Conversion of Saul part 2

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The Conversion of Saul  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  56:33
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I got it now.


Who is GDP?

Let's go to the Lord in prayer gracious. Heavenly Father Lord. God thanking you Lord God for the blessings in our life. Lord God. We thank you for the moisture this past week during my father were just so grateful for that blessing. Lord, God, just pray that you continue to bless each of us. Lord. God pray, Lord, God that you bless this church and bless through this church. Lord, God lord. We just so grateful to be here this morning, and thank you for allowing us to be here to studying your words and sing praises to Your Name. Lord, God, just be with the ones are unable to be here. This morning, the ones that are traveling, the ones that are really difficult times in our lives. I just pray. Lord God, that you be with them in a special way this morning and bless according to their need this morning, giving words of encouragement, words of wisdom, Lord, God, and above all. I just pray that you give each of us the strength. We need to share those words with others that you sent across our paths this week. Lord God. Lord God again, we're just so grateful for the many blessings in our life for God. And just pray your heavenly father to forgive us where we failed me 14, Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Amen. And you make, you see this 341 God spoken by His prophets.

I'm high school. Can I do?

amen page, 20, Great and Mighty

For the Lord, our God.

Runaway Train.

Great. And Mighty Is Our God is greater.

Raven party in Savannah.

Les Schwab near me.

Let's all bow, if we're off to work for this morning.

The gracious Heavenly Father. We come together this morning and father is a church family to worship. You didn't father and to lift your name above every name, Lord. We're so grateful for your love, your grace, and your mercy. Oh, Lord. Now, as we come to worship you and ties and offerings different father, we ask that you bless these offerings to the furtherance of your kingdom. Oh God. Just help us direct us. Maybe we always leaned up on your truth and understanding your father's. We Minister outside the walls of this church and also inside the church as well didn't bother that. We love one another and look one another up during difficult times and we come to the rally.

Lord, I just pray that we can be the kind of example. You would want us to be the Lost World in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Stand together, we're going to sing to Price songs this morning versus God Will Make A Way. And then the second is Jesus Lover of My Soul and the words will be on the screen.

never seems to be, you know, you are weak and I will make

He will make a way.

Where is the Roman army?

And we will do some work.

Might be here tonight.

You may think God has forgotten you.

Jesus. Jesus.

Can you give me? Set a timer.

Jesus. Lover of My Soul, Jesus. I will never let you take it. Set my feet upon the rock.

Jesus. Jesus. I will never let you go.

How old is Fred?

A man may be seated.

If you have your Bibles this morning, open them to Acts chapter 9. We are in part 2 of the conversion or the saws conversion.

And as we study about Paul, we study the basically the Soul Saving power of the true gospel of Christ. And we all know that that is who enables us each of us, to see the light and to begin to grasp the truth of understanding of God his word. Will begin to guide us and will have understanding of it. Let me just mention that if you were among the early Christians, just after Christ crucifixion and Resurrection, And you are going around town or you were on the road and somebody brought up stop on neck. That would bring about a reaction of fear during that time frame. But in Acts chapter 9, we began to read where Saul was blinded. My unbelief. And then he was Blinded By the Light of Christ before he was converted. He became God's example or God's trophy of God's grace. It was someone that God could lift up before the people as an example. You know, he took up all, who, in any other society would have been thrown in jail for the murders acts that he committed cuz I was trying to remember, I have a list. When I was a policeman, the night people I wanted to capture and And I got the thinking, it's all could just gather group people together and stone this guy.

Under his authority. What makes that any different from me Gathering my guys around and we Stone in together some criminal out here on the street. some people make sure that as being just and right, but obviously we know it's not, but there is those Paul never picked up a stone and threw it at anybody, but he Was the leader and instigator of such activity.

Got to look. And this is in your notes, but God took up a persecutor and made him an apostle.

A staunch defender of the law became a preacher of Grace, Luke you'll take us to that slide. God took a persecutor and made him an apostle.

Made him an apostle. Now, 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says, therefore if anyone is in Christ the new Creech creation has come the old has gone. The new is here. No, he said that. You know, he called himself a Hebrew of Hebrews, but became the voice into the Gentiles. The greatest antagonist of Christian faith became A great apologist. A kind of talking about that little bit Sunday school and time ran out, but but that's where Paul was at. Or saw at the time. And as we spoke of last week, there is a rich truth in in 2nd Corinthians 5:17. And then you can say it with me if you want, but it goes like this. Starting with second Corinthians 5:17, where says, in God's word? Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come and the old has gone and new is he is here.

