What vs Why of Worship
What vs Why of Worship
As parents, teachers, managers, business owners, government officials or one of any other leadership roles, we spend a lot of time directing. Directing others in what needs to be done. We focus on the “What” which is important for any organization to succeed, the “What” must be done. But when we plan for successorship, we deal with the “Why.” When we prepare others to be successful, we mentor, we develop relationships, and we focus on the why.
As new believers in Christ it is important to know the “what” of worship. That is the only Wise God and Father of our Savior Jesus Christ. But as we mature and become effective witnesses of Christ we need to understand and convey the “Why” of worship. The “Why” of worship speaks to the heart of God.
Our text today:
Romans 9 v.14-26
- God’s prerogative
- God is creator and is free to choose what and how He creates
- Man’s prerogative
- Man is created with free will and can choose to honor God or not
- Pharaoh, in His willful disobedience to God was used to contrast man’s and God’s prerogatives
- v.22 the original language structure indicates that the preparation for destruction was self-inflicted.
- God’s Compassion
- v.23 God prepared the riches of glory for the vessels of mercy
- The vessels of mercy are those who have chosen to worship the Lord.
As we grow and understand the character and nature of God it will inform our daily decisions and behavior. We will gain confidence in those decisions knowing that we are founded and grounded in God and the outcome of our decisions will be to His Glory.