2022 Aug 28 Sunday Morning Service
Play the morning. We're going to wrap up or going to seven letters churches in Revelations, 2, and 3. These were actual cities in ancient Asian which is modern-day turkey. They're selling actual historical church. Has there been in existence about 30 yards to that instead of in The Book of Revelation?
Pictures of job back with the elevation in love. Lucia is the final Church Ventures dealer in the last Church on the postal. I'm only seven churches was on the brink of judgment because of the blood for the glove even though I was still doctrinally songs from pergamum was on the brink of judgment because well, not yet. Didn't I think it was still tolerate sin. The entire ever been to a full-blown compromise with evil to the degree that was in the church itself was dead. There was virtually no spiritual like they're all even though there were
Lay your procedure has the greater distinction of being. The only church to which Christ, says nothing. Good has no booking feature. Church of redeemed Church business be on Sardis Sardis virtual in the dead, as a church as a test because it's still a few believe in Spanish. Not on this case, this is the most threatening rebuking lever down. And the amazing thing is later to see him,
Let's hear what Jesus says to this church. Chapter 3 verses 14 through 22. Play the cedar right? Amen. The faithful and true witness origin of the creation of God says this. I know your Deeds that you aren't even full North High. I wish that you were pulled apart. So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. I will vomit you out of Because you say I am rich, you could become wealthy and have no need of it. And you do not know that you were record miserable for lying naked. I bought at by seu to buy from the refined by fire so that you may become rich and white garments. So that you may, clothe yourself in the shame of your nakedness with ramen noodles, and I sat with like your eyes so that you may Those whom I love and therefore it was Dallas and behold, I stand at the door. And if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and Hannah and we'll dine with him.
The one who overcomes, I will grant him to sit with me on my Throne. As I also overcame that with my father, this truck, the one who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says, the church's. This is a long line of relatively speaking and so we want to look at it after 4. So let's begin with the writer of the letter who introduces in the opening verse 14, to the angel of the church in laodicea. Write the amen. The faithful and true witness origin of the creation of God. Says this. Jesus is writing this letter and he introduces himself in each case in all of these seven letters by the references of his. References to his like that in here. Three things are said about him. He is the amen. He is a faithful and true witness. He isn't beginning of the creation of God Blitz. Looking for this for a moment and actually may reflect a Hebrew thought. The word name is often used scripture to affirm the truthfulness of the state is a kind of verbal guarantee to what has been said, is true. It is essentially the same as putting two Barrel in the beginning. Barely at the beginning of the state of the firm's the state that is a falcon. Need manager. Yeah we statement Steals and certain. Jesus is the firm fix certain faithful unchangeable in them because he is true all the time in every way and specifically because all that he says is true and all that he promises is true and all of his coming true. And he himself is the guarantee and affirmation Christ. In fact, is the amen to God. Promises 2nd Corinthians 1:20 says 4 a.m. also.
God's promises are validated in Christ. They are made certain in Christ. He is God's, amen. The one who confirms all the time, this enforced is to establish his floor, and is truthful in his Unity with. Secondly, he is faithful and true witness. Not only is he validates. What God has said they were God has promised with whatever he says it is faithful and true, he isn't completely trustworthy, he is perfectly. Accurate is the way, the truth and the life isn't perfect witness testimony which he fares to God to the character to the purposes to plans to Promises of God. Although he said his faithful witness John 331 333 says, he who comes from above, is above all the one who was only supposed to be. He who comes from Heaven is above all. What do you steam in prude of this? He testifies
The one who has accepted his testimony as a certified advise true. When Christ speaks on behalf of God, his testimony is absolutely true. Jesus has been a man of God, living verification and validation and Confirmation, and every promise that has ever made every plan, that was stabbed every confidence. He set everything he himself says and does, Beer and true. This establishes at the very beginning in the dealing with this church, the truth is critical. Truth is a necessary Foundation. Then thirdly he identifies himself verse 14 as the beginning of the creation of God. Halt on Colossians 1:15 says, concerning Christ. He is the image of the invisible. God, the firstborn ball creation. That doesn't necessarily mean of all creation. More than that verse 16 through 19. Like your ball things would create both in the heavens and on her visible and invisible rather Thrones for dominions or rulers, or authority on all things have been created through him. And for him, he is before all things. And in him, all things. Shirt is the beginning the firstborn from the dead so that he himself will come to town, first place and everything. For it was the father's good. Pleasure old. How old is Luke Walton?