Now, last week, I kind of referred that to the, the spiritual llsd, getting high on the spirit of Christ. The first point this morning is this all received a new Lord just 5 seconds with Christ. And this man saw is Under New Management. Think about that. His life has been changed dramatically from one end of the spectrum to the other. the second point is that Saul received new site, Paul receive new site, verse 18 verse 18, says, immediately something like scales fell from Saul's eyes and he could see again, he got up and was baptized Not truly, This truly happened in the physical RAM but it it's meant to illustrate. What happens to us in the spiritual realm as well? You'll just think about this and how God approached saw. In regards to Salvation. He knew Paul, I mean, he knew saw very well. He knew. What's all had been doing?

But God also knows that then just like now. The world has come to a point where the world is lost in spiritual blindness. Spiritual blindness. Well we can study the history of the last hundred fifty years and probably come to some answers as to why that's happened. But I can tell you in those three days, the blind us all had time to to think imagine yourself. Going blind. Like that, just going by.

Well, it give you a lot of time to think I would think. And, and so being in that state, all was in it in in the deep thought.

and, The third Point kind of takes us to a point where it says he received a new Dynamic. I don't know what y'all think that they meant, that may mean, but it actually means that he got his attention and touched him and tamed him in an instant. And so saw for Jesus Christ was a trophy, a trophy of Grace. What's the trophy that you can hold in your hand but it was a trophy of Grace. because everybody in the country knew who saw was you can you can be changed like that as well just do what's all did as you faced God today, and in all you have to do is say Lord, what will you have me to do?

Ask the Lord. What would you have me to do? What you surrender? He'll take and what he takes he cleanses. And what he cleanses. He feels and he feels he uses

Some mazing way to put that, I think. What do you surrender? He'll take and what he takes he cleanses and what he cleanses. He feels and what he feels. He uses. Man, that's amazing.

There was these two guys looking at Niagara Falls. One says, that's the greatest unused power-source man will ever know. the other says, know, the holy spirit is Man, that's a lot of Truth now I've never I've been told about what it feels like to be standing here, looking at Niagara Falls and the power behind that water and that spillage as it goes over the cliff and I can just imagine that. But then someone standing there saying no, the Holy Spirit. The source of power for you. And I Is not standing in a stream and watching the water coming over, cliff, but actually be an active in seeing the Holy Spirit at work.

Because in this illustration, it talks about the greatest unused power source and then the other guys in your thinking, know it's the holy spirit is the greatest unused power source that we have

Number for says, he received a new Love and verse 19. And the verses in after taking some food, he regained his strength. With the disciples. Okay, just so compared to verse 1 against the disciples, meanwhile saw was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciple. You went to take. To the high priest. What are dramatic changes? He wants load them. Now he loves them. He wants threaten now. He's fishing shipping with them. You know, these are the same if you think about it, these are the very same ones, he was once he wants wanted to just jail or kill. That was only two options as far as he was concerned. He's now gone from that to praying for them. Praying for them. He's studying with them. He spending time with them. Listen, this kind of goes along with this morning's Sunday school lesson, but I did look at your Sunday school lesson before. I worked on the sermon this morning but seems to be going to step in step with that. Wouldn't you agree? I mean, when we look at what was transpiring in Paul's life, And and where he's received a new love.

What a dramatic change that has? And the and the first two words, he heard after he got saved where these were these words that were found in 2nd Corinthians 5:17. You know that versus well with our groceries, then ananias went to the house and then or did placing his hands on Saul. He said, brother saw the Lord. Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here. Has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

so, Jesus in whom Ananias. He sent ananias. Brother Saul. How much that must have men? The saw. There's a song you will notice we say brother and sister around here it's because we're a family and these folks are so dear when one has a heartache we all should a tear and rejoice in each Victory with this family. So dear,

I'm so glad. I'm so glad. You cannot love Jesus without having love for his people.

And you don't truly love his people. If you don't love being with his people, get it.

A true Christian is never so much at home as when they are in church. That's the difference. A Christian has a desire to be in church worshipping with his brothers and sisters in Christ wanting to be there worshiping God.

