Only Noah was Left

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Just working today. Are you lonely? Have you ever been lonely? We've lost on you. Are you ever lonely but not alone? Are you ever lonely? But I don't want other people around you. But you still feel lonely, have you ever been alone? But not Bonus and loneliness, so you can be alone.

And loneliness is not in and of itself a bad thing, right? Loneliness can be painful, it can hurt. We can also be a clue and what I'm hoping I can show you this morning is God uses. Loneliness is a clue that you're becoming disconnected from the thing that would fill up. Your only right? You can be alone but not lonely. If you fill up the loneliness with the thing that will actually truly fill it up for dinner. You can be lonely, but not alone, not lonely. But if you want to be alone and not lonely, you have to fill up the loneliness. We think that will truly fill it up. You and me start Genesis chapter 5 coffee this morning. I may be like no wonder off here in a second, but stuff.

I never met you a couple of my great-grandparents, right? You know what you do something Incredible or something? Incredibly awful. No one after about five, six generations of New York in depressant, right? People haven't been around all that name in the Bible. And it says for he will or this one, will what the Bible is telling you what their name means and what their name means. It's supposed to give you a hint at some Noah is the one who is going to be. He's going to be released. But I only can be from the agonizing labor of our hands. Intended by God. And that's what the human wickedness. Every inclination of the human mind was nothing but Evil all the time, the Lord regretted that he made, man on the earth, and he was deeply grieved. Are your thoughts are evil all the time?

Are you is it all evil all the time? Unfortunately unfortunately. Yeah. Can you imagine if you like to talk about, how about the ruin of morality in our society? But do you really believe that in most evil all the time and time to time, mostly most of it. That's probably mostly good. Digging around in that rain, a Noah is living in a time and it is so wicked. That every single person around him all the time. Same bat Channel. Same bad day. Same bat time. All the time that you made man on the earth and he was deeply.

I need to the family records of Noah was a righteous man, but it doesn't say no. It was a perfect man. It says he was blameless among his contemporaries that compared to everyone else around. He was righteous before God. And what does it mean to walk with God? Because every single Super Bowl?

So what does it mean to do a walk-through? Got well, I think what it means is, we need to get some contacts from your own understanding. Just admit that he is God, but you have to know if you will make your paths straight. Let me know how do you know anyone? you know, anyone by the promises they keep every relationship is built on trust.

It's because I can trust summer. Summer makes a promise to me. She makes good on her promise. And I know her by the promises you keep How do you know yourself? How do you become the person? You're meant to be, well, I would argue that it's a lot based on the Promises you made to yourself and the promises that you'll either or break to yourself. The biggest regrets in life are going to come when you break a promise that you made it to yourself. Your biggest joys in Life or going to come when you keep a promise that you made yourself. When I was in sixth grade over a couple of years, I told enough people that I sort of in a way made a promise to them and to myself and I wouldn't let myself off the hook. I wanted to change course.

A composition. What an idiot.

Because God has kept his promises is alone on this Earth. He can find comfort in the fact that the guy walks with Izakaya,

I'm going to destroy them along with your make yourself an ark of gopher wood, make rooms in the ark and cover it with pitch inside and outside. This is how you are to make a Norco, 75 ft wide and 45 ft High. No one is alone. But he keeps his promises. And God has made a promise of what he's going to do to this world. So no one knows God's going to make good on this promise. It's only God for since his plan for his purpose.

Stop plan was for him to build a big boat. You a lot of people believe that this was going to be the first rain in the history of mankind. A lot of people believe that the Earth was sort of covered with a nest. Can you imagine your guy on the big boat but what's a boat There's a flood coming on. The Earth. Was Frank. What an idiot. The Illusions, most scholars, believe 55 to 75 years when dark is actually starting to 55 to 75.

A friend who just started building a house, a few years ago. And the Builder decided, I don't need a blueprint elevation, I can figure out where the windows go.

The disaster. And it turned out that the Builder got upside down because the cost of lumber went up, right? And when God has a blueprint, what do you think?

Price of go for Woods, triple this month.

What is the story of the flood?

The god plans for his purpose and he has a plan for your purse. It's a when you're alone and you're looking around and there's no one else there. It's just you and the creator of the universe. The thing that will keep you from getting lonely. Lonely, is that you remember, there is a plan for his purpose for you. What is Genesis 6:22 and Noah did this right side of the argument, all your household, but I've seen that you alone or I just before me in this generation, there's a male and female. All the queen animals animals that are not clean, the male and female, and 77 days from now. I will make it rain tonight and every living thing I've made out of light off the face of the Earth, and Noah did everything. The Lord commanded. We know he's alone, he knows God has made a promise and he's going to keep it knows that he has a purpose for his promise and he's given in the plan.

