HCC Sunday Service - August 21, 2022

Colossians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  55:32
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Let’s turn together
in our Bibles
to Colossians
chapter 1.
& we’re gonna read
verses 12-14.
Colossians 1:12-14.
& when you
find that
in Your Bible
Pls stand for the reading
of God’s Word.
The title
of today’s teaching is
Give Joyful
Thanks to the Father.
In Colossians 1:12-14
the Scriptures say:
Colossians 1:12–14 (NIV)
[keep] giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
You may be seated
A global pandemic;
A country in chaos;
Gargantuan Gas prices;
A tornado
That tore thru
our town;
Men breaking
all kinds of records
in women’s sports.
An uncertain future
in this world
for all of us.
Those are very real issues
That have been
playing out
all around us.
& all those issues
have something
in common—
You & I cannot control
any of those things.
We can
& we must pray.
& we must do our best
to be salt & light
in a tasteless
& dark world.
But if we focus
on all the problems
we see in the world
We’re likely
to find ourselves
& Apprehensive.
So, we need
a dfrnt focus.
& in today’s passage
We’ll see Paul
encourages God’s ppl
to focus on something
other than
the problems that plague
the world.
Paul reminds us
of one of the most
important aspects
of the Christian life.
Something Paul
talks abt over
& over.
Something we talked abt
a couple weeks back.
This is something
that will
change us
if we constantly
engage in it.
Paul urges God’s ppl
to Give thanks
to the Father.
Who is the Father?
The Father is
the God & Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
& if we’ve been
born again
thru water & the Spirit
then He’s our God
& Father too.
Paul urges us
to give joyful thanks
to the Father of Jesus.
No matter
what’s going on
in the world.
We still have
so much
to thank God for.
We can still give thanks
in every circumstance.
& to help us do that
Paul shows us
at least 4 reasons
We shld
Give Joyful thanks
to the Father.
Let’s pray
Our Father in heaven
We thank You
for gathering
us here today
to worship You
& to hear your voice
thru Your Word.
Help us
to hear the truth
& give us grace
to obey the truth.
In Jesus name.
[Transition: The 1st reason:
we shld
Give Joyful to the Father
is bcs...]
The Father QUALIFIES His saints for the Kingdom of Light.
Notice in Colossians 1:12
Paul says
Colossians 1:12 (NIV)
[keep] giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
The Greek word
behind the word qualified means
To make strong;
To make sufficient;
To make suitable
for something.
Paul says we shld
Keep giving joyful thanks
to the Father bcs
The Father makes His saints
& suitable
to share in
an inheritance in
the kingdom of Light.
There are
many things in this life
We may not
be qualified for.
Things we’ll not be
Strong enough for;
Or have sufficient skills for
Or be suitable for.
For example
I’ll never be qualified
to give you
medical advice.
I’ll never be qualified
to fix your roof.
& I’ll never be qualified
to give anyone tips
on how to
keep frm going bald.
I’m not qualified
for those
& many other things.
But one thing
I know for certain.
One thing I’m sure of is
I am qualified
for the most glorious
kingdom the world
will ever know.
I am qualified
to inherit the glorious
riches of the Kingdom of Light.
Bcs of
what my God & Father
Has done for me;
& what He is now doing
In me &
Thru me.
The grace of our God
Qualifies me
for the Kingdom of Light.
The grace of our God
Qualifies all
who trust in Jesus
for the Kingdom of light.
God’s grace
changes us
frm sinners to saints;
God’s grace makes us
A Holy ppl
Who live a holy life
Thru the power
of a holy God.
& bcs God’s grace
makes us saints
we’re then qualified
to receive
an inheritance
among holy ppl
in a holy kingdom
made for holy ppl
in the kingdom of light.
Paul says this again
to the Elders in Ephesus
in Acts 20:32.
Paul says
Acts 20:32 (NIV)
“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
Thru the grace
God gives us
thru His Word
God’s ppl are built up
& made strong
to live sanctified
or holy lives.
Lives where we’re
set apart FRM
sinful purposes
& set apart FOR
God’s righteous purposes
as children of light
in the kingdom of Light.
