listen, folks. We need to get back to the basics of being what God has called us to do, because we are resting on The Laurels of our blessedness. And we've been blessed Are we blast? We have a lot. We have a lot more than some Churches have and God. Thank God for that. We don't have as much as other churches have. And that's I'm okay with that, too. Why? Because we are aware. God wants us to be if we're seeking where he wants us to be Lord, where would you have me to be? But listen, as part of the body, if I hurt my pinky and I cut it off, I've done a disservice to the rest of the body. Right? If I go to the doctor in Doctor Who OK Clyde. Well, that pinky is in bad shape. We need to cut it off. Okay. I'm getting a second opinion. But if you say I need to cut it off, I'll cut it off. To save the rest of the body but just to cut it off because it's in my way right now and I can't continue to do what I want to do. It's not about me and it's not about you. It's about who.

Moses. You're standing on Holy Ground. Take your shoes off. Because Moses, I got a job for you to do. Remember what happened Moses? You're going to go and you're going to leave the children of Israel out of bondage. Not me Lord. I can't even speak, right? Okay, well I'll give you a helper to speak for you. See, God's got an answer to all of our excuses, why we can or cannot do. But Moses, you're going to do this work. Here it is Moses. Prepare yourself. Get the devil out of your life. You've been hiding out here in the wilderness for 40 years. Get beyond that. Here's a job for you to do. Ministry. And do it with all your. Might with all your dad, always go the way Moses. What it is? It go? No. Because we're two or three people are gathered together, you got two or three opinions. You thought I was going somewhere else with that, didn't you? And the only pin the opinion that really matters is what Jesus wants done. Well, one of my opinion, in your opinion, we both feel like this is what Jesus wants. What's best for the body? What's best for those around us? See, we had this this Unity. We have this immaturity go to 1st. Peter chapter 1, verse 20, through 22. Through chapter 2 verse 3, we read this couple weeks ago or last week even in, but I want to read it again. First Peter chapter 1, spiritual must lead to spiritual growth. As we become more like Jesus Christ. 1st Peter, 1:22. I'm in 2nd Peter. I'll get in 1st Peter since you have been purify, your souls and obeying the truth through the spirit and sincere love of the Brethren. What kind of love sincere love of the Brethren. Love one, another how? fervently, and with a pure heart, don't love me because you want something from me. Might feel good for me at the moment, but eventually it's going to get found out right. Love fervently, and with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of Incorruptible, through the word of God, which lives in the B forever, because all flesh is as grass and all the glory of, man, as a flower of the grass, cut the grass withers and is flower Falls awake. But the word of the Lord in doors were a little bit. No, it indoors. How long Forever. Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you. Therefore what's it there for? Will we just read what it was? Therefore, therefore lay aside, all malice, all the seat, all hypocrisy and eat and then be in all evil speaking. Hear that? Lionel trains us. I don't get place to the devil. Don't let those be a part of your life as newborn babies desire, the sincere. The pure milk of the word, the sincere milk of the word. That King James says, new King, James as a pure milk of the word that you may grow. Thereby, if indeed you have tasted the Lord is gracious,

Here's your question, is the Lord gracious.

Is it giving you a measure of Grace? Is he gracious? Have you tasted to see how precious it is? Then if you've tasted to see how pression is, why do we want to go back there?

Cuz you know that going back here is not going to help us is going to hurt us and we're going to get more pain or sorrow more suffering. The boom all of a sudden I need Jesus and I'm glad we can do that. We go back here to Jesus. And why did I do that a long time ago? The man, the devil. The Devil is a hey Remember we had a good time will come on, if we hadn't had a good time over here, we wouldn't be over. We over here doing it, right? But the problem the ways of the devil. Yes, it begins on this a good time, but the consequences last forever. Remember wide is the gate that leads to Hell narrow is the gate that leads to heaven? That white gate Narrows down as it gets down to Hell. That narrow gate widens up as it gets to heaven. You start on the Narrow Path, a White Pass going to be easier to walk on you. Start on a narrow path. The Narrow Path going to be tougher. Remember my curb illustration last week? We weren't made to walk on the curbs. We were made to walk on the sidewalks but we like to try the curve just to see how much are balanced a greater balance is John 8:44 tells us that we are of our father, the devil We don't like that, but it also tells that Satan is a liar and he is a murderer.

