The Beginning of the End
Revelation • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsAs we near the beginning of the end, we must do all weekend to bring people to Christ.
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There are varying views of interpretation regarding the book of revelation and end times events. For those of you who are wondering about my understanding of Revelation, as well as the entirety of the Bible, it is one which is: literal, pretribulation, and premillennial.
However, we don’t want to get hung up on that. You see, there are some basic callings of the church that are not open to different views. One is obviously that there must be a strong emphasis on the need for salvation through Jesus Christ. Another essential of the church is that we must live our lives with the understanding that Jesus is coming soon. In addition to that, the church, as it should be involved in all aspects of life, should be such that people would look to us and understand the reality that judgment is coming soon and there is not much time left. They should know that we have the answer to their life dilemma.
Why do I say this? For one, there is so much wasted energy spent on trying to convince others that our viewpoint is correct. In addition, there is the mistaken idea that we get all of our end times understanding from the book of Revelation, or that Jesus really had nothing to say about this. The reality is that Jesus spent a good deal of time focusing on the end times. Specifically, the Olivet Discourse, as we often call these passages, deal specifically with the end times. You can jot down in your Bibles or on your notes that this can be found in three different sections in the synoptic gospels. They are Matthew 24.1–35; Mark 13.1–37: and Luke 21.5–33.
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus described the last days or the end times as falling into three categories. First, he describes the "beginning of birth pains" which would cover the four horsemen found in today's passage in Revelation 6.
The second period is the period which we would call the "great tribulation."
The third period is what Jesus described as "immediately after the distress of those days."
My friends, in case you haven’t noticed, things are not getting better and are not going to be getting better in this world. Jesus described this in Matthew 24.6-8 ““You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.”
As we get ready to look into the judgments that are coming, there are some general guidelines to help us in our understanding. The first four seals appear to take place during the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period. The fifth seal seems to include the last of the first half and into the second half, beginning what is commonly referred to as the Great Tribulation. The sixth and seventh seals take place in the last half of the Great Tribulation.
It seems that the seventh seal has the seven trumpet judgments. Plus, the seventh trumpet judgment contains the seven bowl judgments. So this scroll that we started off with having the seven seals, contains all the judgments. This is all supported by reading the Matthew 24 passage I spoke of earlier.
As we go back into today's message in Revelation 6, you will find in the very first verse the four living creature saying "come!" This is not directed to John, but rather to the horsemen.
Just as any ball team is willing to give every ounce of energy to be victorious at the end of the game, the church must be, as well.
As we near the beginning of the end, we must do all we can to bring people to Christ.
The Horseman of Peace.
The Horseman of Peace.
Revelation 6:1–2 (NASB95)
Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Last time, we were part of the loud choruses of praise and worship.
That is no longer happening. We’re no longer seeing what is taking place in the throne room of heaven. The focus is now on the earth, and will continue to be until chapter 19, when Christ returns.
This section begins what we have often known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse or the horseman's judgments. Prior to any of them actually being revealed, John hears a sound of thunder. Interestingly, throughout the Bible, thunder is often a significant prelude to the fact of impending, upcoming judgment.
Verse two describes the first horseman. This rider, along with the others, represent not people, but rather forces. Notice that Christ will be seen later in 19.11 as the one on a white horse to set up his kingdom. Angels nor any other being gives Christ orders. In addition, Christ is the one who opened the first seal. Thus, the horseman described would be a false messiah; an antichrist. He will forcefully bring a false piece upon the earth. Also, the crown is that which is won as a prize, not a royal crown. In addition, this rider is carrying a bow, not a sword, which is what Christ has.
He is an enemy of Christians and of Christ. This horseman represents worldwide peace. You and I know that this will not truly happen on a permanent basis until Christ is ruling. Luke 21 shows that this period will bring judgment upon Israel for unbelief and a separating of chaff from wheat. The Antichrist will obviously play a role in pushing for this worldwide peace at any cost.
The fact that God has given him the conquerors crown simply shows that the sovereign God of all the world has given permission for this event. The purpose is that he will accomplish God's purposes.
Church, we don't have to hear the thunder of heaven to know that the end is near. The thunder is obviously rumbling all around us even as world events draws ever closer to the time of Christ’s judgment.
There are many today, who would mount up and try to lead a self-proclaimed battle which is supposed to lead to peace. They will attempt to gather in everyone they can who might be gullible.
This will be a false peace, as we see from the next horseman. But do you not see already, the pleas and promotion for a false sense of peace. Currently, to experience the peace that is promoted today requires major compromise and giving in to that which is against God. We see it blatantly with the false accusations against Israel and the suggestion that they must give in or experience further attacks. They are made out to be the evil for simply refusing to knuckle under their enemies. The mantra all across the world seems to be if you will only . . . then we could save the planet, have equity among people, experience peace, etc.
Church, it appears that humanity doesn’t learn from history or simply keeps believing Satan’t lies. Hitler’s Mein Kampf, the story of how he was going to conquer, was published more than 10 years before WWII started. Sadly, many nations believed what Hitler said when he described himself as a man of peace. Nations turned a blind eye as Hitler began to conquer surrounding nations. If you read history, you’ll find that in 1938, English Prime Minister Chamberlain, came back from a meeting with Hitler and showed an agreement, while stating peace with honor . . . peace for our time. Even when Winston Churchill spoke out against what was being presented, nearly all the members of Parliament, shouted him down, refusing to believe anything other than what Hitler had said. You know the rest of the story. This is similar to the first horseman who paves the way for peace.