& if we
Continue in the faith—
Continue living holy lives—
thru the power
God’s grace
We will inherit a share
of the eternal kingdom
our Father prepared for us
bfr the creation
of the world.
Our earthly minds
Cannot even begin
to comprehend
The riches of the inheritance
God has prepared for us
in the kingdom of Light.
In Colossians 1:13
Paul calls it
Colossians 1:13 (NIV)
...the kingdom of the Son [God] loves...
It’s a glorious kingdom
that will one day
fill the earth
w/ the glory
& righteousness of God.
When Jesus comes again
the kingdoms
of this world
will become the kingdom
of God the Father
& His Son—
Jesus Christ.
& one of the most
marvelous truths
abt this kingdom is:
All the saints
will co-inherit
this kingdom
w/ Christ.
Listen to what Paul says
abt this in Romans 8:17:
He says:
Romans 8:17 (NIV)
Now if we are children [of God], then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
& again
in 2 Timothy 2:12.
Paul says
2 Timothy 2:12 (NIV)
...if we endure, we will also reign with him.
Listen to that:
We will co-inherit
all things
w/ the Lord Jesus!
We will share
in the glory
of the Lord Jesus!
We will reign
w/ the Lord Jesus!
& this is one reason why:
When I pray w/
my kids at night
I always tell them:
“You’re destined
for greatness
bcs You’re God’s kids.”
Why do I say that?
Bcs that’s what
the Scriptures teach.
When we’re God’s saints
we’re destined
to inherit something
far greater
than we can imagine.
But let’s
not get it twisted.
Let’s make sure
we keep this balanced.
We’ve gotta understand
that this inheritance
is not in the kingdoms
of this world
in their current condition.
I’m not sure why
anyone wld want to
inherit the mess
we see in the world
right now.
Our inheritance
is in the kingdom
of God’s Son
in the world to come.
& we only inherit
that kingdom
IF we share in
Christ’s sufferings.
IF we endure
until the end
like Christ did.
If you’ll read
right thru the NT
you’ll see this theme
on nearly every page.
The sufferings
come bfr the glory.
We’ve gotta start
& finish this race
to inherit
the kingdom God
has prepared
for His children.
& we’re able
to do that
Bcs God’s grace
qualifies us
for the kingdom of Light.
So, let’s keep our eyes:
our focus
on that kingdom.
Let’s focus
on the glorious inheritance
God promises his saints
in the kingdom of Light.
& let’s keep giving
joyful thanks
to the Father of Jesus
bcs He qualifies His saints
for the kingdom of Light.
& let’s also give joyful thanks
To the Father
for a 2nd reason.
The Father RESCUES His saints from the dominion of darkness.
In Colossians 1:13:
Paul says…
Colossians 1:13 (NIV)
…[God] has rescued us from the dominion of darkness...
All of humanity
is under the dominion
of powerful enemies.
& humanity’s enemies
Are not
what they may seem.
Not enemies
we can see.
Our struggle is not
against flesh & blood.
It’s not against
other humans.
Our struggle is against
spiritual creatures.
It’s against:
The unseen
principalities & powers;
The spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.
As John says in
1 John 5:19 (NIV)
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
All of humanity
outside of Christ
is under the dominion
of darkness;
Under the control
of the evil one.
The world system is ruled
by Satan
who takes humanity captive
to do his will.
& how did
humanity get here?
It’s a story
you might’ve heard bfr.
Our 1st parents
Adam & Eve—
the 1st humans
God created—
Willfully chose
to disobey God.
& when they did that
they surrendered their lives
to their enemies
made themselve enemies
of God by their evil behavior
& became captives
to sin & Satan.
& since then
we’ve all been following
in their footsteps.
Instead of choosing
to serve God
& live as God commands
We choose
to disobey God.
We choose to sin.
& we surrender our lives
to our enemies
make ourselves enemies
of God by our evil behavior
& become slaves
of sin & Satan.
We’ve all gvn ourselves over
To the spirit of Satan
who is now at work
in the disobedient.
& Satan is so clever
He convinces us
That by disobeying God
we gain freedom.
He tells us
all these rules
we read in the Scriptures
just keep us in bondage.
That we’re
better off w/ God.
But nothing
cld be further
frm the truth.
