Matthew 6:19-24 - Part 1 - A Proper Perspective Toward Wealth

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First study of two looking at this section on the topic of: “A Proper Perspective on Wealth”

The Key: Verse 21 The Heart

If a person gets their heart right with God they will be able to see clearly the place of wealth (verses 22-23), they will not allow it to be their God (verse 21) and they will not horde but use it for God’s kingdom and purposes (19-21).

Verses 25-34 A Proper Perspective on Needs: Verses 25, 31, 34 “Do no worry”

But by far the greatest danger is to have one’s heart locked on to money where it controls them and their actions, decisions and perspectives on life. 

Believe 272

Prayer 371

Love 714

Giving 2162

Example: lottery ticket, it was spent in my mind before I had it, redeem it at your mother’s house or the tooth fairy or at the North Pole with Santa Clause.  Did it to his other brother in law – big money.  I felt I had lost $10,000.00.

Two point:

The blessings of Wealth

The Dangers of Wealth

I.                   The Blessings of Wealth

A.      Do Not Lay Up: Theaoritzatai:

Mr. & Mrs. Thing

“Mr. And Mrs. thing are a very pleasant and successful couple, at least that is the verdict of most people who tend to measure success with a thingometer.

When the thingometer is put to work with Mr. And Mrs. thing, the result is startling.

There he is sitting down on a very luxurious and expensive thing, almost hidden by a very large number of things.

Things to sit on, things to sit at, things to cook on, things to eat from, all shinning and new things. 

Things, things, things.

Things to clean with and things to wash with, and things to clean and things to wash. 

Things to amuse and things to give pleasure.

Things to watch and things to play.

Things for the long hot summer and things for the short winter.

Things for the big thing in which they live and things for the garden, and things for the lounge, things for the kitchen and things for the bedroom.

Things of four wheels and things on two wheels, things to put on top of the four wheels and things to pull behind the four wheels, and things to add to the interior of the thing on the four wheels.

Things, Things, Things!

And there in the middle are Mr. and Mrs. thing smiling and pleased with things.

Thinking of more things to add to their things.

Well Mr. Thing, I have some bad news for you.  Oh, you say you can’t hear me because your things are in the way.

Well, I just want to know that your things can’t last.

They are going to pass, there is going to be an end to them.

Oh, maybe and error in judgment, maybe a temporary loss of concentration.  Or maybe you will just pass them off to the things yard.

What about all the things in your house, well time for bed, put out the cat, make sure you lock the door and hop some thing taker doesn’t come and take your things.

And that is the way life goes, doesn’t it.

And some day when you die, they only put one thing in the box.  You!

B.      Theaoritzatai:

1.       We get the word – Thesaurus (a treasury of words): so it’s a play on words – treasure up not treasures.

2.       Don’t pile them up Literally to stash it somewhere.

3.       The word emphasizes placing something horizontally:

a.       It is not being an attempt to be safe or wise, but piling it up.

b.       It is not being used, it is just stacked up.

c.        No active purposeful use, just pile it up.

d.       Not our necessities to meet needs or for future: Luxury.

e.        That which is beyond what you are able to use – so you just keep them stored.

f.        He is not talking about having a savings account, savings, insurance, investment, retirement planning these are not forbidden.

The gospel is not that we should not have anything and sell it all.  He only said that to the rich young ruler.

Example: My garage – I just can’t get rid of those things even though I have no idea what they are!

I must keep them even though I have no idea or of what value it is.

I have been convicted but not enough to motivate me to clean the garage!

C.      The Proper Perspective

1.       Deuteronomy 8:18 – “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth.”

a.       Often those who have money are made to feel guilty in the Church as if wealth itself is evil, which is not the case: the Bible stresses the attitude of the heart and the perspective of where it came from!

2.       Read these passages:

a.       1 Corinthians 4:7

b.       1 Timothy 6:17

3.       OT NT Examples

a.       Abraham was rich and was called a friend of God

b.       Blessed Solomon with finances

c.        Job – wealthy – waxed his porch with butter 29:6

d.       Joseph of Arimathea – a rich man (tomb)

e.        Barnabas was able to sell a field and give the money to the church

f.        Annanias and Sapphira were able to do the same but for a different motive

D.      Purposes of Money

1.       1 Timothy 5:8 – to take care of your household through hard work

2.       2 Corinthians 12:14 – parents provide for the children

3.       Principles from Proverbs

a.       Proverbs 6:6-10 – go to the ant – plan for the future

b.       Proverbs 10:4-5

c.        Proverbs 13:22 –  wanting to bless even your grandchildren

d.       14:23 – work hard for your money or else come to poverty from too much talk – unless you are a pastor!

e.        22:7 – a borrower is a servant to the lender

f.        24:3-4 – knowledge fills it with pleasant things.

g.        24:30-34 – the filed of the sluggard

II.                The Dangers

A.      Lay Up Not – 1 Timothy 6:10

1.       It is the love of money – not money itself that is the problem: You can love it without having a penny!

B.      Examples:

1.       Lose Life: Judas went out and hung himself eventually and then his bowels gushed out and Ann and Saphira

2.       Demas – a forsaking of the ministry – 2 Timothy 4:9-10

3.       Haggai 1:2-6 – a forsaking of the Lord’s work leads to God blowing your money away!

4.       Achan: Loss of family, Joshua 7:20-21, 22-26 – instead of inheriting the Promised Land – he died with his family.

5.       Solomon – 1 Kings 11:1-8 – the power corrupted this man

a.       Thus: Ecclesiastes 1:1; 12:13-14 Vanity, all is vanity

C.      Closing Scriptures:

1.       Key: not so much what you have but is a matter of the heart!

2.       Greedy, covetous, stingy, selfish, hord it, stock pile and indulge self then it is wrong.

3.       Colossians 3:5

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