Ephesians 6

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Gary Bible, some with me, if you will the efficiency chapter 6, that's where we will be. Picking up in our study, through the Epistles of Galatians Ephesians. Next week, we will begin. Colossians. Philippians scuse me, it's the next one in line. You need to remember how it goes Its General Electric Power Company. Galatians Ephesians, Philippians Place must be a New York thing cuz I never heard that in Texas. I've heard that a few times since I've been in New York so must be where it comes from. We've been looking through these letters. This Ephesian letter that Paul is writing to the church shows the balance between the Christian Life their Doctrine and their Duty. If God's word is true, if we believe what God's word says our Doctrine, then defines our duty. We have a responsibility but those are the things that we both have. It is divine sovereignty and human responsibility. That's put before us. If God is divine, I believe you is. If God is Sovereign, I believe he is. Then you and I have a responsibility that he has passed before us. We do not obey him in order to receive his grace his grace has already been bestowed upon us. So therefore we obey him and responds to that Grace. He is giving us It's likes being thankful. Yeah, we don't wait. We shouldn't wait till tell her. Tell her parents thank you when they give us the inheritance right if there's going to be an inheritance of any kind and I'm not just talking about financial inheritance. My my family was not one in which we had to worry about a financial inheritance. When the family when Mom or Dad there was more important things and financers, there is a spiritual inheritance that I received. There's a faith inheritance that I received from my folks. My family that far outweigh any money that could be given, there's also a little Martin guitar. Also that I picked up as well, have fun that inheritance until we're missing the bigger picture. I'm not saying financially, there's anything wrong with finances, having money, there's nothing wrong with that, but if that's what we're living for, we're living for the wrong thing. Ephesians chapter 6, talks to us about being under the spirits influence, saying, to be filled with, means to be controlled by With her, if we are filled with rat as Luke 4:28 talks about then we are controlled by that wrath. If we are filled with fear, as Luke 5:26 talks about, then we are controlled by that fear. If we are filled with the spirit, as a book of Acts, talk to us about an as we see here and eat in Ephesians. If we're filled with the spirit than, that's the spirit that controls us. We do not control the spirit. Believe it or not. We think we do the spirit. Controls us. What we are in control of his. How much of the Holy Spirit we desire? We want to have Say what what do you mean by that and I like in that to a gas tank on your vehicle more. So today than ever before, you can go put $5 of gas in your car. You're not going to get very far right. You'll go places but you're not going to get very far or you can feel the vehicle up and go further. Many times we want to walk around with a little bit of the spear just enough to get by. We're not walking filled with the spirit, the way that we should be by that. What I mean is when you and I accept Christ as our Lord and savior, we get all the spirit we're ever going to get. There is no more Spirit to get other than how much we desire to live for the Lord, on a daily basis. That's your choice in my choice. There's a, there's an opportunity of how we obtain that there's an opportunity about how we can't keep those tanks of the Holy, Spirit-filled and a writing the proper way and specially in this day and time.

On the day of Pentecost, the Believers were filled with the Holy Spirit is Acts chapter 2 and verse 13 tells us cuz they were filled with new wine. Those walking around with seeing what was going on in the unbelievers were mocking. Those filled with the spirit. A look at these guys. It's 9 in the morning and they're already drunk. Because of what was going on there, they heard them babbling if you will talking and they didn't understand what was being said. However,

when the apostles got up to speak, scripture tells us when they got up to speak and they spoke in their own language. Those around them that did not know their language heard in their own language.