When we disobey God
We separate ourselves
Frm the source
of abundant life
& every good thing.
& we find ourselves
staggering around
in the kingdom
of darkness.
Being steered
dwn a road
that eventually
ends in death
& destruction—
Shut out frm
the glorious light
of the kingdom
of God.
& we have no strength
to free ourselves
frm the grip
of our enemies.
At one time
we all find ourselves
Taken captive by Satan
to do his will.
So, we need
Someone to save us.
We need someone
who is
Stronger than us;
Stronger than sin;
Stronger than Satan.
We need Someone
to rescue us
Frm the dominion
of darkness.
& that Someone came
When God’s divine Son
became a human being
& dwelt among us.
W/O diminishing
His divine nature
God’s Son
took on a human nature.
He became one of us
when He was
Jesus is truly God
& truly Man.
Jesus entered
the kingdom of darkness;
To defeat our enemies;
& rescue humanity
out of the kingdom
of darkness.
But Jesus did this
In a way
nobody was expecting.
The Son of God
triumphed over Satan
& disarmed him
& made a spectacle
of the powers of darkness
not by fighting
but by surrender.
The sinless Son of God
Surrendered His back
to those who beat Him.
He surrendered
His cheek
to those
who tore out
His beard.
He surrendered
His face
to be slapped
& spit on.
He surrendered
His life
as an offering
to crush Satan’s head
& destroy all the works
of the devil.
The Son of God’s
victory over
our enemies came
thru the Cross.
Satan & all
the forces of evil
were defeated
thru the death
of God’s Son.
But God’s Son
Also came
to defeat another
one of humanities enemies.
Jesus did not stay dead.
Death cld not
hold Him.
The grave
cld not keep Him
frm rising again.
Three days after
His lifeless body
was laid in a tomb
The same Jesus
who defeated Sin & Satan
Thru His Cross
That same Jesus
Defeated death
thru His Resurrection.
& Jesus became
the 1st born
of a new humanity
Bcs of
what God’s Son did
all of humanity
can be rescued
frm the dominion
of darkness.
We can be rescued
frm enslavement
to our enemies
& become a part of
this new humanity.
By surrendering
our lives
to the one
who surrendered His life
for us.
By turning our backs
On Satan;
by renouncing
the lives we live
in the kingdom
of darkness.
& by being united
to God’s Son
in His death &
thru baptism.
Thru our union
w/ God’s Son
God rescues us
frm the dominion
of darkness.
The powers of darkness
& death
lose their hold
over our lives.
The chains
that once bound us
are broken.
Let’s give joyful thanks
to the Father
bcs he rescues us
frm the kingdom
of darkness.
being rescued
frm the kingdom of darkness
is really great.
But the Father rescued us
frm the kingdom of darkness
to brings us into
a better kingdom.
[Transition: & that’s
the 3rd reason
We shld give
joyful to the Father.
Give joyful thanks
to the Father bcs…]
The Father RELOCATES His saints to the kingdom of His Son.
In Colossians 1:13:
Paul says the Father
Colossians 1:13 (NIV)
...has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves...
The Greek word translated
“brought into” means:
To transfer
To move
frm one location
to another.
Paul’s saying:
When we
hear & respond
to the good news
of the kingdom...
When we
turn away frm
Satan & renounce
our lives in the kingdom
of darkness...
When we
turn our lives over
to King Jesus
are baptized into Christ
& receive the gift
of the HS
we’re relocated
to a new Kingdom.
This is not future tens
but something
that happens now.
Our citizenship changes.
In the Church
we become citizens
of the kingdom
of the Son God loves.
& we spend
the rest of our lives
striving to become
better citizens of
God’s kingdom
by obeying the commands
of King Jesus.
But the good news
gets even better.
When the Father
relocates us
to the kingdom of light
We’re more than
just citizens
in this kingdom.
Listen to Peter’s
stunning statement
abt the saints
in 1 Peter 2:9.
Peter says
1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)
...you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Notice these four phrases:
God’s saints are:
A chosen ppl:
A Royal priesthood;
A Holy Nation;
& God’s special possession.
Let’s burn
those phrases into our
minds & hearts.
Bcs God’s ppl
need to a more exalted view
of what it means
to be a Christian.
