Priority Ministry
Mark 1:21-45 Jesus doing ministry
Jesus was teaching of himself
Jesus was teaching of himself
He had authority to speak the scriptures (21)
The scriptures all pointed to him
Pointed to his work of redemption
John 5:36-46
Luke 24:27 all of scripture concerning him
Acts 28:23 Paul used the OT to preach Christ
He had authority over unclean spirits (27)
Satan was distracting from Christ’s purpose
Satan was distracting from Christ’s purpose
Satan wanted Christ praised to the point he would not die on the cross
If Jesus had healed all of Israel and did not redeem one of them then they all would eventually die in their sins
Jesus would not be so easily distracted but continuallty fled from the fame and the crowds
verse 25- hold thy peace
verse 34- suffered the devils not to speak
verse 39- fighting off devils and there attacks against his minsitry and plan
The Crowds were distracting from Christ’s purpose
The Crowds were distracting from Christ’s purpose
He came for a purpose that would not be easy for him
Healing and commanding spirits was easy for Jesus
Going to the cross would require something more (34-35)
He did not plan to stay in one place and become a celebrity
Came to preach in all places the kingdom of God
Preached in many synagogues
Told the leper to not spread the news around
He gave a harsh command to the leper
The lepers disobedience brought difficulty to the plan of Christ and God
We can be distracted by many good things. But the gospel is the central thing that must receive our attention
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 know nothing but the gospel