That's not the work of man. That's the work of God. That's the work of the holy spirit. In the ears of those who are hearing, see when God's word is that, fourth, it doesn't come back void. He tells us that in Scripture A man, when we plow the field, we plant the seed. God does the rest of the work, our responsibilities as Christians, our duty, as Christians is to plant the seed, wherever we go, whatever we're doing. We need to be planting the seed. This is a drunk is influenced by alcohol. So a Believer is controlled by the spirit. That's what the scriptures tell us. Be not drunk with wine. We're in Lake Success, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. There are some important differences that we are going to look at or that we will understand the drunk loses self control. But the spirit gives the believer self-control the big difference. We played in a beer and softball league, right? We play, we played in a Christian league and they were far worse than the beer league. Right. You can vouch for that. You probably post some of our names on the Monday night, rest them Monday night, right? Is that holy moly? We're playing against Christians and there's more fights broke out in our Christian League than in our in the beer league. So, wish I was forget that. Let's just go up to the auction. Let's play with them play soft. We, we couldn't stand. We had nothing against those guys. You know what? It's that. They were, we were the worst team out there. Really where? But we kept showing up, we kept playing, they didn't like it when we first got there washers, Chris was his church group doing in our league. but a lot of the people that we played against My boys went to school with Lacey, a gun to school with, with some of the girls that were on the hillside, watching their boyfriends, or their husbands, play ball and our wives were there. They were over here. What those are round? Worst thing about our church Manipulators were just playing softball. Still want the guy stood up and yelled at all of them. Maybe use a few obscenities. But he said, and that's why it's not going to be word for word. You guys just need to shut up. There's not one guy out there on that field, that would not give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it. Silence. From that day forth, it was a little different with us playing there. They like playing against the week. We gave him a game but we would win. Until it came to 11 year. We played in the July 4th, tournament 21st right off the bat, we got in the losers bracket. Not good. Well, pretty much what we expected. But then after that, we want every game up to the championship The whole crowd was rooting for the church.

We played the best team. I just blew my voice with that.

It's like pulling a muscle when you're laying in bed.

Stuff getting old. If you haven't done that yet. Just wait, you'll figure it out.

Still 18 here though.

We minister to them, they're rooting for us. We getting the championship game. We play in the best team in the league, and I made the mistake of saying before we played them. You got to lose twice. We've already lost once, they haven't lost yet. I made the mistake of saying to one of the guys on the team who was the coach? That said, I guess we'll have to play it twice. Meaning, we're going to beat you. The first time wasn't really my meaning. That's how we took it. I guess we have to play you twice.

They blistered us. They blistered us. I thought about what I said after I walked away, it's like for the copy of me, didn't mean it that way? But meaning, if we were to win the first game, we have to play him again, back to back. sometimes we say things, We don't know what we're saying. I use this illustration this morning, this, this past week, or two weeks ago, I used up too much money or she's my mechanic works on my vehicles and had some tires changed and I walked in and sitting there and in the waiting section of his garage was a, a soldier in full fatigues. They were on their phone, they were doing everything that they needed to be doing. I had I paid my bill and I'm heading out the door as it will before I head out the door, I'm going to tell this Soldier. Thank you for your service. Dwight Turner said young man, thank you for your service and Heather come to church early service at young woman and I go

Oops. I didn't say oops in my head, I am so sorry. Young woman, thank you for your service, she laughed and you know it was funny and yeah that's happened before.

Why didn't the Holy Spirit? Tell me that was a young woman. Was, I not into him, was I not listening? Did I not care?

Am I that much of a bigot that it doesn't? I don't think I am those things. I just looked and I assumed we live in a society today where we cannot assume anyting. There's some things we know. But when we're looking in the world, we can assume. So we need to be careful. We need to be aware. And then we we need to Correct names in the right way.

Had short haircut. Had the features that I could see in the fatigues sitting there of a Young Man.

Then I proceeded to tell her who I was there on the pastor of that church of his cuz he asked who I was not just like to tell her. That I'm thinking on the way home. I wonder what she really thinks now of me. And what I have to say about that is I don't know why I tried to do everything I could the way that I showed it and I'm trying to plan to seed but then she and Heather the secretary. There had a long conversation about church after I left, maybe I precipitated that I don't know but there it was.