Christ is the everything of God. All the God is he is, he is the creator. He is the author of Life, both spiritual and physical. So when it says the origin of the creation of God, it means he is the source of all creation is the leading the Premier League. And why is it so important to establish in a letter delayed? See it why? All of this is about the deity of Christ as the Creator. Why the establishment of Christ is the affirmation of all of God's promises that he himself is true. And there is It might help me to know the way of the sea. It was 10 miles from flossie, and it is very like that. One plate philosophy, it's way too late. If you read Colossians 1:5 and polite to ask a price, Paris tea have infiltrated Plaza in Hemet at mostly the deity of Christ and reduced him to a created being some kind of got jealous, do you know? But I'll cherish these, if it's certainly the first price that found their way to Neighborhood city of laodicea, because there is a church that is lost at each. Other's unconverted, in large measure has been exposed to, and bought into the very Pharisees who voiced play. The seal that is Washington's 416. Paul says, and you for your part, read my letter, that I was coming from.
What was going on lost a parent? Lee found its way in the way of the co and because they had a radical view of Christ, they were an unsafe Church. Christ is the beginner, the creator of life and all that existed, they didn't believe that. They didn't believe he was the Alpha and the Omega is Revolution.
The beauty Alpha. Do you have to be to create the one who created the one piece? Is if I created The Source creation. So the Lord is faithful and true witness to the word of God. The one who's all spiritual promises as this So here's Jesus offended by heretic abusing himself. This is what makes a church and lay up to me.
It is an unconverted church because it has a warped view of Christ. You could be talking about any churches with the night with the There is a very beginning, a powerful statement demonstrates test with the church at laodicea have aired of you priced and if you have a wrong fuel price, horrible spiritual faxed, the sea. It will also help us understand a little bit about the city of laodicea. It is located in the lycus river valley. It's the most easterly city of the Seven Cities about 45 miles away from Philadelphia. Like its belly was one of the most common Roots travel, in laodicea was an important city in. Not only was a place for travelers going east to west, was Eve the place for travel. Consult with an interception City. Antiochus, the second founded City in the third Century before Christ and named it for his wife. The Modern Way of the Turkish city is St, fusaro, which in Turkish means old portraits. Now at the time of Jesus rights today, we understand from history, but it had a very large Jewish population. And how do we know that? Does each year that Jews have to pay the temple tax. If you were a male over 21, you pay the tax to the Temple of Jerusalem half-shekel, there's a reference to that in the gospels in 62 BC.
New York supporting with bull Funland. The Jews always pay the temple tax bull, he needed it to back the currency, the Jews. All the steps of tax and 11 package. They came together in the synagogues in the city and compiled all their money. Turned it into gold CV Jerusalem. They were forbidden to do it. You did it anyway. Disregard of your order, the government confiscated, the score reinstate, it weighs 2020 lb of gold with all the males came half-shekel, you can see if heaven was 4,000 males and then you would have two wives and children. So that the house has a fuse with, they were in the middle of this Pagan culture, mix variety. Now, it's some other features of the city played a very important role in this letter. First of all, crucial to any City,
Population grew because it was a hub and it got larger and larger. In the mobile screens were no longer able to supply the necessary water. So they build an underground aquifer. They put it on the grounds of the enemies wouldn't have access to the laodiceans have no choice. They have the pipe in water from a distance spring through twin lies a stovepipe. There's a second thing that dominated the city and that was a great commercial Enterprises Bank. In the city was very wealthy, it was so wealthy that after the earthquake of 6080 which level does City. And some of the others in the area, the people with Leo to see a private themselves or rejecting them off with financial telephone, does it have enough money of their own to completely rebuild the beautiful city of. Numbers to play on the seal, was famous for was a wool industry. The major product being a sophomore glossy black and color. It was used for carpets clothing, both locally in the next one. The city also gave much respect and honor for the medical school. Medical school was established in connection with the temple to a patient. Feeling there and they developed a well-known and highly value.