Let’s ask the Lord
To help us understand
This is who we are
in Christ.
This is what we’re
called to
in the kingdom
of God’s Son.
Under the Old Covenant
those four phrases
were applied
to National Israel.
The Jews were
God’s chosen ppl.
But under
the New Covenant—
those phrases now apply
to anyone who becomes
a part of the Church.
In the Church
both Jews & Gentiles
can become a part of
God’s chosen ppl—
a new humanity
that Paul calls—
the Israel of God.
As we read in
Galatians 6:14–16 (NIV)
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.
Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule—to the Israel of God.
Paul’s point here is
the things ppl are
so proud of
& divide over
in this world—
the identity markers
that set us apart
frm others—
Our nationality
Our race
social status
those things
mean absolutely nothing
in the kingdom of God
since Jesus died
& rose again
as the 1st member
of the new humanity.
When we’re
baptized into Christ
we’re united
w/ Christ.
& we become a part
of Christ’s body—
the Church.
& it’s here—
in the Church
as part of Christ’s body—
that we become
a part of
the Israel of God.
By being united
w/ Christ
in the Church
frm any nation
can become a part of
God’s chosen race.
The new human race
God created
in Christ
& over which
Christ is the King.
& this new race
is a Holy race—
set apart frm
the darkness of the world
thru our union
w/ Jesus
& the gift of the HS.
& this new race is
also a Royal Priesthood
a kingdom of
priests w/ access
to the King’s presence
at any time
thru prayer.
& in Christ
thise new human race
is also
God’s special possession.
God the Father calls us
& rescues us
out of the kingdom of darkness;
To relocate us
into the wonderful
Glorious Kingdom
of Light
thru His Son.
& in that kingdom
God showers
His holy ppl:
w/ His grace;
His Love;
His Mercy;
His Blessings.
So that we can live
as citizens
of God’s kingdom.
& for that
let’s all proclaim
the praises
of our God & Father
whose grace qualifies us
to be a part of
that kingdom.
& let’s give joyful thanks
to the Fatehr bcs
to the kingdom
of His Son.
[Transition: & let’s also
give joyful thanks to
the Father
for a 4th & final reason.
Give joyful thanks
to the Father bcs…]
The Father REDEEMS His saints through the blood of His Son.
In Colossians 1:14
Paul speaks of God’s Son as
The one
Colossians 1:14 (NIV)
...in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Other translations say
God’s Son is the one
In whom we have redemption
thru His blood.
& it’s very concerning
to a lot of ppl
that the NIV
& most other modern
don’t have the words
“thru His blood.”
& sadly
I hear ill-informed ppl
scaring God’s ppl
& slandering the NIV translators
& other translators
claiming they
“Took words
out of the Bible.”
But the reason the NIV
& other translations
don’t have the words
“Thru His blood”
in Colossians
Is not some sinister scheme
to distort
God’s Word.
Those words are not
in the NIV in Colossians
bcs those words are not in
The Greek texts
frm which
the NIV translators
translated Paul’s letters.
This is what’s known as
a textual variant.
You might find this
hard to believe
but the NT did not
fall frm the sky
in a giant print
red letter edition
w/ black leather binding
written in King James English.
The NT was not
written in English.
It was written in Greek.
We don’t have
any of those
original writings.
These are also called
the original autographs.
We don’t have any
of those.
What we do have are
thousands & thousands
of Greek copies
of the originals.
& some of those
Greek copies
have different
readings than other
Greek copies
of the same
These variants include:
dfrnt spellings
of names or places
dfrnt word order
& addition or omission
of words.
One reason
these variants exist
is bcs of copying errors.
Another reason
brings us back
to Colossians 1:14.
Most textual scholars agree
it’s likely that a copyist
added the words
“Thru his blood”
To later copies
of Colossians.
But why wld
someone add
those words
if they were not in
Paul’s original?
The copyist
had likely also copied
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.
& look at
what Paul wrote
in Ephesians 1:7.
Paul says:
Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)
In [Jesus] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins...
Notice those words
are nearly identical
to the words in
Colossians 1:14.
It’s likely
some copyists of Colossians
added the words:
“thru His blood”
bcs that’s what they
were used to seeing
in Ephesians.