And he has a difficult time. Being successful. When Believers practice faith and Truth in love. But when we remove those things out of our Lives, we're giving place to the devil. This disunity immaturity and then lastly talks about impurity being in pure. The question is have you been set free from the old way of life? If we been set free from the old way of life. So why then do we want to live in those sends any more? Look what he says in verse 17, Ephesians chapter 4. This I say therefore the Lord that use you're no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk in the futility of their mind. Having their understanding dark and B being alienated from the life of God. Because of the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness other heart. Who being fat past feeling having given themselves over to lewdness to work all and clean this with reading us, but you have not so learned Christ. If indeed you have heard him and have been taught by him. As the truth is in Jesus that you pulled off concerning your former conduct. The old person, the old man, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lust, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man, which was created according to God and Truth. True righteousness, and holiness. Now, you've heard me comment about been working on our house in the kitchen. Did the bathroom floor this week as well. Look up the tile put down new tile and fixing things. What is past week? It was it was warm there. A few days just cooling down a little better, but it was warm and I sweat in the middle of the winter. So it really doesn't matter the temperature. But imagine me in this is true. Got my t-shirt on, I got my work shorts on, they don't look like much and you know if I go out into the world to go to think I was a pauper because I got close and then they were born and they don't look great. But man, if I got to get something from Curtis Lumber in Alma said, while he's at least I got to go down there and get something. I'm not going to change my clothes. 45-minute trip to get something and go back and put it back together. But if I'm going out someplace important special, that I will change my clothes here. So think I got my work clothes on. They're soaked with sweat. Write my shirt and my shorts. My socks. Everything is soaked with sweat. I take them off when I'm done working, I dropped them on the floor, take a shower, put on some nice fresh close. In the morning, when I see those clothes I left there on the corner, I'll pick them up and put them in the laundry in the garbage when I got to have some kind of work clothes to work in. My wife gets upset. If I go work in clothes like this, you know, doing spackling and painting and I'm a mess. I picked up those were cuz guess what, they were still wet. They still stunk. I did not put them back on. You know, why? Cuz even though that was my wetness in my stink, that was gross. I didn't mean like grabbing them when I grabbed his like a, guy's a mess. Put them in the dirty laundries. Guess what?

Some wet stinky clothes. Happens, doesn't it? It happens? Why? Because that's the world we live in, in our life, in the same way. Wait, wait, we got these new clothes that God gives us, but we always want to go back to the old clothes. Put them back on it when you first put them on. But eventually you'll get used to him.


We're new man were created in the image of God. He's got his he's directed us. He's put us of these new clothes on we are a new man which was created according to God and true righteousness and Holiness. Look at this, the last few verses verse 25. therefore, Put away lying. Read each one of you speak truth with his neighbor for, we are members of one. Another be angry and do not send. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath, don't hold on to those problems. Those evils. Get rid of rip them up and get rid of stone. Hold on to him. The devil wants you to hold on to him because he knows he can get to you through them. Get rid of them move on. Do not give place to the devil, let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him lay more working with his hands. What is good? That he may have something to give him who has need? If I steal something for you, if it breaks, I don't care. I'm going to go steal another one if that's who I was. But if I have to work for something, my hard work, and my labor and I bought something that I really desired, I'm going to take care of it because I know what went into working on that. Let no corrupt words. No corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers and do not grieve the Holy Spirit by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness clamor and evil. Speaking book be put away from you with all malice and be kind to one another tenderhearted. Forgiving one another even as God in Christ, forgave you

We understand that, right? We are here to build up, not to tear down.

He talks about this, bitterness get rid of this bitterness and Aristotle. How many is ever thought I would Aristotle? Aristotle says, bitterness is the revengeful spirit that refuses reconciliation. Reconciliation is not me saying, well, when they come to me I'll reconcile no reconciliation that I I know it has an issue is what can we do to fix this? It's me having this right standing on Holy Ground with this right? Knowing I need to get this right? I can't help what comes this way? as long as I got this and this

You're responsible for the other. I'm responsible for what goes out. So if I'm trying to reconcile this way, but there's no reconciliation coming back. That make me a greater person. I just know. I'm doing everything I can do. He said, let all this stuff, let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good. Four necessary edification. That it may impart Grace. To the heroes.

Here's what I found in the last couple of years. We've stepped over a line as a nation. We stepped over a line even as Christians that we can put things on social media. We can throw it out there and and let it stick something mean and and is what I'm not building up but tearing down.

And think we've done a great thing.

if we have an issue with a brother, if you have an issue with the sister, We need to go to that brother. Or that sister. Not to the world. Cuz the world sees as I look at that, guide them Christians are no different than us and really were not other than the fact that we have some new clothes prepared for us. You just got to get out of the stink and old clothes a man. Don't give Place one little speck of spot to the devil. Father, we thank you. We thank you for your goodness, your mercy and your love. Father, we need your guy's, we need your direction. Father, there's someone here this morning that has open that door crack to let the devil in. Let them drop that here today. Leave it with you shut the door. Tell the devil to take a hike. Father, guide us and direct us to do, your will not ours. Sometimes even we go to get counsel from those around us. We don't speak the whole truth. So, they don't know, the whole truth. So they give us counsel with his, which is not maybe Good Counsel because they don't know the whole truth, but you do. And your word. Is truth, the more we're in your word. the more we're going to follow you, Because your word has a way of working on us and in US, guide us and direct us as only you can. In Jesus name, we pray

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