Not out doing something else.

He wants us to worship song knew that if you persecute the church, you persecute Christ, and if you ignore the church, you're ignoring Christ negative. Give to serve honor.

You know, there is What's called the law. Other than infinity. A law of infinity. And he goes, people gather themselves in groups based upon common interest and common values. And that's called The Law of affinity. Now, may I tell you that a Christian is never so much at home as when he's with other believers. And I believe that, I believe that if you're a Christian, you'll feel right at home with other Christians and and other Christians should welcome you and and support you. When a person is genuinely saved, you won't have to beg them to come to church. It's who you want to be with, but if you are still carnal, you all want to be with others out in the world.

I've got another one here, Luca, put it on the screen for you, but it goes, if you're one of God's people, you'll want to be in God's house on God's day with God's family studying, God's word.

And you won't want to toss. In the back seat for for another opportunity or event or, or are for another guest, right? I'm not saying going to church makes you a Christian anymore than going to a garage, makes you a car. Okay, I'm not saying that. But if you get saved, you'll get a new love, like stall. You'll be a new creates, the creature. You will make new Here are you know I was I was thumbing through some and I found this and I thought it was very interesting. That's it it's it's your birthday excuses. People are giving for laying out of church these days.

If it wasn't so sad, it would be comical. But let's make it, go for just a second. Let let's apply the same excuses people offer. For taking it for bathing, taking a bath. Okay. I was forced to be bathed as a child. Right. People who make me spoop make soap or only after my money.

I wash on special occasions like Christmas and Easter.

People who wash are hypocrites. They think that they are cleaner than anyone else. There are so many different kinds of soap. I can't decide which one is best. I used to wash but it got boring. So I stopped

none of my friends wash. The bathroom is never warm enough in the winter are cool enough in the summer. Here's another excuse. I'm just way too far busy to stop and wash. And number 10, I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier.

Well, saw got saved and he got a new love.

Have you ever gone to California and saw the, the giant sequoias.

they were on TV, you weren't there this past week cuz of the fires and but some of some of those Sequoias summer as high as 20 story buildings,

70 ft in circumference. You think trees that big would have really deep roots, but you would be surprised to know that Sequoias don't have deep roots.

Their roots are very close to the surface and and so you get an understanding, the only way they survive and grow. Look too large and tall is that they always grow together in groves and they're so close together that their top roots, go and intertwine with one another. And that's where the strength comes for those huge, huge trees that we have in California. It's amazing. I've never been there, but I want to go Because you'll never see a single Giant Sequoia off by itself. Would never survive the storms and it would never survive the winds.

But it's grows, they hold each other much like we need right now. Not only here but in our country but we needed here at our church right now so that we can begin to change and grow I'm aware of the fact. Many don't like changes, I've got that I don't either I wear my high school underwear just to make a point. You know, I'm pretty sure I've got more than one pair of high school shorts in my drawer. You know. You don't throw anything away. That's comfortable. I don't care how big the hole is in the front of the shirt or in my pants. You know, I just that's what I want, you know, Aziz Aziz, trees grow. Many churches, don't welcomes all into their Fellowship in this, these trees grow. They really do depend on the purse on the tree next to them to help them in the tree. That is connected to that one and so forth and that's where they're Mighty strength comes from.

Fall received that new purpose. The new purpose is sole purpose before getting saved was destroying churches, he lived for that purpose to destroy the churches after getting saved, then it was to build the church. Now, for keep people from hearing about Jesus stamping, out the name, Jesus all together. Afterwards. Make sure everyone heard about Jesus. That's that's such a change install. Such big change. God puts within the heart of the truly say they burning passionate desire to see others. Come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Man, I don't know but if you've been there when somebody has truly receive Jesus Christ that's just me and you tell me about adrenaline pump and everything. You just riding a high when that takes place.

Paul spent the rest of his life.

Talking and teaching, and preaching about Jesus. Call last two questions.

The first one was found in verse five. If so, who are you? Lord was his first question. Who are you Lord? And then a 6. What do you want me to do? And to actually the verse says, not get up and go into the City and you will be told what you must do. In other words, you have to go in faith. And when you get there, then you will be told what you are to do. Paul spent the rest of his life. Deeply searching out Rich, deep answers to those two questions.