But he also knows the guy here. You see those seven animals animals were meant to be the offering, the note that you was going to build an altar and sacrifices clean animals to God, I think offering a price as an offering of worship for bringing him through this lot for making good on his promise and giving no other plan for this purpose, when you are alone. Remember that God has not only going to keep his promise. Not only does he have a plan with your purpose in mind, but he is preparing for when he makes good on it. And if you're alone then I'll give you some comfort. Then I'll give you some comfort that whatever storm is about to come. When you come out on the other side, you better be on your hands and knees. Praising. The creator of the universe.

Paul says in Romans chapter 12, there for brothers and sisters in view of the mercies of God. I hurt you to present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice. Holy and pleasing to God. This is your true worship. Guess what? It was a loan. We haven't got to parkour. 5575. New Jersey spent building this boat.

And the rain came down as the floods came up, the rains came down and the floods came up the water and all the high mountains under the whole Sky were cover, the mountains were covered at the water, surged above them, or the 20 feet. What's the highest point in Green Bay over the entire Valley? Like hit the ice mountain on Earth. Barry, it's covered. It's immersed in 20. Ft of water.

You watch out every living thing that was on the face of the Earth for mankind. The livestock, the creatures that crawl the birds in the sky and they were wiped off the Earth. Only Noah was left and those that were with him. It's one thing to know what God has promised to do. It's another thing to actually When the storm of Life comes, it's one thing to know that you're going to lose those around you that you care about. It's one thing to know that people are going to go through hard times and be hurting. It's another to actually be alone. Up until this point Noah was alone in that he walked with God, but he wasn't alone because there were still people around. Only Noah is left. Can you imagine for a year? And I've never been on a cruise ship but I don't think I'd want to be on a cruise ship with three thousand of my closest friends for a year, right? And Noah is all his family.

He's reminded you may be alone. You may be alone in that. There's no one else around you. It was willing to help you with that boat. There may be no one else around you willing to get with your vision. At what the world supposed to look like? Anybody out there willing to do the work that you want to do? You may be alone in your walk with God. But you don't have to be a woman.

In the story. What is Noah? Send out a dog and the dog brings back because he was a sign of peace between no one got. It's a flood off the face of the Earth and that boat was going to eventually find its place on driveway. Play God's going to successfully through the storm.

When he gets off the boat, going to tell him to be fruitful and multiply a new purpose and Noah building an altar and offers the clean animals. Give me the word smell the pleasing Aroma. I said them said, I will never again curse the ground because of human beings. Even though the inclination of the human heart is evil from USANA. And I will never again strike down. Every living thing is I've done.

13 year old boy or girl cuz we all know girl at 4:13. That child is not a cannibal. The creator of the universe song, It's a Long Way to Go. What was the age of accountability? We talked about that in our church is right, the ages of which the children's little brains cliff, and they know that, what's wrong is wrong, what's right is right? Will God knew that from the beginning? And he saying to Noah, the inclination of the human heart is evil from 3 to dress for 10, they're going to drift toward evil. He saying, you know, I just be set on this world. But I have not yet this renewed. I taken all the evil and wickedness away from around, but I have not yet taken the evil from within you. I'm taking care of all the evil wickedness, in the world around you Noah, but I know you're taking care of the thing that is going to corrupt you the most which is the evil that still inside your heart. I'm making between me and you and every living creature with you, a cover all future generation. I place my vote in the clouds and it will be assigned to come in between me and the Earth. Whenever, whenever I put the Earth in the clouds, I will remember my Covenant between me and you and all the living creatures. Water will never, again, be, to destroy Every Creature. If you have a pain, if you had anything, but water will never again, become a flood to destroy Every Creature, will never again to come to destroy every creature. Is it water will never again? Become a flood Escape.

Water will never again. Become a flood destroyed. What happens? After no offers the price. He gets off the boat and said, no was a man of the soil Begin by planting a Vineyard. You know, it's really easy when you're around God's people. Remember his promises and realize his purpose for you and to be willing to praise him, it's really easy. When you're in a setting like this, the theme songs real loud in your heart. It's a lot harder when you get away from it, you're on a boat provided by God, promised by God, purpose by God and you're seeing the animals of which you were going to offer him. Pray, I need to be a little bit easier being on the boat safe from the water and remembering that you are alone Walking with God, then it would be. Once you're back on dry land, right? And then you get through that storm of life and you get back on dry land and what happens you looking around and nobody there and you quickly forget who brought you to the storm.

