That Won't Hold Water
That Won’t Hold Water
What a dreadful price they had paid for their waywardness! They had become what they worshiped. Here is a principle for all Christians to watch. What we give our imaginations to, our personalities to—that is what we become. The investment of our time, our energy, and our money will result in something, either emptiness or glory. Which it will be depends on what it is we have been worshiping.
Would that this apostasy had been found in only one segment of his culture. Perhaps it could be cured were it localized. This condition, however, was described as all pervasive. The priests, who should have instructed the people in the knowledge of God, had lost sight of Him themselves and had quit seeking. The scribes who handled the Law had no knowledge of His will. The pastors, who should have kept the people from transgressing, were too busy transgressing themselves. The prophets were uttering the words of Baal and not the word of the Lord (v. 8).