Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Who am I?
Is your name pretty?
Boy, I'm talking about questions alone.
I'm talking about question that every single person here.
At one time or another in life has asked, who am I In my life.
I am I here.
What is my true purpose in life?
Oh Lord.
And how do I find it but this morning I'm just talking about who am I And I'm going to answer a question with a question.
What's your name?
And in order to know who you are, you got to be able to identify yourself.
As the scriptures read by superintendent, Natalie asked for what a good book to read, ask for 10 and 12, let it be known to all of you.
And to all the people that is real.
The name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Who raised from the dead?
By him, this man is standing before you.
Well, and there is salvation in no one else.
Where there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
How many know that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ.
I said how many people you know, know that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ.
Listen to all my name is Pat.
That's who I am.
It does not have power to save people from their sins.
In fact, my name doesn't have much effect on anyone else.
The only Power my name has identify who I am.
But think about it.
Identity Thief.
Is a pretty powerful thing.
You see if a person questions who they are, they don't have a chance to understand their purpose in life.
C Bible names and identities were very important in the Bible.
Who is the brother of Esau?
He saw it's a training, his Birthright.
And then his blind father.
Genesis 27, 3536 says your brother came and has taken away your blessing.
And Esau said, is he not rightly named Jacob?
For, he has some plans with me these two time.
He took away my Birthright and now look away my p****.
You think Jacob means supplanter.
Can you imagine living a life with a name like the sebra and Thief?
You see, he was named that because of his character See another set of twins.
Won't talk about this morning is Cain and Abel Abel was killed because he gave God a better sacrifice.
You see Abel gave God what God wanted It came gave God what he wanted to give God.
CH name means breath.
Appropriately, named breath.
Because it was very short like a breath.
Here, and then gone.
You see, it was named awesome at that c. Abel was not a vain person, but he was killed because of Cannes vanity.
Enable had become names and labels, not because of the character, but because of what, someone else did to him.
I know there's some of us sitting here in this room today in this church today or carrying labels in your life labels that were not given to you because
but because of what someone else has done to you.
Generational curses.
We are a product of our circumstances.
You see Jacob carried around that, labeler at me for being the deceiver and thief and he deserved it.
It will also carry the name Bandit.
Either label data tea, but he did not deserve that.
Nevertheless they were both labeled for life.
Or were they?
Genesis 32 that Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.
Now when he saw that he did not Prevail against them, he touched the socket of Jacob's was out of joint and he wrestled with him and then he said
But he said, I will not let you go, unless you bless me.
So we said to him, what is your name?
And he said, and he said your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel for you have struggled with God and with men and you have prevail
man, man around the label asasi.
But when he came in contact with God's God things change, you see this message to days of Fortune's.
It's a message of urgency for you today, and it's not for you for no reason.
Today, he wants a change you right now.
God is here.
He's here to free.
You from labels.
Free from labels has been dragging you around 3, from labels that been dragging you down.
When Jacob left that experience with God, his friends and family, didn't know what happened to Jacob.
This is the hardest part of letting God change you, they did not understand what happened to him.
He was probably greeted with a line like Jacob.
Never come home late question like that.
You see when you leave an encounter with God, you leave difference.
You see people are still referring to him as Jacob but he knew.
And you will too.
I'm not that person.
You used to know, let me know.
That person.
Yes that's right.
Come on now to pick up the town clerk in the ask him, what does it mean?
How do I change my name?
You post your name, your post, what you want to change it to, and you got to leave it up for two weeks and then the two weeks and now it's a two-step process.
There's a transition.
In which you must post your life for all to see.
Someone believe it.
Come on now.
People tell you you're always going to be what you were.
You heard that?
Leopards, don't lose their spots.
Everything there is to do everything.
There is a season as you may have to store a little relief.
You off, you may have to do it from your family or your friends.
If ever feel alone.
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