If you and I claim the name of Christ, we must do whatever it takes to make sure that this false sense of peace does not capture others because it is the not the peace which comes from Christ. This type of behavior is happening already even before the first horseman is sent.
The Horseman of War.
The Horseman of War.
Revelation 6:3–4 (NASB95)
When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.
Here is where things begin to become very dark. This horseman will cause division and bloodshed. There will be murderous turmoil when he begins his work. The first horseman forced peace as the world goes under his rule. This particular horseman will take peace from the earth, causing worldwide war. Again, we are reminded that it was granted, showing that God is still in control.
The large sword which he carries, symbolizes the incredible number of people he will kill. It will be a slaughter and a bloodbath no war has yet seen. Consider the advancement of weaponry and military technology, as well as chemical warfare.
Consider also that the first horseman represents the idea that the Middle East will no longer be a location of constant conflict. The Antichrist will actually come off looking pretty good as he pretends to protect Israel from further attacks, since there will be worldwide peace. This horseman represents the reality that war will then be a constant until Jesus Christ returns.
Again, I repeat that I cannot pretend to understand or proclaim with absolute certainty how this will take place. Nevertheless, we can certainly see the potential for this occurring in our time. Sometime back, we had an individual who was known as Dr. Death, otherwise known as Dr. Kevorkian. This type of individual would pretend to care for people while he takes away their right to let God choose the time, place, and method of their death. While these individuals help people to escape whatever suffering they may have, I have a question. Who is there to point them to Christ so they don't have to suffer for eternity?
Consider the multiple abortion clinics which laws have protected more than the average citizen on the street? The slaughter of innocent children has the sanction of the government and many individuals who think they are doing a favor to women and children. The court systems and the medical community in many areas not only supports this, but promotes this. Another question. Who is reaching out to the mothers and dads and families with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Who takes the scalpel of the Word of God and uses it to reveal to these individuals that God loves and cares for the unborn and them?
There are multiple organizations and lobbyist groups willing to sacrifice people to the gods of drugs, alcohol, inappropriate sexual behavior, etc., just for profit. The bloodbath has begun and continues.
The church cannot be silent. The beginning of the end is nearer than we may realize.
The Horseman of Famine
The Horseman of Famine
Revelation 6:5–6 (NASB95)
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.”
This horseman initiates poverty and famine. Once again, John uses the word behold, showing his surprise and shock by this rider. Famine is what naturally follows when sources of food are destroyed and those who produce food are eliminated.
Just this past week, federal agents descended on an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania to shut him down, fining him severely, because he was not willing to grow and sell his produce according to federal regulations and guidelines. It was stated that the federal government was intentional in making Mr. Miller an example to everyone else who would not comply with government regulations. Could this be a prelude to one of the methods to create a famine?
The scales are a picture of the rationing of the extremely limited supplies. We see here that a days wages will allow an individual to buy only one loaf of bread. There will be worldwide inflation, possibly caused by a worldwide famine. However, the oil and wine are protected from this.
The book of James reminds us that if we have faith, we will have works. We must reach out to all and present the Jesus of the gospels, who loves the downtrodden and the wealthy. He is the only One Who can provide everlasting peace. He is the only One Who can meet all our needs.
The Horseman of Death
The Horseman of Death
Revelation 6:7–8 (NASB95)
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
The Bible presents this horseman as having a very eerie appearance.
The color is described in various translations: ashen, pale green, pale. Chlōros (ashen), from which the English words “chlorophyll” and “chlorine” derive, refers to a sickly, pale, yellow-green color. He was basically a riding cadaver or corpse.
Once this horseman is loosed, 1/4 of the world’s population will die. They will die by one of a variety of means: famine, plague, wild beasts, or the sword. It is as if this horseman is a combination of the preceding three. If you consider the possibility of the current population being around 6 billion people, that means about 1.5 billion people will die. With all of the evil tools available to create death today, considering just the first three horsemen utilizing the sword, famine and plague, it is entirely possible.
The phrase Hades was following with him, is an intriguing phrase. It is almost like a grave digger is following after, to bury those who were killed.
The judgments are becoming increasingly intense. Yet this is nothing compared to what is upcoming.
You can see these four horsemen represent the beginning of the end. Christ has waited for at least 2000 years. We do not know how much longer He will choose to wait.
We cannot afford the luxury of our trying to get ahead or accomplish certain things for our own sake. We need to be like the athletes who will give everything they have to win the competition. We must be willing to do whatever it takes to reach out to the lost and the wandering, and present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is only then, when the thought of the end will not be so frightening. Because once a person knows Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, they will know for certain where they will spend eternity.
The Bible is very clear in its many warnings. Here we can agree wholeheartedly with Hebrews 10.31 “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Maybe we need to think often of our friends, coworkers, family members, neighbors who are still lost and seriously consider what was written in Hebrews 2.3 “how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? “
As we near the beginning of the end, we must do all we can to bring people to Christ.