Storms & Snakes & Serving
“ Don’t let the Storms & the Snakes stop you from Serving “
Subtitle: “ I’m a Survivor “
Acts 27:42-44
Acts 28: 1-9
Paul was one
That was Called & Anointed
By God
And because
he was ANOINTED & CALLED by God
He knew how to Minister & Serve
The text is tailored to teach us
That this is
A great picture
Is doing what God
Has called you to do
stopping you for doing it
In Ministry
You have to learn
It's only by God’s Grace
That you was able
To survive some
Of the stuff
In Ministry
And also survive some people
And it's only by God’s MERCY
That you’re not consumed
By some stuff and some people
That tried to wiped you out
In Acts 27 & Acts 28
Is Paul’s story of survival
The opening verse
In chapter 28 said
That they had escape some stuff
Paul & 275 others
And they find themselves
On an island called “Melita” or “Malta”
That's very significant because
The name Melita or Malta means “ Refuge “
Refuge — by definition is a safe place, a sheltered place that’s away from danger or hardship
That’s where Paul is in the text
He’s at a Refuge
He’s at a safe place
Verse 28:1 — READ ( KJV )
You have to understand
That Paul didn’t arrive
At this safe place
That was away from danger
And hardship
Without going through some hardship first
Paul had to go through something
To get to where he is
In Acts 28
We will see
What Paul had to go through
To get to this safe place
In Acts 28
But it’s in my opinion
That it's hard to appreciate
Where a person is
Without knowing where a person has been
A lot of church folks
Have a lot of commentary
About ( YOUR ) life
About where you are
Without having the benefit
Of knowing where you've been
Note: A Believers glory usually have a story
Explain : Acts Chapter 27 & Chapter 28
We look at Paul
In Acts number 28
He’s at a Refuge
He's at a safe place
A place that's away from danger or hardship
But to get to
Acts chapter 28 verse 1
Paul had to survive several things
In order to get to the place
Where God would
Have you to be
you have to be a SURVIVOR
When you are a survivor
That means what you've been thru
In life
Your hardships had to have
“ A to be continue “
When you're looking at people
Especially faithful people to the Lord
What they drive
What they wear
Where they live
Don't let that fool you
Because every blessing
Was builded off a story
What you’re looking at is
AFTER they survive some stuff
[ You can’t SEPARATE the Story from Storms ]
Prior getting to chapter 28
Paul had to survive some stuff
Paul had to survive
1st The Battering of a Storm ( V. 27:18 )
Verse 15 NIV
Verse 20 NIV
God can ALLOW
You to have a storm
That could buckle your knees
We all have had
Storms to make us
Buckle our knees
Domestic storms - Relational storms - Financial storms - Parental storms - Physical storms - Health storms - Mental storms - Depression storms - Peace less storms
And as soon as Paul
Had to survive
The battering of a storm
In verses 39-44 says
He had to survive
1st The Battering of a Storm ( V. 27:18 )
2nd The Breaking of a Ship ( V. 27:41 )
Verse 41
Note: Don’t verse 41 looks like our future sometimes [ Future Stuck - Past in Pieces ]
God is not going to allow
You to die
Until you have had some breaks
In your life
Matter of fact
Rapper Kurtis Blow
Said “ These are the Breaks “
He didn't even know at that time
That there was Just
A little spirituality to his song
That you was going to have breaks in life
Note: Some Ships will break in your life
Friendships - Relationships - Partnerships - kinship - Fellowship - Courtship - Membership - sponsorship - scholarship
READ verse 44
Verse 44 lets us know
That you don't have to have
A whole lot of anything
To make it in life
Because your testimony
About the piece of whatever you have
Will be about the power of God
You can make it
On broken pieces
Because when you look back
Over your life
You have never had
A whole lot of nothing
But you've made it
Note: It was the pieces that help them get to the safe place
Note: With God’s POWER & your PIECE you made it
Now in chapter 28
Paul & the prisoners
Is at a Refuge ( Safe & Shelter place )
You would think after all
That Paul has been thru
His problems would be over
But he had to deal with …………
1st The Battering of a Storm ( V. 27:18 )
2nd The Breaking of a Ship ( V. 27:41 )
3rd The Biting of a Serpent ( V. 28: 3 )
When you look at this text
It would appear
That God is doing Paul
A disservice
The question now becomes
Why would God
Allow Paul
To be bitten by a serpent
Been Battered
Been Broken
Dealing with a Storm
Dealing with a Ship
But God is not
Doing Paul a disservice
Because in a real sense
Paul is able to handle
The ( Bit )
Because of the Battered
Because of the Brokenness
Because of the strength
He got from the SEA
And the strength
He got from the SHIP
Allowed him to handle the SERPENT
Note: Somebody has been looking at their problems from the wrong perspective
Note: Praise God for the stuff you have come thru
Even though Paul
Was bitten by the serpent
He was still bless
By the Savior
I’m going to tell you
Why Paul was bless
But I need to tell you
Why he was bitten
And understand that
BLESS FOLKS do get Bitten
Note: Some people never get bitten in ministry because they always doing the bitting.
