The Deliverance of David
Sermon Tone Analysis
10,000 Sermon Illustrations (Short Sermon)
A minister pleasantly surprised his congregation by delivering a 10-minute sermon instead of the usual 30-minute message. In concluding he explained, “I regret to inform you, brethren, that my dog, who appears to be inordinately fond of paper, this morning ate that portion of my sermon which I have not delivered. Let us pray.
”After the service a visiting guest from another church approached the pastor and said, “Preacher, please let me know if that dog of yours has any pups. If it does, I want to buy one for my minister.”
The Master Study Bible: Cornerstone Encyclopedia of Bible Knowledge (KJV)
(Deliverer) One who rescues from danger (Judg. 3:9, 15). Most often God is the Deliverer of His people (2 Sam. 22:2; Pss. 18:2; 40:17; 144:2; Rom. 7:24–25; Col. 1:13; compare Gal. 1:4; 1 Thess. 1:10). Acts 7:35 refers to Moses as a deliverer. Romans 11:26–27 refers to the Messianic King as the Deliverer who will take away Israel’s sins.
Our God is a God of Deliverance.
Our God is a God of Deliverance.
10,000 Sermon Illustrations (Some Through the Fire)
Faith for my deliverance is not faith in God. Faith means, whether I am visibly delivered or not, I will stick to my belief that God is love. There are some things only learned in a fiery furnace. _Oswald Chambers
Notice whenever God delivers, He delivers from and always to. When God delivers you from something, it is not just from, there is always a to. He takes us to the next place. A positive for a negative.
Delivers David to a Place. 13-14
Delivers David a Friend. 15-18
Delivers David to Safety. 19-29
Delivers David to a Place. 13-14
Saul continues to chase David.
If you ever have read or watch Moby Dick, you know Captain Ahab goes insane chasing he big “white whale. He is infuriated, obsessed, and possessed with the singular idea - “kill the whale.” He eats, drinks, sleeps, “kill the whale.” That is how Saul has become. “Kill David.”
David is an outlaw who has broken no laws.
Some people will be against you because God is working in your life and you are following God’s will for you life.
God directs him to a rough, but safe place to live for the moment.
Delivers David to a Place.
Delivers David a Friend. 15-18
3 Elements of Healthy Friendship:
Encourage Emotionally. 16
Strengthen Spiritually. 16
Promote Personally. 17-18
There are several more chapters representing weeks and months, but the next time we see Jonathan, he is being killed in battle by the Philistines.
The Bible says much about friendship:
A friend loveth at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:
And there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Many will intreat the favour of the prince:
And every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts.
BTW: A friend may take a meal, send a card, or find some ways to help a friend who is having a hard time, grieving, recovering from surgery, or has developed a long-term illness. Something every church can do better is to visit people in their affliction.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart:
So doth the sweetness of a man’s friend by hearty counsel.
Iron sharpeneth iron;
So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Like this knife blade crossing the diamond iron - it’s friction polishes off the rough edges, making them sharp and productive once again.
Delivers David to a Place. 13-14
Delivers David a Friend. 15-18
Delivers David to Safety. 19-29
David is almost caught in our passage. This is the closest Saul ever gets. David is surrounded. It was such a memorable occasion, they named the location “Rock of Deliverance” or “Rock of Escaping.”
God prompted the Philistines to attack at just the right time and place.
He would have started their preparations for war before David was trapped.
Their attack was significant enough to help Saul “Snap out of it” - his delirium to Kill David.
God orchestrates things behind the scenes that many times we will never see nor understand. All the while, people are freely making their choices for right and wrong.
God rescues David once again, and this was the closest call.
David goes to Engedi overlooking the Dead Sea.
Our God is a God of Deliverance.
Our God is a God of Deliverance.
10,000 Sermon Illustrations God Is Able
I know my God is able to deliver;
Able to save from direst human ill;
Able, as when He saved the Hebrew children—
Almighty still.
But if, perchance, His plans are not my plans;
If hid in darkness should my pathway be;
If when I plead He does not seem to answer,
Nor care for me—
Then, though men scoff and bitterly deride me—
Listen! I fling my challenge to the sky!
God may deliver, but if not, I’ll trust Him,
And trusting, die!
D and A
Discuss why God delivers, not only “from” but also “to.”
Share definitions of friendship.
List things to look for in a friend.
Give an example of a person not doing wrong, but being punished anyway.
Explain how the Philistines attacked at just the right time for Saul to leave David at the Rock.