All three Industries play, departments left. And so does the water supply. This is the wealthy self-sufficient. City that attitude found its way into the church and the heresy, concerning the nature of Christ found its way. And so soon after the church was founded, it was a Church of God on Believers because salvation doesn't come to those who have the wrong price. The most notably the church has been affected by a devastating Harrison Leona. C is a church that is not church. It is the first church of the terrorists. There's no wheat. There is no combination. That all look at verse 15. I know your beads and there are none of the commands. So there is no condemnation. Of course he knows we talked about the sovereign.
Verse 15 through 16. I know your Deeds that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot, so because you are lukewarm, I need to talk more about vomit you, out of my house. That's a strong statement. Jesus is made from church. Yet, you make me vomit to know you. I know what you are like, You are lukewarm what lies behind us think the lukewarm nearby Hot Springs. Famous for the healing power of people went there because the health properties of Rehabilitation there was a pool. There was a full parental screen made of early settlement in the area and the water was refreshing. The clear contrast to those, there was the dirty tepid water flow per mile still. Filthy, octagon wasn't hot enough to relax. Restore it wasn't cool enough to Flinch. We was foul and an eight people nauseous, that's what are warts saying about this church. She make me sick. One wire said the water supply of laodicea whiskey ride from artificial pipeline bringing water which is literally lukewarm and so obscure as it having a medical fact, what is kemetic of substance that makes you vomit? What is the spiritual significance of this? Jesus simply saying make me sick, he was angry with those two compromised, he was disappointed with those who left their first love those, the compromised and said that this church meeting sec. What we have to do is in 4th after church history, down to today. Church is full of people who have a Long View of the Christ and therefore unconverted and unsafe to make the Lord's sick. You know, in some ways, there's always hope for church. That has some Believers in it and that's why they were, there were supposed to call me and maybe things can change, but there's nothing here. There's nothing here to appeal to Christ isn't even in this church. This is the worst of all possible represent patient. basically, what Jesus says is, we have no purpose, just make me spit, Verse 17 odds in this would be true because you say I am rich and have become wealthy and have no need of anything. And you do not know that you are very miserable for line naked as a ball pits. Are you say one thing and you don't know the true condition One thing about non-believers who have come together in a church is they are in no position to assess the street. They cannot do we holiday. Laodicea was a wealthy City and the church's opinion of its own identity was a baseless fiction that somehow have left, not only material wealth, would even spiritual law, they have the money and having the churches they saw themselves. Transcending to a kind of knowledge is above. Everybody else. A spiritual Pride to go on with their material cry. They say that I'm rich. I have become wealthy. I need that is the worst state in person. It would be better to be an atheist or to be completely ignorant of the Gospel, anything would be better than this. This is the ultimate autocracy, you know, about Christ and you've created a false prophets, you know, about God and you created a false, god in your smugly self-conscious, this is characterized entire denominations CrossFit even up to the day they think they're rich and she really spiritual knowledge and I don't know their the condition has anybody who has wronged you When the major denominations began to attack the deity of Christ, who was clear evidence than later.
Once they good night scripture and deny Christ is laodicea. You don't know that you're wretched and miserable or lying naked. Look, there's nothing you can do with those words to make them Christians are not matching miserable for glyphosate. When you're asking who are these people these are non Christians in the Church of on Christians. The second condition of thinking, you're spiritually, rich and thanks bro. We're thinking you're beautiful. When you're ratchet of imagining that your 32nd year to be fitting of believing. You see everything clearly when you see nothing or stone. Why? Stealing your clothes spiritual? Find me. Naked. You may have your bank account, you may work with black wool. You may have your ice Ave spiritually and miserable wretches poor blind. If you have no riches with God, you were no Robes of white.
You don't know. That is the condition of the Church of nonbelievers in reality. It was kind of proud of your clothes and finery they think they don't need anything. No idea. At that point, Jesus says to them verses 18 through 20 is where is message is very direct. I advise you to buy for me, bully find my 5280, rich and white garments so that you may close yourself in the shame of your nakedness, will not. And the ice have to apply your eyes. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline their 4-Piece Nellis and behold I stand at the door. And if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him dying with him.