This is the part of the story that we don't talk about window brought in to Vacation, Bible School at church a few weeks ago.

You have an epic story about a man who was alone Walking with God and the story sort of interaction. He's a man of the soil and he began by playing a fender. Got it, got to work. Got to make a living. Noah semantics will Begin by playing a Vineyard. You start drinking some of the wine, he became drunk. I am covering self besides 10. Something something really really bad happened and biblical. Scholars debate. What Badness actually happened as a result of his drunkenness. Deuteronomy chapter 22 says that uncovering, the nakedness of the father is the same as committing adultery with the father's life. And so many actually believe that ham have a relationship with his mom and had tried to have a new Offspring out of a new lock spring, that could take over and usurp the authority of no one, but whatever it is Noah's. Drunkenness. Brings ruin on his family. Is drunkenness, destroys is home. is drunkenness destroys his family now

That's what the story's all about. But don't you think you slipped back into relying on his own understanding? Don't you think that for a minute for God to walk with God? Go from psychology, we know from history, we know sometime people resort to these substances because they're lonely. It's really easy to find yourself in a lonely place. And when you're in a lonely place, you're going to fill it up with something right. When you're home alone and you find yourself lonely. What's the thing that fills up your lonely?

Also tells us that we better be careful and pay attention to how we walk. This is not just a problem. For Noah is a problem for everyone for all time. You just don't get drunk with wine which leads to Reckless living, but be filled by spirit. Because if you're not filled by the spirit, you're going to leave some room for something else to fill you up. If you're not feeling up your loneliness with good things, something's going to fill you up. It will not say she ate that desire. Something else is going to be poured in that can't bring you and Tamara. Let me see from Noah that loneliness filled with long things. Only breeds more loneliness. Canaan is cursed, Canaan is The Offspring of whatever relationship ham had and ham and painting or first

Yeah, I think we look around for very long. We can see a lot of people who are very much. And we can also see a lot of people who are trying to fill up their loneliness with something other than the creator of universe.

We are a very lonely people. We are a lonely age, we are a distracted page because we're taking things that God has given us and will wasting our lives. Filling them up with things that will never truly take us out of our room.

No, it was a great man, the best man on the planet.

But Noah, still sell, Noah still stumble. Aeroseal tropical Noah still found himself, getting off the boat in a lonely place.

The message of Noah, the comfort of Noah is that God has prepared a Thomas. He has prepared a plan and he's prepared you to praise him because he what we all deserve to be buried in that flood, they took Everyone by Noah. Every single one of us here, deserves a death by flood.

Praise God, he's not let that happen. Christ also suffered once for sins, once for all. The righteous.

The better knowing that he might bring you to God. I made a live by the spirit in which he also went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison. When the password this, we got patiently, waited in the days of Noah long part was being prepared in a few that is eight people were saved through water.

8 people say, do you remember when I said water will never again be destroyed every creature? I never said it will never be used to say every creature.

Not is the removal of dirt in the body but the pledge of a good conscience which God do the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Was Don in the heaven and it's at the right hand of God With Angels, full reason Powers subject

Edward pledge. We said that the whole world is made not made good on their promise to respect him and treat him as the creator of the universe.

The word pledge you promised that if you want to be the person that God wants you to be, you need to make a promise to God.

God, save Noah from the flood. But he's promised to say, boss.

It's only because Jesus came and took place. See, we are all destined for Eternal lonely place. The unrighteous or Destin. For a lonely place. A lonely Place separated in time and space from the creator of the universe. Play Jesus was willing to be forsaken. Take our lonely place so that when we get to our own place we're reminded we may be alone.

It don't we may be alone. There's not just a femoral spiritual God up in the sky. Wishing that we would walk with him, but there is a person Who is come to this earth?

I really hope this next week. Next week, I'm going to show you Mark. Chapter 1 Mark chapter 1, it says Jesus retreated, back to a lonely place, any encounters a lonely person and at the end of the story, Jesus is in the lonely, person's lonely place. Jesus came and took, if you have any need this morning, we've been blessed in the last few months, with a couple of people putting on Christ and Baptist. That is a huge, huge moment in those people aren't. It's the time and place in which God has buried you in his blood, to bring you out a new creation. Just as he did Noah, Noah caught off the yard to start a new world to be fruitful and multiply, and as we put people in the water, it is. Now the power and their responsibilities.

Multiply the people going in the water this morning please come up here. We'd love to study with like Noah you stumbled along the way. You came off that are a new creation. But you got home and you retreated to your own understanding started, filling it up with something. Other than God, we want to pray with you and love you and we want to help you

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