
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Envoy
The Envoy
In the times of Jeremiah there would be super kings like Nebuchadnezzar
There would be sub kings of territories of the kingdom
when a sub king would not obey the super king the super king would end an letter by an envoy
the letter would be written in such away.
a remembrance of the good things the super king has done
then there would be rhetorical questions. why are you not obeying?
then there would be the consequences of not doing right
here in Jeremiah, the super king is God Himself
The sub kings are Israels rulers
And the Envoy is Jeremiah with the letter from the king
Here God is pleading with the people to come back to Him
when you do life would be great again
Read Jeremiah 2.
Read V 1-3
the time when I brought you out of bondage
from the taskmasters who put the whip to your back
remember the slavery and the chains that you were in
remember living in a land not your own
the time when you followed me into the wilderness
how I took care of you
brought water from a rock
fed you from heaven
I was a cloud to protect you from the sun
I was a pillar to light up the night
your love for me was great
you are the firstfruits and if anyone went against you I would destroy them
then I brought you into the land of plenty
vineyards you did not plant
houses you did not build
fields of grain ready for the harvest
pastures for your flocks
it was given to you just go in and possess it
Life was good
I was your God I was your King
I fed you. I protected you
There was a great love for me BUT
Read V 4-8
But they forgot. they started looking around at he other countries around them
they got tired of following the commandments
They say look at them they are doing ok and they don’t have to obey
their gods are wonderful lets go to that church instead
over time they degenerated into the mire
Can we as believers do the same?
can we have a form of Godliness but deny its power
Turn to Galatians 1 6-10
This Church had some false teachers come in and claim that the Gospel has to be baked up with some works
and the people were falling for this falseness
degeneration can happen very quickly if you don’t know the scriptures
The gospel turned from a Grace based life to a works based life
a works based life involves you trying your best to please God
doing your best to change and be like Jesus
doing your best to live a good life
Look at what I have done for you Jesus
Read Galatians 2 19-21.
Read Galatians 5 1-4.
When we attempt to do things to please god we don’t
when we attempt to do things in our own power Then we fall from grace
Paul is writing to the Church not a used to be church
we don’t lose our salvation but we do fall from the grace that we could have to live the victorious life in Christ
When we fall from Grace we become slaves to doing our best
we feel the whip of the taskmaster of failure, depression, not getting it right.
we carry the chains of addiction to uncontrolled temper,
to alcohol, drugs, pornography,
to having the need of every one liking your newest selfy
When we do our best to Christ like we fail
we need Gods grace
we are saved by God giving to us salvation
God regenerating us --Making us born again
Adopting us
Jesus died for us to Redeem us
It was all of Grace
and we live by Gods Grace
by being humble, acknowledging that we unable to do it
Remember Your First Love
Remember Your First Love
turn to Revelation 2.
“Go and proclaim in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Thus says Yahweh, “I remember concerning you the loyal love of your childhood, the love of your betrothal-time, your going after me in the desert, in the land not sown.
Rev 2 1-4. remember your first love
remember how in love you were in Jesus
remember how you told everyone about this new life you have recieved
remember how you prayed and read your Bible wasting that relationship to flourish
wanting to learn as much about God as you can
Remember how everything looked brighter the haze was gone
remember how you wanted to please your savior
remember how you wanted to be ready when he came for you?
Jesus says to the Ephesian church..
Read Revelation 2 4-5.
do, think those things again
life has made us forget,
life has made us fall back into the old rhythms
your doing a lot of good things but your love for me is not there
Have we forgotten?
are we trying our best, but its not good enough?
has our love been replaced by duty?
do we need to reboot, a start over? a time out to change the pitcher
Do we need to turn from our ways to Jesus
repent and rediscover what we had forgotten?