We need some self-control. We can't just say what's on our mind and think it's going to just fall. Okay? Be alright. Sometimes we know when we say something we we do it to put the knife in and twist it, right? Glaciers 5:22 through verse 23, as you keep your finger in the face at 6, go back there and Glaciers chapter 5 talks about the fruit of the spirits, not the fruits of the spirit. I always want to point that out. It says the fruit of the spirit is and then you got to add all these things into that fruit. The fruit of the spirit is love. I think that's important. That is charged with love joy. Peace, long-suffering, kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control against such. There is no law. It's not picking one of those. I'm going to run with that are picking to know. We need all of those in our lives as Christians to be filled with the spirit, the way that we should, but we need this self control of the spirit with the spirit. Guiding us with Spirits, directing us, a spirit of helping us to be What we need to be. The drunk as an artificial happiness, that does not last. Why the Spirit-filled believer has a deep joy in the Lord, in the mist of trial and tribulation? Yes, we feel those trials? Yes. We feel those tribulation? Yes, we have sadness. Yes, we have pain and sorrow, but there's a joy deeper than that, that only comes from God. Why? Because we are filled with the spirit and I don't know about you, but I want to be totally filled with the spirit, overflowing

I went and I got so my 25 gal gas cans. Up to Stewart's to filemon Vela, gas for the lawn and few other things. used to be, I'd feel that thing right up to the brim And it would spill out that back little spout every now and then I don't do that anymore. Do that little drop of gas at hits the back of my truck that could be $0.25. And you do that enough. That's a lot of money. Your dad's up, right past where you were that cheap MacAskill, Scottish just figure it out. Right. The point is flattered by what's coming on the bus from God. Be filled with the spirit. We're going to see that. Spirit-filled Christians will manifest christlikeness threeways in the home. On the job and on the battlefield. But what he says in Ephesians 6:1 In the home children. Who was that written toe? All of us, are you a child today or child of somebody's? That's us right? Children obey. Your parents in the Lord for this is, right? Honor your father and your mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. You fathers, do not provoke your children to bring them up in the training and the admonition of the Lord. There's some guy lines here that God gives us on how we need to treat. our loved ones are moms in our dads regardless of our age who honor them, You didn't know. My mom, you didn't know, my that is theirs. That's not a condition of this. Alter them. Yes, maybe they were rotten, terrible mom, a rotten, terrible dad. But God says listen children children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right under your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise. What is that promise? well, you know the promise that we give Zara give our kids is when we tell them something and they may question, why are answer is usually what because I said, so, That's not really an answer. I said, so because if you don't your dad, I brought you into this world. I can take you out of this world, right? Those kind of things that we see them all the time.

But he says, yes. All of them. Which is the first command with promised wife, that it may be well with you. And that you may live long on the earth, who's the giver and taker of life, God who's the giver and taker of all things. God, you want to honor God, you want to be blessed by God, honor your parents out of your father, under your mother obey, as God would have you too. No, there's nothing that we have to understand. There may be things that we're being asked to do that are not morally. Correct, there's a way to get through that. That can happen as we talk. We're going to talk about that when we get to do. The work on the job, had Old Bay on the job of a boxer's asked me to do something that goes against your convictions. There's a way to do that, there's way to take care of that and a right and proper weight doing what God has asked us to do. but fear, Spirit-filled Christians will manifest Crites, trace lightness and the home, the way God wants us to And I'm not saying that as Christians, we cannot get an argument. We cannot get in in in situations that are, are not pleasant. It happens, we get there. It's how we handle that situation. How, how we deal with those people that might not like us. I'm glad that when somebody says something about our church on that Hillside at the softball game that it was another one of their own kind, if you will. That's throwing up and said something for us. Cuz I guarantee you if one of us stood up and told him to be quiet, you don't know what you're talkin about. Any one of those guys out on that field would give you the shirt off the back. It would have gone over the same. But when somebody of their own who knows us, who has been around us for a few years who maybe I have helped coaching in a in a baseball game over the years or Little League or something like that, that they will stand up and say, hey, shut up. Those guys are the real deal. now, when my wife told me, she overheard that conversation told me that after the game is like I don't care if we win or lose, that's what it's all about. That is really what it's all about when we go out there and we present Christ, the way that we should, we are filled with the spirit, how can you be filled with the spirit on the softball game? We ought to be, no matter where we go.

