5.1.40 8.21.2022 1 John 1.1-4 Begin Here

Belonging to the Believing Community  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Church is a believing community.

The Church is faith focused.

The Church is defined by doctrine.

The Church is Christ-centered.

For the Church: Truth = "the faith."

Why is this such an issue right now?
We have allowed vague religious motivations
and unclear,
emotive spiritualities
to water down clear Christian teaching.
We need to pay attention to John so that we can implement the rest of what the NT teaches us.
Almost from the beginning there were different ways to explain the Christian faith, to evangelize the lost, and disciple the converted. The NT itself reflects this

unity in diversity.

At times the conversation is messy and even difficult. Yet Paul and Luke and Peter and James and Matthew and the others were all upholding the common faith. In mid-century, pressures started to rise, and we begin to see the first real heretical thoughts. John's epistles address both the doctrinal and practical consequences of emerging deviant belief. Throughout this series we will focus on John's defense and definition of pure doctrine. This is a conversation which is still uncomfortable because, frankly, we are sometimes too nice, too agreeable, too accommodating. Not that we should be mean spirited, hateful, or unloving. The most loving thing we can do is to correct someone who is wrong. That takes courage tinted by kindness. We must, however, stand for Biblical truth. Not everyone who claims to be a Bible-believing Christian shows evidence of obedience to scripture or a changed life. John, and the rest of the NT thinks that the claim stands upon the evidence.
Engage: Saying that you are a Christian means accepting what scripture says about Jesus and the way to eternal life. There are some things which are clear and others which might seem ambiguous.
There is, however, a point at which

difference of opinion


divergence of doctrine.

Wrong doctrine leads to wrong belief and practice. At that point a person is no longer identifiably Christian. Discipleship is the process of preventing that from happening. Church discipline is the process of reversing it when it occurs.
Expand: Correct doctrine begins with correct, Biblical assertions about Jesus. John's epistles, beginning with the first, focus on correct doctrine and correct behavior. There is never a time that we don’t need that focus. Our need is particularly acute today. Far too many claim the name Christian with little understanding of the basic doctrines of the faith or requirements for Christian behavior. 1 John offers empowering teaching for what has become, globally speaking, a confused Church.
Excite: The words are often simple, but the language is profound and the message empowering. I am excited to spend several weeks reviewing the sound doctrine and sound behaviors which characterized Christ’s Church from the beginning.

The believing community in all its fullness requires grounding in the doctrinal certainty of our message.

Explain: John begins by disclosing the marks of a clear, doctrinally pure message.
Body of Sermon:
First of all, to be clear and pure it must be the

1. Original Message.

1 John 1:1 ESV
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—

1.1 Chronologically.

That which was from the beginning...
John tweaks the word picture which begins the Gospel. There he speaks about the preexistence of the Word. Here he is talking about the beginning of the Church. The first message of Christ is the best message of Christ is the only message of Christ.
It must also be the original message

1.2 Experientially.

Heard, seen, examined explored
And the original message

1.3 Transformationally.

The Word of Life.
The life changed by the Word.
You may preach a different message. You may follow a different Jesus. But if it is not the old, old story witnessed by the first generation if it is not the Word who became incarnate to invite us into His own eternal life…then you are following the wrong Jesus.
Next John tells us that a clear and pure message is not only first message it is also the

2. Optimal Message.

1 John 1:2 ESV
2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—
Not just the first message but the best message. In this message

2.1 Life is demonstrated

from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry through the infancy of the Church John saw life demonstrated again and again.
And as apostle, witness, elder and preacher through him and his colleagues and here today…

2.2 Life is declared.

In bringing his introduction to a close John reminds us that it is also an

3. Organizational Message.

The anti-institutional bias against “organized” religion has never been stronger. In an attempt to escape the infection of those who misuse faith some are tempted to avoid or ignore what the NT clearly says about the Church, its origin, and its role in God’s saving plan. John did not share those concerns.
1 John 1:3–4 (ESV)
3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.

3.1 The Church becomes the Church through the proclaimed Gospel.

3.2 The Church becomes the Church by mutual fellowship.

3.3 The Church becomes the Church by the transformational power of God in Christ.

3.4 The Church becomes the Church in experiencing complete joy.

Shut Down:
The touchstones of Biblical faith include a clear understanding of who Jesus is, accepting the message of the Gospel, and becoming a part of redeemed fellowship. Yes, there are other details. There are additional doctrinal issues believers should master. This is a good place to start.
This is the message of Jesus--first proclaimed in antiquity which continues to change lives even to this day.
We need to be known more for what we accept than what reject. We need to rejoice in the message, which is God's last, best plan to save the world. We need share the joy of our salvation amid the assembly. Complete joy is joy that comes with understanding combined with the transforming power of Jesus.
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