Because getting to know God better for who he is and determine God's Will and then was realizing God's will going out and doing God's will. Every turn of the way never giving up an opportunity to share price. With some fun God has left us here for great and Grand purpose. And and this morning this is the answer to your question. Why am I still here? Why am I here? And God has left us here for a great and Grand purpose. And it's not just to make a living. It's not, it is not about accumulating wealth for our for our kids to fight over one day. Or or do you see how nice of a house or car? You can work your way up to but Reaching out. To the world. Reach our world. Your world is found in your circles that you have family circles. Friends, circles, coworker. Surfers, with circles neighbor circles, go reach your world. Go, reach, your sphere, go. Reach your circles.

The world is lost in one dream. Along with that comes a confused as a termite. In a yo-yo.

You'll catch that limit. But anyway, the world is lost. The religious world is just as confusing. So many names denominations believes Man is Hard to Find the right church anymore. I didn't say right. I said ripe.

Right. Lost people today. Can't find their way through the maze unless they see the light for themselves. They don't need to see if a Baptist date. They need to see Jesus. When you're witnessing somebody you're no longer witnessing as a Baptist. You're witnessing as a child of God. Why? Because it's your experience that you're testifying to, that you're sharing with others.

This world is so lost and wandering. So confused. Lost people. They can't find their way through a maze unless there's that big Beacon Light, they don't need to see You know, individuals. They need to see Jesus and we are his feet to go to them his hands to reach out to them. Another word, a sermon and shoes. When you go out to visit people or make contact with the only Bible, those in our circles may have read is going to be you.

And we need to understand that fully. The only Bible they're going to see. probably in their lifetime, is you and if you're not talking God scriptures, they may never ever get the opportunity. To know who Jesus Christ is and what he did for them and what he will do for them. He is our Lord. He is our savior. He is our friend. These are all in all. Are all in all. And we mustn't, forget that. Listen, we're going through this series and saw next Sunday is going to be another topic about Saul. And so I want to stick with saw for just a few more Sundays and then I'll move on, but it's so exciting. You know, it's so exciting to study Paul and who Paul was who, what who who Paul became? And how that all happened? Is is actually nothing less than a miracle. A miracle of God's.

You can be part of that, you can be part of that, you can be part of the discussions, the planning and and all of that stuff that that we're trying to do so that we can reach others for Christ. Others isn't that an exciting thing? When You Reach somebody for Christ and you can just see the light bulb go off in their head. Men's amazing. Let us pray. I didn't Grace's heavenly father. I am so grateful for your love and your grace and your mercy. Oh, Lord. I know that you are with me through everything I experienced. I know that you haven't let me know what times I have felt that you have but I know in my deepest of hearts that you were always there with me. Lord, I just pray that I will lean more upon your understanding. Didn't bother him in that I can become the kind of witness that my touch somebody's heart for you. Be with us today. Oh, Lord bless these that have come this morning in a special way. Do or Die. Just pray for our church. I pray for its growth. I pray for

You know what? I pray for the Lord. Is that people will lose their excuses. And not allow their excuses to keep them from the wonderful love that you have them Lord.

Be with us this day as we leave this place, Lord, that we know that we have been in the house of the Lord. And we have been with other Christians and, and been lifted up, and that we've been in the presence of our savior forts in Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Let's tan If You Will Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord pay page. 66.

Thank you so much for being here this morning. Don't forget the prayer list on the back table. Please take one. There are several of our church members, we need to be in prayer for so please grab one of those and be praying daily for our church members. And and then on the other side, there's friends and family of the church, they may not be church members but You're going through difficult times and we're praying for them as well. Does anyone have anything before we close today? Yes, ma'am.

Talk to her.

Anything else?

Yes, be with Diane Miller. Most of you are aware that Rodney passed away this past week and just continue to lift her and prayers and she's gone through some Sorry. Yeah, you get a chance to reach out to her. She's lonely and and

She's pretty. She's going through a difficult rival for the last couple years. So just All she needs is you. Maybe show up, not necessarily say anything or give advice, but to just be there for her so that she doesn't feel like she's walking through the saloon. Let's do that. What's all about for a word of prayer as we close this morning.

And also, we're still praying for a nursery worker and got some meeting set up with some individuals this week, so I'll just be in prayer for them and me and the church is we try to find a nursery worker, okay? Don, would you dismiss us in a war prayer, brother?

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