Driving in your car.

Filled with the spirit. Somebody cut you off. There goes to Spirit. Are you an idiot? Is that? And then we got all those bumper stickers on the back of the car. God is my co-pilot? Well, you better let him take over cuz you're not doing very well.

God is not my co-pilot. He's my pilot. Right? That's the problem. We want to take over God's position. He is my pilot. He's the one that's guiding. He's the one that's directly. He's the one that's helping me to get and be where I need to be. We can be filled with the spirit wherever we are. There's a way that we we learn to do that, but what else he tells us not just on in the home but also on the job. Oh boy, you have one of those bosses. Don't say that lab Masters, according to the flesh with fear and trembling and sincerity of heart as to who Christ. Be obedient to them as you are to Christ but Pastor you don't know. My God does it look what he saying? Hey, here's what you need to do. You're working here, you're doing the job, boobd to them as to Christ. From the heart. with Goodwill verse 7 says, start with i Service as men Pleasers but as Bond Servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart. You know, those people who win the bosses around, they'll do everything they can to prove themselves to the boss, but when the boss is gone, there's nothing that is not who they are. They're making fun of the boss. You're really killing the boss here. They're saying things against the boss. How to make the boss look bad. And if we think that that doesn't get back around to the people were talking about it does. But how do you know that? Because that's just how people are. If you are in a position of authority, somebody wants that position. Somebody is looking at that position for themselves. So if you're bad-mouthing the boss in that position of authority, that person that wants your position is going to let it get out that you're bad-mouthing the boss so you get out of there so that maybe they can move up in that position. No, I'm not. Have you ever been in that situation? It's those people in the 8:30 service at half, Right, but what are you giving her some guidelines be obedient in verse 5? Not with I service. He says in verse 6, not as a man pleaser, but as a bondservant of who Christ. And what Paul says Do the people calaxini fishes. Hey, here I am. I I'm a servant of Jesus Christ, because of you God has called me to be in this position to minister to you. Therefore, I am his servant for you and if we are his servant wherever we go. If we are filled with the spirit wherever we are, then we are representing. God, we are representing Christ. No matter what weather is in the home. Weather's on the job. We need to be aware of that. What else he goes on to say? Versed with Goodwill doing Service as to the Lord and not to men knowing that whatever good anyone does. He will receive the same from the Lord whether he is slave or free. You want to bless others, you want to be blessed. If you want to be blessed, you need to bless others. That's just how that sort of, cuz we will be judged with the same judgment that we judge others. First night in your new Masters, do the same. So whether you're an employee or an employer, You Masters, do the same, the same thing to them, giving up threatenings, knowing that your own Master also is in heaven and there is no partiality with him. I had a a boss one time. We just always saying the wrong things always putting the guys in a position to dislike him. Right. So I went to that boss when they I was second in command under this guy and I go to him one day and I said, Hey listen to with all due respect knowing that you can fire me if you want it. I just got to let you know. You're taking all the guys off. What do you mean? Well, this is my way or the highway mentally wouldn't he would say that quite a bit quite a bit was my way or the highway you were looking for a job. When you found this one you got one so mother silly things that he would say. I said, you know, that's that's not the thing to say to the guys, sit down and talk with him, find out why they're upset because you got half the guys over here, ready to quit. And if half the guys quit asking me look bad on you,

the problem is there's no trust. You haven't built a trust within them.

So, we got on this discussion of trust. And I said, well, there's two guys that I really trust in in this carpenter shop that I was working in when I work at Fort Miller company.

