Doctrines: Founded on Truth
Bible Doctrines • Sermon • Submitted
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Russia we know has historically been aggressive with its neighbors. The most obvious example is the current war in Ukraine. But did you know that there is a country Russia is silently taking over? The Republic of Georgia is being silently taken over by Russian troops. But the land they have taken hasn’t been with tanks and conquests. Meter by meter, under the dark of night, soldiers move the border fence further into the tiny nation. Citizens, some aware and some not, wake up to find their village is now split between Georgia and Russia. Family members and friends now separated by a creeping boundary, slowly creeping till all it’s people are engulfed by another nation. A new nation where their language, laws, and culture has changed literally overnight.
The people of Georgia are at war whether they realize it or not. Russia has invaded and taken her people and her land. What has allowed this to happen? Apathy? Ignorance? Laxness? Maybe a combination of all those. Most importantly, there is a true boundary between Georgia and Russia. But if no action is taken to uphold the true border, soon the false border will become the norm. Over time the true border will be forgotten. And what is a lie will be perceived as the truth.
There is a silent war in our own nation. A spiritual conflict manifest in the culture and politics of America. There are many rulers of darkness that are trying to completely erase truth and establish lies as the truth. And the language is changing, the laws are changing, and the culture is changing at an alarming pace. How can we turn the tide in the Spiritual war? Equip yourself with the armour of God and fight! But before you run into the fray, you must know Truth.
Ephesians 6:10-14a
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth.”
“Quid es veritas?”
“Quid es veritas?”
We are at a cultural moment that I believe is described by an interesting account in scriptures. The Sanhedrin rejects Jesus and delivers him unto Pilate to be judged. There, Pilate questions Jesus.
What are the three perspectives we see in John 18?
The Jewish leaders , who want Jesus executed for blasphemy.
Jesus, who discloses he is here to bear witness of truth.
Pilate, skeptical or cynical, scoffs “what is truth?”
Three different perspectives. Not unlike today, there are:
The cultural leaders who believe they discern what truth is.
The skeptic who does not believe or acknowledge truth.
The Son of God who is “the Truth.” (jn. 14:6)