Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What is an ordinance?
It is an authoritative order or decree.
I think we have introduced ordinances before, like last week, baptism.
Today we will look at the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.
Last week we looked at Baptism, as commanded by Christ and his apostles as authorized by Christ; And through it the wonderful blessings that come from it.
Forgiveness of sins
It brought gift of the Holy Spirit
It brought eternal life to all who believe
Its the place where God’s hand; and God’s Spirit meet in circumcision not made with hands and you are born again of water and spirit.
- in other words, it brings salvation!
Some say there are 6 ordinances in the N.T.
Lord’s Supper
Scripture reading
Some will say faith is an ordinance, and marriage is too, as well as foot washing, anointing with oil.
Well, today we want to focus on the Lords’ Supper
It has been commonly called
Communion (1Cor10:16)
The breaking of bread (Act2:42; Act20:7)
and the other acts passage
The Eucharist (Mt26:26-27)
This is from Greek word “eucharisteo” meaning giving thanks; and that is exactly what Christ did
It is a simple act for Christians, believers
It consists of unleavened bread
And fruit of the vine
The importance of it
Jesus commanded it (Mt26:26-28)
It was observed by Jesus and the apostles (1Cor11:24-25)
(Transition) For us to grow, to mature in our walk with Christ we want to grow in our understanding of the reason we believe in the Lord’s Supper and why we observe it weekly.
So, here is where we are going this morning.
The meaning of the Supper
The observance of the Supper
The taking of the supper together
The meaning of the Supper
Christ was intentional in everything He did.
As Christians we too should be intentional, but know why we are, not from a place of tradition like the Jews, but from faith, from heart.
So, let’s now get into the meaning of the Supper.
This lesson today maybe redundant to some, new to others, and a great reminder to all of us about the Supper, and that is why we are going to celebrate together at the end this morning.
It is a memorial (1Cor11:23-25; Mt26:28; Heb9:16: Eph1:7; Exo12:1-14)
Let’s check out Paul’s words
Received, delivered, proclaimed.
Proclaimed so we would remember this memorial
This memorial is taken to remember His body
This memorial is taken to remember his blood
This memorial is taken to commemorate what He did for us on the cross
it is only by His death the new covenant is made possible (consider Heb9:16)
Or as further evidenced by
This memorial was the fulfillment of the shadow that you can read in (Exo12:1-14)- which was the memorial commemorating Israel’s deliverance from Egypt through the blood placed on the door posts from a lamb that was slaughter.
Jesus is the Lamb of God that was killed for us to have this covenant, this memorial we celebrate.
It’s a proclamation (1Cor11:26)
It’s our proclamation in our believe, our faith, in the efficacy of the Lord’s death
A proclamation of the Lords death until He comes and the reason was for our sins.
He died for our sins.
If we do not believe, have faith, trust in the finished work on the cross, why take the supper at all?
A proclamation that we continue to make until He comes.
That means we believe that He is coming back, just as He promised.
Again, if we do not believe, if we do not have faith, trust in His word and that He is coming back, why continue to take the supper?
It’s a communion (1Cor10:16-17; 1Jn1:7-9)
It is a communion with each other and with the Lord himself
A communion of the body of Christ.
A great reminder of the blessings we have in Christ, consider
We commune when we talk together with the Lord, in the Light
We commune in remembrance that the blood of Jesus cleanses us of all sin.
And we are not sinless, if we think so we are deceiving ourselves.
We commune in remembrance of His faithfulness and righteousness to forgive us our sins and cleanse of of all unrighteousness continually.
We commune together too as the body of Christ remembering the body of Christ that was sacrifice so we could become the body, the bride of Christ, the church!
(Transition) the Lords supper looks backwards and forwards, backwards in remembrance, forwards in hope.
We gather and share in it together as a body, but dare we forget or neglect whatever may be the benefits of the supper.
When we take the Supper it must be coupled with faith, or why do it at all.
So, now let’s look at who we should observe the supper.
The Observance of Lord’s Supper
Observance, hum, meaning: the action or practice of fulfilling or respecting the requirements of law, morality, or ritual.
More than just remembering, it is practicing, it is respecting.
We should do it with reverence (1Cor11:27-29; Isa53:3-6)
With reverence is to do it, by meaning: deep respect for something or someone as a noun, or as a verb: regard or treat with deep respect.
I want to stop, focus on (vv.27, 29) now, we will get to 28 in a few minutes
(Insert Jesus on the cross picture here)
in KJV it says “worthily” and it is easy for us to take it wrong.
This has nothing to do with our worthiness.
It is an adverb, describing how we take it, not that we are worthy, for in reality our worthiness is only found in Him and we take it in Him in remembrance of Him and His worthiness and what He has done for us to make us worthy, by faith.
We remember the price He paid, the torture He suffered, the humiliation, the punishment all for us, not for Himself for anything He did.
We remember the and respect the spiritual anguish that He suffered for us.
He bore the punishment of our sins.
Isa53:3-4 “3 He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. 4 Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted.”
Isa53:5-6 “5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed.
6 All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him.”
The failure toe observe with reverence brings condemnation
Lest we forget the sacrifice
Lest we forget the problem in the Corinthian church at the time.
In fact I need to bring in passage so we see in context.
They knew the right thing to do, and were not doing it with the right heart for the right purpose.
They were just as guilty as the Pharisee’s in Jesus day.
To take it and not believe is also bringing condemnation on yourself.
This is to be done in reverence and if you don’t believe you cannot have reverence and should refrain from taking it.
We should do it with introspection (1Cor11:28; 2Cor5:18-6:1; 2Cor5:14-15; Gal2:20; Heb10:26-29; Heb6:4-6)
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9