What is myself? I trust myself. And the other is John B vasani Beaver. Some of you may know him, I work with a wonderful guy, Diane Wiley's, father. And sometimes I wonder about myself,

The boss just looked at me. You don't, you don't trust me. I said I really don't. I hate to say it but I really don't because there's too much inconsistent season in your action and then your words we had a good heart-to-heart talk, I'm sitting there thinking I'm going to get fired. But for the benefit of these other guys, I will share this with him one-on-one, not with the Hope group.

Because I share it with the whole roof. Get so it gets back to him and if it's going to go to him, I want to be the one to tell him. From that day on things. What is changed? Do you have a better attitude towards the guys? He respected their time and their talents more than he had. Things change for the better. Why? Because I think I went before him with trembling thinking, I could get fired for this, and I'm the only one with an income in the housewife, not working. We got the kids are cool. But why would you do that? Because it wasn't right, I wasn't I'm not a man pleaser. I don't know if you guys I'm a people pleaser but when it comes down to doing what I want, everybody happy I want everybody. Right. But when it comes down to doing what God wants, or what man wants, guess who's going to win God. Have you noticed our society today has changed? Things are not what they used to be or how they used to be. I mean when you when you look at a person you can't really tell are they a male or a female?

I mean, I know that's been going on for for life, but it's even more. So today than ever before, And also want to be the other as opposed to what God created are. Really saying will god you messed up when you made me

You made a mistake and God makes no mistakes. He knitted you together in your mother's womb. He knew you, then he knows you now. Is that a popular statement in today's society?

No. I was reading in my pastors, small group. sing that song again on Facebook, on Facebook, but on social media, Somebody posted this. They posted in the scripture. Where it says there's no more Jew or Gentile, there's no more Bond or free, there's no more male or female says right there, that is okay, to be whatever you want to be. I'm going to that is not what that says. It's not that's not how I see. It says. No more male or female. Yes, but they're interpreting that that you can be whatever gender you want to be a duster, really mad? That's not what that say. This is a Person of God quote on quote. Taking the word of God and perverting it. The fit today's society. You know what he saying there? Who sang? You listen it doesn't matter if the Jews in the Gentiles were fighting who's right? Who's in, who's out. Who's a part of this family of God? And now the apostles are going to Paul's. They listen and it doesn't matter. We are all children of God, although we might not be a child of God. Make sense. He created us, he brought us into this world and until we accept him as our Lord and savior, we all become a child of God. We're here, we're part of this. Now, what do we do? Well, it doesn't matter with you or doesn't matter with your Gentile. You could be a part of it. It doesn't matter with your bond or whether your slave, or whether you're free, you can be a part of it. It doesn't matter whether you're a female or whether you're a male, you can be a part of that. That's what that scripture says. Not that it doesn't matter what gender you can be whatever you want to be. God does not make mistakes.

He might not do things the way you and I want. So therefore we think he's made a mistake. But I'm so glad that I'm not God and I'm so glad that you're not God. I am glad that God is God, because he knows what's going on today, he knows what's going on tomorrow. He knows what's going on beyond that. He's got it all figured out and I do not, that's why we need to be filled with the spirit. In the home on the job, not worrying about whether we climb the ladder because we, we got to do things that we've been asked to do that. Goes against our moral compass, the word of God. This is not right, this is not too, I can't do that.

We have to make those choices. First 9, whether we're an employee or an employer. We had the same responsibility to please. An honor to God, what he says, he takes us from the home, and I think that's where this all needs to begin in the home. He takes to the job. And then verse 10 through verse 22, takes us to the battlefield. Where in the Bible? Rent a battle for a right versus wrong. Good versus evil. And it seems like evil is winning the game although God is still in charge. First 10. Finally my brethren. Be strong in the ways of the world. Is that what it says? No. Finally my brethren. And my sister and as well. Okay, I know sister is a whole different thing, but he's talking to all people. Not just the men, but the responsibility for men here, right? To be the spiritual leadership. That's always had that way. But yet he's using women throughout history as well, finding my brother be strong in the Lord and the power of His might Be strong. We're in the Lord. Scripture says I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. How do we do that? Willie tells us put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil.