Those are textual variants.
Whether the words
“Thru His blood”
were originally
in Colossians or not
is not really
that important.
Bcs we know
what Paul means
in Colossians
by reading Ephesians.
In Paul’s understanding
The Father redeems His saints
thru the blood of His Son.
& you can learn
that truth
no matter what
translation you read.
look over at
the person nxt to you.
& if you notice they
fell asleep
during that explanation
abt textual variants
lean over & tell them:
“He’s done talking
abt variants.”
The Father redeems
His saints thru the blood
of His Son.
Let’s talk abt
the word:
To be redeemed means
To be released
frm slavery
to someone or something.
& this release
is based on
a ransom price paid.
So, Paul’s saying:
The Son of God
Paid the ransom price
to release us
frm slavery.
& the price Jesus paid
was His precious blood.
Paul goes on
to explain further
what the shed blood
of Jesus redeems
or releases us frm.
He says redemption is
Colossians 1:14 (NIV)
...the forgiveness of sins.
The Greek word behind
forgiveness here
is better translated
as freedom.
We see it
translated that way
two times
in Luke 4:18.
Jesus read
these words frm
the Scroll
of Isaiah the prophet.
Luke 4:18 (NIV)
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free...”
Jesus came to give
freedom to the prisoners
who were held captive
& oppressed
by Sin & Satan.
This is what Paul means
in Colossians 1:14.
Jesus paid the ransom price
to free us
frm slavery
to sin & Satan—
to free us frm
the sinful chains
of our old life.
& the price Jesus paid
for our ransom
was His blood.
As Peter says in
1 Peter 1:18 (NIV)
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors,
As John says in
Revelation 1:5 (NIV)
...Jesus Christ...is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth...who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood...
Jesus redeemed us—
He purchased us
w/ His blood
so we cld be freed frm
the sinful
empty way of life
we all once lived
in the kingdom of darkness.
Eugene Peterson
brings out this meaning
In the Message translation
of Colossians 1:14.
It says:
Colossians 1:14 (The Message)
the Son...got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating.
If we wld grasp
& live in light
of this one truth
our lives wld be
so dfrnt.
Our lives wld be
so much more fruitful
for the kingdom of God.
& the modern church
cld turn the world
upside dwn
like the
early church did.
We need to live
in light
of the truth
that when we’re
in Christ
When we’re
in the kingdom of God’s Son;
We’re a part of
the new creation
a miracle happens.
We’re freed frm our sins
& free to live
as God created us to live.
Our guilt is gone;
Our debt is paid;
The chains
of sin addiction
are broken.
& we’re free
to run in the path
of God’s commands
& obey God
thru the power
of His grace.
Jesus rescued us
out of the pit
we were in.
& got rid of our sins.
So, we’re not doomed
To keep repeating
the same sins
over & over.
shld stay in
the pit of sin addiction.
Thru the blood of Jesus
We’re forgiven & freed
frm the penalty;
The power;
& the practice of sin.
& thru the power
of the HS
we’ve got
divine energy to live
in righteousness
& true holiness
as we live
by God’s grace.
& for that
we shld give joyful thanks
to the Father.
God’s ppl
have so many reasons:
To keep giving joyful thanks
to the Father.
Let me encourage you
To start w/ the 4
we’ve talked abt today.
Let’s give joyful thanks
to the Father
Bcs He qualifies
His saints
for the kingdom of Light.
Give joyful thanks
to the Father
bcs He Rescues us
Frm the dominion of darkness.
Give joyful thanks
to the Father
Bcs He Relocates us
into the kingdom
of His Son.
& finally
give joyful thanks
to the Father
Bcs He Redeems us
Thru the blood
of His Son.
For those
& countless other reasons
Today & every day
Let’s give joyful thanks
to the Father.
Heavenly Father
we thank you for
the many blessings
you promise us
in Your Son Jesus.
Thank You for
Qualifying us for Your kingdom.
For Rescuing us
frm the kingdom of darkness
Relocating us
to the kingdom of light
& Redeeming us thru
the blood of Your Son.
Help us live today
& always in light
of the truths abt
who You’ve created
us to be in Christ.
In Jesus name.
May the Lord...
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