Here is Grace off of different things to buy for me, without money without price. In buy, you think you can buy anything you want. All need nothing, but she's really mean only on asking me come to me and buy without price. Without money without working. If you want riches come to me if you want clothing, come to me. If you want spiked come to me, the meaning of YouTube or refined by fire pure blue interior. 1st, Peter 1:7. The proof of your face, being more precious than gold, Paris has to testify fire. Thank you. Sounds result and praise glory. And honor at the revelation of Jesus. Come to me and by the true and tested goals. So you will not be pouring and then come to me. And we see the white garment that you may. Clothe yourself in the shame of your nakedness, will not get rid of your black robe. I'm going to get a white girl with in the Book of Revelations several times is the righteousness of God placed over the same. and then since you're flying come and take you guys set that I have and all the moisture body suits you, Call Charlie. Will make you see come to me, I'll cover you in a, white gonna come to me or make you rich. So just for naked line, unbelievers have no idea what the position is. Jesus says, take this letter.
Salvation, is that gold makes us spiritually rich and fake it is that white robe covers, our Central nakedness with righteousness.
It's just that likes to have which gives us the knowledge of God, Illuminating Grace, and an understanding of God's truth. This is a call to Salvation in a 3/4 scripture, the price has been paid. buy without money and without price, Lemon first 19. You said something really interesting. Those to My Love. Therefore be jealous. Some people think he's talking to Christians here with the context doesn't allow that. Justice taking about God, Those whom I love.
No different than to say this God, so loved the world.
God does Believers you can fix the world to the Holy Spirit as soon. Right. Dismiss judgment. You love Sinners. That's why we had ceased to be Sinners, and then give us salvation. And then love, demonstrated starts with R. It starts with unmasculine wretchedness.
There's a note of tenderness mean. The reason for what he has a tender affection for these people. He loves them with the Divine kind of affection, but there's no relationship. Are you saying you're on the edge conviction and exposure punishment, and God finds no pleasure? So we says there for Dallas and repent. Call the Salvation, do it with all your might do it with all your heart. Message to the unsafe churches, can't do it fast. The invitation versus 20 is one of the most familiar and all I want is the most misunderstood. This is compassion, this is divine mercy. Cool, I stand at the door unlocked. If anyone hears my voice opens the door, I will come in to him and was dying with him.
I stand at the door Church.
Is there. Anyone who will hear my voice?
What time is going to be with me? This is a church that price is Nadia. I understand that we've heard that all our lives. Knock knock. It's not a picture. This is the door of the church. Jesus says, a church in the church service, he was there in the presence of the few will believe he's outside the church. There are thousands of churches like this around the world right now.
Lincoln pass it. Show doubt of the truth Bears. His name. You're not even this love is Jesus saying I will come in the summer. Anyway,
Bbp assessment of the spiritual condition.
Someone anyone open the door saying I'll come into that church. That's all it takes one truth, Christian Church prices there. The act of saving faith in the rejects Works. Recognizing spiritual bankruptcy, nakedness and blindness Bandon, and self-righteousness self-sufficiency turning from sin and opening the door. If it's just one, he will enter the church. Salvation will come inside. That Church times that person Fellowship communion share. Do I share the joy? The shared meal was a symbol of Newnan Fellowship.
Fellowship. This is one of the last free. For the word stands knocking on the door of laodicea. Still outside mystery. Cool dark knocking on the door is sickening and safe churches. Seeking entrance before it turn the light falls. It's too late. Identifying a promising verse 21. I'm going to go over to Tom's. I will grant it in and sit with me on my throat cuz I also overcame of my father is Our feet, if you will believe, I will not only come in and sit down with you Fellowship. Is he now? But I will grant you that person who comes in faith to take all the way to Glory situation, Mike Rowe. This is the Supreme elevation to humanity. Have the privilege of sitting on the throne of God. We don't receive a kind of minimal salvation. He knocks on the church for the snot church. He calls for the people who are not Christians to repent, and if they do, he says, I can come in and hang out with you and someday, I will take you.
That's the message to the apostrophes or the Liberals to the Bible desires to think there is an elevated. Scholarly intellectuals who are far above tree believe You don't know the position you want, poor and blocked. You are aggressive miserable and naked. The Christ in brakes off of Salvation. In again, has all the letters clothes. He says, the one who hasn't here letting fear
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Pray that you remain fully Dakota.
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