How many of you this morning. Up and you put on the armor of God? We should have. The prayer in the morning when you wake up. Okay. Got another day that you giving me help me to go forth in the battle, putting on the things that I need to put on to go into the battle to deal with what ever the devil throws at me in the morning, we get dressed, we put on our clothes and we do everything that we need to do to make ourselves presentable.

Part of my daily routine of putting on my daily armor. There are my glasses. I can survive without him. But I tell you what, when I get in my car to drive down the road, you better be hoping I got them on, right? I mean, I can read fine without him, I just can't see the back wall very well, if I didn't know who was sitting on the back row, I wouldn't be able to tell you who was sitting on the back row. if I had to tell you right now, That's trapped there. I didn't know where that was trying to not cuz he's usually up there but the shrimp. This is part of my daily routine. I got to put these on in order to be able to see correctly. We need to do the same thing with the armor of God. What is his armor of God? We put it on to be able to withstand The Wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle 7 verse 12 against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age and it's getting worse. Have you noticed against spiritual hosts of wickedness in Heavenly places?

Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil stand within the evil day and having done all to stand. I think he wants us to do what sand and he said, I want you to be able to stand throughout, whatever is thrown at you. Stand. Therefore, he says again, 2 verse 14, having girded your waist with truth. Having put on the breastplate of righteousness having shot in your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above All Things, taking the shield of Faith with which you are to be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and take the helmet of salvation. And the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. He's got us Fully Dressed from head to toe with the whole armor of God. He didn't leave anything out. You know what part is not mentioned in there.

The back.

Why? Because if, as Christians we retreat, We lose. A Christians. We back off of our beliefs are convictions. Our standards. We lose our standards are based on the word of God, not based upon our own feelings, our own desires. There are some things in my life being raised in church, my whole life that I've let go because I don't see them as a conviction for me. Or for anyone else will pass it. What are you talking about? There's some things I know I'm not going to let go but there are some things I was raised, okay? Ladies, you won't like this, right? You probably some of you already know this. I was raised that it was wrong for women to wear slacks.

People still believe that today. They're not to wear men's attire. And then one day I'm sitting in the Bible's manners and Customs class and we're talking about how people would dress in the Bible days. And did you know that in the Bible days, everybody wore robes

Men and women. So, how did you know, what was women's clothing? How did you know what was men's clothing, by the way that they wrapped it and buy the material that they used? Write my sisters were not allowed to wear slacks in our home. My mother, I never saw her in a pair of slacks. That's the way we were taught. That's the way we were raised up. I went to Bible College and I realize with all the teacher I'm going to swing by because my father went to with all that t.g.i. go to Bible College in all these professors teaching the word of God, we go on a hayride and there was a flash in the world. Are they sitting?

No, I was just popped something that was not necessarily correct. Don't put your conviction on somebody else. If it's not based on the word of God. There's a conviction that we all need to have skip mentioned in this prayer in this talk about the, the fair. Just believing in. God is Not Enough. The devil believes and trembles, we need to accept Christ as our Lord and our savior. It's not just about a head knowledge, a lot of people believe in God, they just don't know it. When we put on the whole armor of God, we're able to go for. Here's the problem. We have retreated. From a line that got Drew for us. We backed off why was just easier? I don't need. To go to church every Sunday and you don't need to go to church every Sunday to be a good Christian. Did I just say that out loud? But guess what? I need you in church every Sunday so I can be a good Christian.

That makes sense. We're a team. We're on the battlefield. We have positions, we need to fulfill.

