The Right to Praise God
The Right to Praise God
The Right to Praise God
I. He Here Magnifies the Greatness of the Danger They Were in, and of the Ruin They Were at the Brink of
Psalm 124:1-5
1. What if the LORD had not been on our side?Let all Israel repeat:
The Right to Praise God
Psalms 124:1-8
A. The Double Declaration (Ps 124:1–2)
I. The Recognition of His Presence
1. Awareness
2. Appearance
3. Ability
2. He Gives God the Glory of Their Escape
B. The Deadly Danger (Ps 124:2)
Psalm 124:6,7
II. The Recognition of His Protection
1. Danger
2. Drowning
3. Deliverance
A. From Being Devoured
3. He Takes Encouragement Thence to Trust in God
B. From Being Drowned (Ps 124:4–5)
III. The Recognition of His Preeminence
1. Blessing
2. Broadcasting
3. Bragging
: the quality or state of being preeminent : superiority
Having highest rank :Outstanding