1st Paul was Bitten because he was Busy ( V. 3 )
Even though Paul
Was a prisoner
As soon as he got off the boat
Paul got busy
276 people Paul is the only one bitten because he's busy
Note: Show me a busy believer and I’ll show you a believer that's capable of being bitten
Note: The Devil don’t fool with lazy folks
1st Paul was Bitten because he was Busy ( V. 3 )
2nd Paul was Bitten because he was Building ( V. 3 )
Paul is building a fire
Paul didn't start the fire
But he's sensitive to know
Because of the weather
Somebody hast to keep the fire going ( That’s Ministry )
The fire in scripture
Is symbolic
To the Holy Spirit
Paul can't sit there
And let this become
A dead environment
Paul was a builder — A fire starter
Note: We have to many members trying to stay warm by the fire but not trying to keep it going
Question: What contribution are you making towards the fire / Complaining
1st And because he was Busy
2nd And because he was Building
3rd He was Bitten
Note: Even though he was bitten he was still bless
1st The Bite didn’t Hinder him ( V. 5 )
He shook it off
Note: You have to learn how to shake some stuff off
Note: When you shake something or someone off you're sending a message that you're not stopping me.
How do you know
When you are no longer
By what tried or who tried to stop you
When you can look at
What tried to hinder you
And smile at it or them
Note: Word of wisdom
Be careful who you try to bite
When Paul shook it off it fail into the fire ( The serpent destroy itself )
1st He was not hinder by the bite
2nd He was not hurt by the bite ( V. 6 )
This is the kind of snake
That when you’re bitten
By this snake
You’re suppose to feel something
But Paul felt no harm
Look at what is
Supposed to happen
When you’re bitten
By a snake like this
You're supposed to swell up at the point of the bite You're supposed to feel pain in the localized area You're supposed to start having diarrhea and convulsion You're supposed to start feeling faint and dizziness Your vision will start to getting blurry You will start sweating out of control Fever will start You're going to get nauseated Tangling is going to start in your limbs You're going to have overall loss of muscle use You're going to have rapid pulse You will feel like you're catching a heart attack Then your eyes is going to roll back into your head Your skin is going to start to discolor You're going to fall to the ground Your pulse will slowly decrease Eventually you will die
Verse 6 — They was WAITING for him to die
They was WATCHING for him die
And some was WISHING he would die
Note: But Paul’s testimony was “ It Should’ve “ — But “ It DIDN’T
Paul says
I’m bless because
1st He was not hinder by the bite
2nd He was not hurt by the bite ( V. 5B )
3rd He Healed people after the bite ( V. 7-9 )
Define: Dysentery in NIV ( di-s-n-ter-e`) — “ fever & of a bloody flux” in the KJV — a disease characterized by severe diarrhea with passage of mucus and blood and usually caused by infection.
As soon as Paul got bitten
The people started
Talking about him
Verse 4
You must be a murderer
You can't be a man of God
Note: Verse 4 let’s us know that people won't have ALL good things to say about you when you're effecting the kingdom ( The Gospel )
Jesus had to deal with a snake
He wasn’t HINDER — HURT — HELP
Preached @
LMBC - Pastor Randle Pre-Anniversary