Nehemiah is looking at the wall that's being built, any seating gas in the walls and he says, hey, I need people who will stand in the Gap to help protect us. From the anime. And when we don't have people willing to stand in the Gap, the enemy just comes in and when the enemy comes in, we get overwhelmed. What do we do? We turn tail and we're on.

I was at the fair. Couple times. Wash County Fair, couple times this past week. You walk in at 9 and all of a sudden, the national anthem is being played so you're stopping. Having not been in the military, I put my hand over my heart, take my hat off and standing. We had grand kids with us so we wanted them to see that.

however, there's other times during the day, when the national anthem goes again, May the tractor pull somebody singing the National Anthem and you're busy going through life and and all of a sudden, you look over in one of the grandkids stop What are you doing? I'm in their ears are probably a little bit better than my right. What are they doing? And I'm listening in, I faintly hear the national anthem takes a handoff and Older gentleman veterans had on was walking along. He says, I saw you standing there and I didn't know what you what you were doing and then I heard it. I heard a familiar sound of the national anthem. So you see, he takes his head off and he was appreciative of the grandkids and myself. I'm not sure everybody else doing this because sometimes we get busy, we don't hear in the hubbub of everything else going on. Same is true with the Holy Spirit. We get busy with life. Most recent don't do that, don't do that. Don't do that.

And the devil is here, go ahead that that battle you see in the cartoons right now, they will later. Put on the whole armor of God. That we may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil is wrap this up first 12, but we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. But against principalities against Powers against the rulers of Darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in Heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand, stand there for having girded your waist with truth. Having put on the breastplate of righteousness. Having shot of your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of Faith, which which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation. And the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, praying, always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit. Being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. And for me, the utterance that may be giving me to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known The Mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in the change that in it. I may speak boldly. As I ought to speak. That's my prayer. That's my prayer. Asking you to pray for me and those last Parts. Why? Because I need to be able to speak boldly the word of God. This is not something that makes people happy these days. Have you noticed? That's not it and get a new one.

The God, not know what he was doing. When he had all those men pen, the words of God down for him. Is it going in there? Until I need to rip this? And this happens, I know faster to rip Pages out of their Bible. That's not for today. Well, it might not be for today, but there's an application there for today. 2nd, Chronicles 7:14, you know what that says, right? If my people, you know, who has written to the Jews. I mean, if you go back to chapter 6, you talked about that. You use that Jefferson is as well. What is it? If my people who are called by my name, So, humble themselves turn from their, Wicked Ways seek my face and pray. Then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. Yes, it was because the same guy that says that the them will do it for us. If you as a nation, if you was a people, if you as an individual will turn from your Wicked Ways, that's the key seek my face and pray then. Danny says, I'm going to hear from heaven. I'm going to forgive your sins. and I'm still your land but before we even seek his face and pray, We need to ask for forgiveness. Lord, forgive me a sinner. Lord, forgive our nation for turning our back on you. Lord, forgive us and help me. Help me to be the light that I may be in this world. So, speak the truth boldly.

and say that's my prayer until my dying day and if I quit, quit speaking the truth boldly you need to tell me to go You need to say, Pastor Clyde. Good to see you. Thanks for your service. Take a hike. Below nicer than that.

Right. I don't apologize for God's word. I will tell you I don't always like it when I read it cuz it's convicting. But his word is truth in a world that we need to know what truth is. And people say no, if you get rid of that, do what we say? Don't be a man. Pleaser. Be a god pleaser. Father, we thank you. Thank you for your words. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you for enlightening us to the things that we need to know. But I do pray that you help me to speak the truth boldly without knowing that in today's society. It's not, that's not good, it's not pleasing to many people. But truth is truth. Evil is evil, help us to seek the truth. Help us to fight against The Wiles of the devil. All the things he's throwing at us to keep us busy doing other things and not doing the things we need to be doing. Help us put on the whole armor of God and March forward into the battle as you direct me. As you lead in Jesus name, we pray.

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